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"Are you coming again?"

Ye Chen carried his hands on his back and looked at Qingmen Jianmen and others lightly.

Liu Ji, who had just spoken loudly, his face was blue and white, his eyes were spitting fire, and he was about to speak, but the old man behind him suddenly stepped forward and said: "Your Excellency, we have served."

This old man is Xu Huaiyi, the head of the sword gate in Qinghai. Although he has mediocre skills, he has heard of Ye Chen's name. Although he feels that there is an exaggerated element in his heart, he dare not try it out casually and can only bow his head.

Seeing that Ye Mai's maids were so powerful, Tang Shiyu couldn't help but rejoice in her heart. She made a decision to let Ye Chen join the team on the spot, and then immediately led the team to set off.

"The cave house of the old man of Xingxie is located in the Lingxiang Mountain near Yanjing. The whole journey takes about three days. Please be prepared for camping in the wild."

Tang Shiyu immediately showed a shrewd and capable side as soon as he brought up the matter, and organized things in an orderly manner.

The ten elite special forces under her were already ready, but the group of people in Jianmen, Qinghai, knew the place in advance and brought things in advance.

They are like preparing to go on a jungle expedition, and have been well prepared. The backpack was stuffed with sleeping bags, military food, tents, water bottles, sabers, etc... Only Ye Chen and Sayuri Aokawa were wearing simple casual clothes, as if going out for a picnic.

Upon seeing this, Xie Shiyu couldn't help but persuade; "Mr. Ye, among the Lingxiang Mountains, it is not a tourist place. Not only are there many poisonous beasts and beasts, but the terrain is also extremely dangerous.

Ye Chen said lightly: "No problem."

Seeing that his old **** was there, although Xie Shiyu frowned, he didn't speak anymore, and said in secret: "Ah, these warriors are still more rebellious than one, and they can only let their men bring two sets of equipment, When they suffer in the forest, they will naturally come to us for help."

Soon, a team of nearly 20 people stepped into the deep forest.

At the beginning of the journey, many people could be met, but as the road deepened, passersby became scarcer, and only Tang Shiyu and his party remained at the end.

Walking down the road, whether it was Tang Shiyu, the leader, or everyone else, watching Ye Chen's eyes became more and more strange.

"These two guys, trekking in this Lingxiang Mountain, are really like walking on the ground."

Tang Shiyu was more and more shocked to see, and along the way, they have encountered two waves of wolves, a poisonous snake, not to mention countless poisonous giant mosquitoes.

Even the heavily armed soldiers or the warriors of Jianmen in Qinghai are somewhat embarrassed, but Ye Chen and Sayuri in Qingchuan are quite at ease, and even a worm does not fall on them from beginning to end.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when I entered the mountain. Soon, it was dark and everyone was ready to stop and rest. The soldiers skillfully set up tents and fires. Taking out fresh water, compressed military food and dehydrated vegetables and other items, began to get busy.

Although Ye Chen has reached the realm of digging the valley, but Qingli Sayuri is not good, not to mention that he doesn’t want to be too shocked, so he stands up and randomly finds a lake and shakes it twice, so he catches several fat fish Come here.

Although there is no seasoning on hand, there are all kinds of exotic flowers in his space ring, just grab a handful and sprinkle it, and the fragrance will overflow.

Like the gentle wife, Qingchuan Sayuri skillfully peeled the fish off the scales, skewered it on the branch and baked it on the fire, and the golden crispy roasted quickly, the fat dripping down.

Others looked at other people's delicious dinners, and then looked at their own tasteless military food, which was called envy and jealousy.

"Colonel, these two guys are probably masters of survival in the wild." Some special forces whispered, "The fish in the lake is very cunning, but they can catch so many fish without any tools, very human. If we face them in this mountain forest, our chances of winning are not great."

Tang Shiyu's eyes narrowed slightly and said lightly: "Don't worry, let's just relax outside and tighten inside. After all, according to Captain Luo Peng, people have released enough goodwill. As long as we abide by the agreement, there should be no problem. "

All of this conversation was heard by Ye Chen. His expression remained unchanged, and he smiled slightly. As long as Tang Shiyu complied with the agreement, he certainly would not conflict with the official people. As for the group of people in Jianmen, Qinghai... they were not taken by him at all.

There was no words that night, and early in the morning, the crowd began to march into the deep forest.

The more people walked, the more surprised they were. Ye Chen and the two seemed to be able to hit game everywhere. Pheasants, hares and flying birds and river fish are all caught by hand, and even once, Ye Chen called a **** bear and greeted everyone to have a good time together.

Finally, in the afternoon of the third day, everyone approached the target.

"If the marking on this military map is correct, then there is a maximum of 300 kilometers, and we are about to reach our destination." Ye Chen took out the map, carefully measured it, and knocked on his hand.

"Master, is there really Xuanxian Cave House? Will it be in danger?" Sayuri Aokawa was worried.

In her mind, the divine realm is already a high existence, and the mysterious fairy above the divine realm is legend and myth. It is like the white-faced golden retriever Jiuwei and the big tengu in the island country.

Ye Chen smiled proudly: "Although you are assured, the old Xingxie is still alive, but why can't you be your master, let alone his cave house?"

He said this, but suddenly his eyes moved, looking forward.

After a few minutes, Xu Huaiyi's face suddenly changed, beckoning everyone to stop.


When Liu Ji and others were amazed, they saw the grass on the opposite side separate and a giant white wolf jumped out. This giant wolf is extremely strong, with a length of four or five meters, just like an ancient beast. But what is even more terrifying is that there is a big man with a muscle tying on top of the white tiger.

Looking at him, he is three points stronger than the giant wolf under his seat. It can be said that the reign of Chu Bawang is also true.

Seeing the appearance of the strong man, Xu Huaiyi shivered, hurriedly stepped forward on one knee and fell to the ground with two knees, said in courtesy: "See Lord Ghost Wolf."

"Vietnam State Division, Wu Sheng Gui Wolf?"

The strength of Longteng's intelligence network is so powerful. Master Tang Shiyu is not a martial arts crowd, but he has seen photos of this strong man and knows that this is a strong enemy.

"Do you want to kill him right here?"

The killing intent in Tang Shiyu's heart just passed by, and the huge white wolf under the ghost wolf immediately roared loudly.

"Huh?" A glint flashed across the ghost wolf's face, looking at Tang Shiyu, "Little girl, do you want to start with this deity?"

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