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Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled silently, his expression as if to say "have the ability to hit me".

Seeing his expression, Qin Shuyao didn't want to fight, and hated his teeth, and felt that it was not bad for Yang An to give this kid a lesson.

But she also knows how much her second aunt values ​​this person. With the name of the Qin family, the surnamed Yang did not dare to do it, so she could only do it.

Yang An, who was furious, did not dare to step forward, and only gave Tang Zongze a glance, and the latter immediately noticed, carrying a glass of wine and laughing, "Mr. Ye?"

Ye Chen turned his head and said lightly: "What advice?"

Tang Zongze's handsome face showed a smile that enchanted the girl: "Don't dare to teach, just thinking that in this hall, only you and I, the two warriors, are considered fate, why don't we have a drink?"

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and lifted his wine glass. He had to clink with the other party. Seeing this, Tang Zongze's eyes flashed with pride.

At this time, he had injected the inner energy into the wine glass. As soon as the two glasses collided, they would immediately burst apart, pouring the wine and the glass fragments, and pouring the other party all over the body. Of course, Tang Zongze deliberately controlled the intensity and hurt People don’t want to, but it’s awkward for sure.

Yang An on the side, already showing a happy expression, just now he had heard Tang Zongze's plan, could not help but open his eyes wide and wait for the show to come.

But just before the wine glasses of the two sides were about to hit together, Qin Shuyao suddenly reached out and held Ye Chen's shoulder and shook his head: "No!"

She is not a member of the martial arts world, nor does she know the name of Tang Zongze's "Quick Hand Holds the Flower", but she instinctively sees a trace from Yang An's expression.

Seeing Qin Shuyao persuading Ye Chen, Yang An immediately coaxed: "Qin Shuyao, you wouldn't control your boyfriend so tightly, don't even let him drink a glass of wine?"

Qin Shuyao immediately blushed and shouted: "Who is his girlfriend, don't talk nonsense!"

However, Yang An didn't dare to make a second time with Qin Shuyao, but turned his head to Ye Chen to arch the fire and said: "Ye's surname Ye, you shouldn't be afraid of this level, don't you dare to drink a glass of wine?"

Yang An shouted quite loudly, attracting the eyes of many people. He was secretly happy. In this case, as long as he is a man who still has a face, it is impossible to admit that he is afraid and will definitely drink that glass of wine. .

In fact, the other party's reaction was as he expected, but Ye Chen shrugged calmly and smiled lightly: "It's okay."

Then he ignored Qin Shuyao and touched the other person with his glass of wine. Qin Shuyao suddenly felt angry and secretly said: "Hum, don't know good people, let you suffer a little bit."

At the same time, Yang An has widened his eyes excitedly, waiting for the moment when the cup cracks!

In the slightly curious eyes of everyone, the two tall crystal glasses bumped together, but... nothing happened.

Tang Zongze's expression changed in vain, he was shocked to find that his inner energy injected into the cup had disappeared without a trace!

"What, what? Is this man stronger than I thought?"

In this small wine glass, the internal energy is used to neutralize the internal energy, but no flaws are revealed, but it takes more than ten times the energy. Could it be that Ye Chen, or a little master?

Despite the doubts in his heart, Tang Zongze was also a person who was quite confident in his own skills. He smiled slightly, and suddenly injected a real energy into the cup.

However, Ye Chen's expression was still calm, and he didn't take back his own glass. He looked at each other with a smile. There was a sense of sight that I hadn't tried hard, and you fell.

"Good boy, really powerful, but will Tang Zongze be afraid of you?"

There was a daunting spirit in Tang Zongze's heart, and he suddenly rushed up. Without holding his hand, he suddenly poured the surging true energy into the wine glass!

But the more he was infused with true energy, the more he was shocked. The other party's wine glass seemed to be a bottomless hole. No matter how much true energy passed, all the visitors refused to accept it. Tang Zongze's fierce anger at this time has been injected into most of his body, and he even blacked out in front of his eyes, and even the ripples did not appear in the other party's wine glass.


At this time, Tang Zongze had already felt the difficulty of riding a tiger. At this time, he had injected too much real energy into the wine glass. If he suddenly withdrew his hands, he might be so angry that the wine glass would be broken together.

At this time, the cup fragments are not so gentle, and they will definitely be sharper than the blade. The young men and women who are waiting to watch jokes around will probably die most of them!

But he wanted to recover his true energy, but he was shocked to find that his body was not controlled at all, and that the internal force was like a faucet with a collapsed gate, flowing into the glass, and he couldn't even get it back.

"If I go on like this, I'm afraid I will be exhausted!"

After all, Tang Zongze is also a master of the martial arts master level. When he gritted his teeth and was about to fight hard, Ye Chen suddenly smiled slightly and took back the cup.

Suddenly, the black hole-like absorption disappeared, and Tang Zongze was finally relieved. One stumbled and almost fell to the ground, but was gently supported by Ye Chen. He lifted the glass again and gently touched his glass. hit.


Tang Zongze swallowed, the sweat on his forehead lingered, and he couldn't even control his breathing. He didn't know where at this time, but Ye Chen's men showed mercy, so he looked at each other's eyes with gratitude and awe.

Qin Shuyao only reacted after the two men drank a glass of Chinese wine, and nothing happened just now?

"Isn't the surname Tang not playing tricks? No, it shouldn't be, look at his expression... Could it be that Ye Chen skillfully solved it?"

Qin Shuyao Bingxue was clever, even though he didn't know what happened, he still guessed eight, nine and ten. Compared with him, Yang Anke has no such eyesight.

After seeing Tang Zongze toasting, he actually let the other party retreat. He was full of dissatisfaction and coughed hard, trying to remind this guy of what he should do.

But Tang Zongze ignored him at all. After toasting, he respectfully clasped his hands in his hands and said: "Your Excellency is so advanced, someone in Tang is ashamed of himself, and dare to ask your honorary name?"

Ye Chen shrugged and said, "My name is Ye Chen."

If today's banquet is a martial arts gathering, then Ye Chen's sentence will definitely become the meeting point of the audience.

This is the most popular name in the recent martial arts circles in China and even in Asia!

The young Wu Sheng, beheaded and killed Qiu Lingyun, defeated Lin Biluo... All sorts of records have made the two names "Ye Chen" almost legendary, almost comparable to Xiao Yi.

Sure enough, after hearing the words Ye Chen, Tang Zongze suddenly changed his complexion, and once he lifted his robe, he would fall to the ground!

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