The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 249: Destroy your door

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I saw Yuri's hands clasped in the void, and there was already a looming golden light in his palm, which instantly turned into a gorgeous and complex magic circle, and gradually solidified into a huge six-pointed star.

On the outside of the six-pointed star, there was another eight-color glow, and Yuli folded his hands together and shouted, "Liuhe eight wilderness, get up!"

In an instant, an invisible force descended from the sky and enveloped Ye Chen in the center. If it is seen by a conscious person, it can be clearly seen. At this time, Ye Chen's body is hung with two figures, the inside is a six-pointed star, and the outside is an irregular octagon.

This is Lin Biluo's signature technique, Liuhe Bahuang curse, and the person bound by the six-pointed star, even if he has a great ability, can't break free, and can only watch as he is crushed into powder.

Once Lin Biluo practiced this method, he strangled a martial arts master who had attacked himself. From then on, he became famous and was respected as the leader of the Aoshima artisan.

At this time, Yuli Shi exhibited, although not as terrible as his master, but it should not be underestimated. For a time, Ye Chen even felt that the aura between heaven and earth was being hollowed out, and his space was gradually being compressed, as if there were a pair of invisible big hands kneading himself hard.

But...too weak.

Ye Chen had already built the Emperor's glazed body at this time. His body was strong and far beyond ordinary imagination. He didn't even bother to cast a spell to counter it. He shook his shoulders casually and shattered the six-pointed star.

He looked at Yuli and said lightly, "Is this the way it is? It seems that what your master taught you is not good."


Yuli's face sank, but he didn't expect this guy to be so powerful. Does he practice foreigner kung fu?

He took a deep breath, showing an absolute look, reaching out to bite **** his index finger, and then smearing blood on his forehead, chanting words in his mouth.


Along with Yuri's roar, a gap cracked fiercely on his forehead, and a ball-shaped object rolled inside twice, protruding out.

"Tianyan! Unexpectedly, this surnamed Ye, actually forced out Mr. Yuli's boxing skills!"

He Cheng, who was watching the battle, looked startled. He, who thought he was holding the victory, felt a little guilty for the first time.

Yuli closed her eyes at this time, only staring at Ye Chen with his eyes just opened on his forehead: "Go to die!"

A dripping of blood rushed into the eyes on his forehead, and then Ye Chen's body suddenly blazed with flames.

Seeing Ye Chen's strokes, He Cheng couldn't help but breathe out. This is the erythrophobia of Lin Biluo, as long as there is aura between heaven and earth, it will never go out, even in the deep sea, inside the ice and snow The enemy burned to ashes!

Other people saw this magical power, and they all had a happy face, cheering for Yuli loudly. In their view, how good is this guy's skill? The whole body is covered with flames, can't you escape?

Half a minute, one minute, five minutes...

Gradually, they began to feel wrong. The flames had been burning for so long, and they shouldn’t have any taste at all. Besides, this guy, why didn’t he say anything from beginning to end? Even if it is burnt to death, there must be a process!

Finally, Ye Chen made a noise. In the incredible eyes of everyone, he moved his neck leisurely and said lightly: "Is this the temperature?"


Everyone on the scene almost glared his eyes to the ground. This guy was burned by flames for five minutes. It seemed that there was nothing at all. Was he still human?

Ignoring other people's expressions, Ye Chen waved his hand, and the flame on his body extinguished, as simple as blowing a candle.

At this time, Yuli's face was as pale as paper, her knotted hands were trembling, and the sky on her forehead was bloody, and she would be blind at any time.

Ye Chen paced towards Yuli and said lightly, "If you don't have any other skills, it's my turn."

Upon hearing this, Yuli's eyes suddenly opened, and a large gulp of blood spewed out. Ye Chen's words had already agitated his mind and could not maintain his eyesight!

Seeing Ye Chen getting closer and closer, Yuli's eyes showed a fearful expression and gritted his teeth: "If you dare to move me, my master will never let you go!"

Ye Chen replied: "I said, Lin Bi fell in my eyes, it was nothing at all, you... even worse than ants."

In this way, he slapped it as if it were a fly, but Yuli's expression was solidified in vain, his eyes widened and his lips wriggled desperately.

"you you……"

He finally failed to finish this sentence, because after two seconds, Yuli's whole body was as if he had fallen into the palm of his bones, and "clicked" on the ground and became a **** water.

At this time, the audience could no longer say half a sentence. Lin Bi’s status on Ao Island was a half higher than that of the Governor. His closed disciple, Ye Chen, also said to kill, this entire venue, Who else dare not move?

Thinking about this, many people began to sneak out, but more people still stayed. They didn't believe it. He Chenghe, the richest man in Ao Island, was here. Could this guy dare to do it again?

After seeing Ye Chen slap Yuli in the palm of his hand, he walked towards himself. He Cheng couldn't help but panicked, but at this moment, a man walked quickly to his side and echoed in a low voice: "Boss, you The necessary things have been found."

Having obtained this information, He Cheng became confident again and said proudly: "Oh, Ye Chen, don't you think you are powerful?"

Ye Chen ignored him at all and was still pressing hard. He Cheng stepped back and took two steps aloud, reading aloud the information in his hand: "Ye Chen, a Yejiazhuang from Jiang province, whose father is Ye Nian, is currently farming at home... …"

Hearing this, Ye Chen's eyes flashed a chill, and said coldly: "You investigate me?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to cast a bogey, He Cheng returned to his previous indifferent attitude, and said with a smile: "Oh, Dazi, you are still too small to look at my forces."

"Since you appeared, I've been instructed to investigate the eighteen generations of your ancestors clearly. If you dare to move me today, I am afraid that none of your family and friends can survive."

Hearing this, Ye Chen raised a noisy killing in his eyes, and shouted: "No one can threaten me with my family. You are the first one."

He Cheng said without fear: "I threaten you, what can I do?"

Ye Chen's hands suddenly flashed a blue flame, coldly said: "In order to appreciate your guts, I want to destroy, you, full, door!"

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