The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 247: You know guilt

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Upon hearing this, He Yingzhuo showed an ecstatic look and shouted, "Sister, come and save me!"

Although he is also a child of the He family, but he only knows how to eat, drink, and play, and He Caiwei, who has entered the business circle early, is not a level of existence at all. He can only count on the domineering of his sister to deter this madman. Hurt yourself.

Soon, He Caiwei walked out of the crowd. She was wearing a bright red evening dress today, and her devil-like figure was set against a rose like a rose. Compared to her hot figure, her flawless face didn't have much makeup, and she looked like a queen.

Su Ying could attract a group of men's eyes with her exposed heavy makeup before, but at this time He Caiwei came, and where else would she care about her?

Su Ying's heart is full of jealousy, but He Caiwei's natural beauty is not that she can match with cosmetics, not to mention the identity and connotation of others, which one is not ten times and one hundred times higher than her Su Ying?

As soon as He Caiwei came out, she had a high queen temperament, which attracted the audience's attention. I saw her feet stepping on the sky, slender, slender and straight beautiful legs swaying outside, so that the eyes of countless elite men straightened, and the saliva drooled without knowing.

Standing behind Ye Chen, she proudly said: "Your Excellency, I don't care who you are, but at the reception of my Ho family so much, even the Governor of Aoshima can't guarantee you!"

Hearing this, everyone applauded and applauded, and all praised Miss He's domineering.

He Yingzhuo was also very happy, shouting loudly: "Ye's surname is Ye, now my sister has come, are you still dare to be arrogant? Have the ability to try another hair for me?"


With a muffled sound, Ye Chen threw He Yingzhuo directly on the ground, letting this guy's face touch the smooth crystal stone ground, and brought him in close contact with his mouth, his eyes crooked, and his nose bones collapsed.


Everyone around the audience took a breath. This continent, dare to commit murder in front of Miss He?

Ye Chen stepped on He Yingzhuo's head with one foot, and then grinded it two more times to get rid of a large piece of hair, saying lightly: "This is what you asked for."

Seeing this scene, He Caiwei burst into anger. Although she didn't like this younger brother, this guy acted so arrogantly in front of his own face, it was like hitting He's face!

He Caiwei's eyes suddenly cooled down and shouted: "Security, take this guy to me!"

Hearing this, the five brawny men with strong waists rushed up with a smile, but within two seconds, they all lay on the ground and groaned nonstop, even the strength to stand up was gone.

But He Caiwei was still calm, she said coldly: "Do you think you can martial arts with two hands, can you challenge my family? If today, if you are not allowed to ask for mercy on your knees, I will write the three words He Caiwei upside down!"

At this time, Ye Chen said lightly: "The creditor came to the door, did you actually greet with this attitude?"

Upon hearing his voice, He Caiwei was agitated, revealing a horrified look, what kind of ladylike manners, and the majesty of the He family were left behind, and he stepped back a few steps in a row, screaming in shock: "I, I don't know you!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen snorted slowly, and slowly turned around, said lightly: "You owe me a life, dare you say you don't know me?"


Seeing Ye Chen's face, He Caiwei screamed directly and fell down on the ground, his body trembling like a sieve, and his lips wriggled.

During this time, she seems to have saved her grandfather, made great contributions, and the scenery is infinite. In fact, every night, she will wake up in her sleep.

Every nightmare, she dreamed of Jiang Shangyuexia, walking Jiao hissing, and... the swordmand that seemed to break the space!

Whenever this time, He Caiwei couldn't help shrinking into a ball, trembling non-stop, how could she forget that that Ye Xianshi came over the river and cut the sword? How could you forget that if you let him wait too long, this horrible existence that can kill even the walking jiao will come to the door personally, asking for the jewel?

But there was no way. After He was rescued, Grandpa He immediately turned his face and snarled her out. Afterwards, He Caiwei tried a few times, only to get Grandpa's scolding, but had no choice but to give up.

But in the deepest part of his heart, He Caiwei knew that that person would come to ask for debts someday, and at that time, what the He family would have to pay was far beyond imagination!

Looking at Ye Chen's cold expression, standing proudly in front of him, He Caiwei only felt cold all over. This person, this person finally came!

Seeing Ye Chen was not slow or slow, he slowly walked towards himself, He Caiwei's expression finally collapsed, crying out loudly: "Don't come! Don't come!"

Ye Chen sneered: "Why, Miss He, just now you said that you would let me kneel down and beg for mercy?"

He Caiwei at this time, where can I still take care of what he just said, using both hands and feet, crawling desperately back, shouting while crawling: "No, it's not like this, I have thought of a way, Grandpa does not agree!"

Hearing Miss He's crying, the men around were suddenly restless, and now the goddess is in trouble. It is a good chance for the hero to save the beauty!

Many men with self-knowledge looked at the security guard lying on the ground, and then looked at their sub-healthy body, and chose to give up wisely, but there were always some guys who could not see themselves clearly, and they were stunned by beauty and jumped. Came out in front of Ye Chen.

The first one is a handsome young man. He pointed at Ye Chen and yelled out loudly: "Continent, you are so brave, do you know who I am? Do you dare to move anyone in this hall today?" , My father will catch you up and sentence him to a hundred years!"

Hearing this, there was a commotion in the crowd. The person who spoke was Chen Chen, the son of the chief judge of Ao Dao. He used his father’s name on weekdays, and he didn’t know how many girls were ruined. hero.

Many people have disdain on their faces, but there are also guys who feel annoyed. Yeah, even if this surnamed Ye is even more powerful, dare to move the judge's son? I already knew that I should have jumped out just now. I don't want to let go of Miss He's favorability. It would be nice to be able to sell He's family!

Seeing Ye Chen stopped, Chen Chen burst into a ecstasy and shouted loudly: "Continent, don't think you can fight, you can do whatever you like on our island of Australia. You scared Miss He today, and you will say that you will be sentenced to 20 years He, the young man who was injured, must be sentenced to at least fifty years! In addition, the various costs of compensation add up to less than one billion yuan. You are done!"

Hearing this, the people around them burst into warm applause. Even if they didn't feel good about Chen Chen, they were also very impressed with his move to save Miss He, and they all cheered for cheering.

"Young Master Chen, good!"

"Hey, let this continent know the power of Ao Dao!"

"Death penalty, death penalty!"


Listening to the loud cheers of the people around him, He Caiwei also exhaled, and looked at Chen Chen with gratitude. The latter saw Miss Da He actually showing good to herself, and she was immediately overjoyed, pointing at Ye Chen with energy and imitating her father. Shouted:

"Now, are you guilty?"

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