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This is quite a big statement, but the crowd on the crowd no longer dared to ridicule and ridicule, but in the face of horror, guess who this ordinary-looking man is.

What surprised them even more was that, after standing up and giving orders, the boss knelt at Ye Chen’s feet again, and looked at her respectful and submissive look, as if it was a kind of glory.

Witnessing all the thoughts in Zhang Ben's mind, he suddenly remembered the news I had seen the other day, and suddenly couldn't help but screamed: "You, are you Ye Chen?!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately took a breath. The ordinary man in front of him gradually looked like the person they saw on TV that day.

"It turns out so! No wonder he just dismissed me as such, no wonder he dare to call Shen San Gongzi's name, no wonder the famous boss Hong Ying, so obedient in front of him..."

Zhang Ben thought this way, his head was already full of cold sweat, and could not help but secretly say: "Because he is the chairman of the East China Union Chamber of Commerce, he can do whatever he wants in the entire East China area, and what he wants is the same as the underground faucet!"

He thought that in the end, he almost peeed his pants, he actually tried to grab such a scary girlfriend?

Others, after knowing Ye Chen's identity, were also amazed. The female fans of King were shrinking behind at this time, fearing that they would be liquidated.

Zhang Benyue was more and more afraid, and suddenly ran to Ye Chen in a few steps, "Pun Tong" knelt down and said loudly: "Yes, sorry Ye Xianshi, I have no eyes, I dare to hit your girlfriend's idea, it's damn!" "

He said this, he thumped his head "booming", even if it came with a severe pain on his forehead, even if he was hit with dizziness and dizziness, he would not dare to stop.

Because this one in front of him, but a casual sentence, is enough to make his family's horrifying existence evaporate in the world!

Seeing this guy in a state of embarrassment, Ye Chen said lightly: "Get up."

Hearing this, Zhang Ben dared to raise his head slowly, only to hear Ye Chen said lightly: "Liu Bingyao is not my girlfriend, but you can no longer be his editor."

Zhang Ben is an agitated spirit, but how dare he say nothing? Only nodded: "Yes."

After saying this, he stepped back in a panic. When he saw this guy, Sayuri Aokawa smiled and said: "Master, let's go to the box, let the slave-servant serve you well."

Ye Chen was also uncomfortable with the awe and surprise in the people around him. Although he never cared about the ants, he was not interested in being seen as a monkey.

However, this sentence made Liu Bingyao misunderstand. Although Qingli Sayuri's face at this time is easy to dress, she is also charming and charming, and she has more mature than she did.

So the girl immediately said jealously: "Ye Chen, who is she?"

Ye Chen calmly said: "You have heard, she is my servant."

Hearing this, Liu Bingyao felt uncomfortable and couldn't help but think of a certain possibility. She was full of bitterness in her heart and suddenly stood up and said, "I'll go back first."

Ye Chen raised her eyebrows and said lightly: "Okay."

Seeing that the other party did not retain themselves, Liu Bingyao snorted, turned and strode out of the door.

If at ordinary times this kind of beauty quarrels with her boyfriend, there will definitely be countless men who will catch up and try to comfort the leak, but who knows Ye Chen's identity, who dares to know whether to die or not?

Liu Bingyao rushed out of the bar and saw that Ye Chen didn't come out to chase herself, but was angered, stomping the ground hard while walking, whispering: "Dead leaf dust, stinky leaf dust, people also know that you have many women, all acquiesced. Can't you coax me?"

Just as she walked with her head down and vented her anger, a voice suddenly came: "Well, who bullied my lovely cousin?"

Hearing this, Liu Bingyao's body suddenly stiffened, slowly raised his head, and said in horrified voice: "Ruochen cousin?"

Then a handsome man slowly walked out from under the tree and smiled lightly: "Remember me, I thought you had such a happy time here and forgot all the things at home."

Upon hearing this, Liu Bingyao's body began to tremble. The man in front of him is one of the four big families in Yanjing, Liu Ruochen, the eldest son of the Liu family's heirs!

From small to large, she could only look at each other from a distance, and heard her parents telling her with envy and awe: "That is the future patriarch of the Liu family, and she must not disobey his words."

At this time, Ye Chen was not around. Liu Bingyao could only hold the jade in his arms desperately to give himself courage. Then he dared to ask: "Cousin... how did you come to Haicheng?"

Liu Ruochen lightly laughed: "Naturally came to pick my good cousin home and become married."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Bingyao was excited, and immediately raised his head and yelled, "I don't want it!"

Liu Ruochen narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, "Huh?"

Just a short word made Liu Bingyao sweaty. She stepped back two steps, her legs shook violently, and she could hardly say anything else.

Seeing her like this, Liu Ruochen smiled again: "Come, come back with me, rest assured, to be married to you, not the waste of the Qin family, but Xiao Xiao, the son of the Xiao family!"

Liu Bingyao braved up again and looked up: "But... I already have someone I like."

Liu Ruochen raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Is that Ye Chen?"

Liu Bingyao was agitated and looked up in surprise: "You, how do you know."

Liu Ruochen smiled conceitedly: "This whole Huaxia, what can't I find in the Liu family? I just saw the things in the bar, how can you say that the people of the Liu family can also be small for others? "

Hearing this, Liu Bingyao was paralyzed on the ground, unable to say a word, but Liu Ruochen still said indifferently: "And the son of Xiao Yao is different, but he promised me to the Liu family, marry you The main room. Master Xiao is a dragon among the people. In the future, the master of Yanjing Xiaofu, you will be the envy of Mrs. Xiao, and my Liu family can make friends with the Xiao family, especially Xiao Yijue ..."

Liu Ruochen said more and more excited, but Liu Bingyao suddenly interrupted him, and said coldly: "Cousin, if it wasn't that Xiao Yao wanted to marry me, you and the Liu family would never think of coming to me, right?"

Liu Ruochen was stunned for a while, then the sarcasm smiled on his face, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha!"

For a long while, Liu Ruochen put away his smile, Zhang Kuang said: "My dear cousin, you guessed it at all. If it weren't for the Xiao family's sudden mention of this matter, the Liu family including your parents would never think of it. You guys!"

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