The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 207: Snow God Xuanbing Mantra

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At this time, nine water tornadoes were sweeping through the sky, and almost the entire Bishuitan was sealed. The momentum was so great that it seemed to drown the entire northern Jiangsu.

Seeing this situation, the Zhao family's father and daughter were already so shocked that they could not speak. Han Qingshan and Wang Duo even knelt down and knocked on the ground again and again, begging the old patriarch to show mercy and raise his noble hands to let him go.

At this time, the old patriarch completely ignored everything and stared at Ye Chen happily, laughing: "Ye Chen, I don't believe you are still dead! I will use your corpse and soul to commemorate my child's spirit in heaven!"

Ye Chen calmly said: "You don't have that ability yet."

After all, he pointed his hand, and a powerful wave rose into the sky, not inferior to the water scroll of the old patriarch.

The old patriarch suddenly took a breath of air, horrified and said, "You, do you still have water spells?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "In this world, there is no technique that I would not use."

With that said, he shook his hand and proudly said: "Ning!"

In an instant, the wave he called out condensed into ice, and the cold ice was still unrelenting, spreading towards the pool, and it meant that the entire Bishuitan was frozen.

The ice system and water system are originally homologous. Ye Chen is very familiar with this morphological change. If you want to deal with the old Sect Master's Jiulong Shenshen Formation, it is not too simple.

"No, how is this is this possible!"

The old patriarch shouted in horror, but the ice was spreading very fast, and half of the water pool had frozen in the blink of an eye. The black turtle roared and tried to escape, but couldn't move at all. Gradually, the guy's body began to be covered with ice.

But the nine tornadoes beside it still roared as before, and there was a cold smile on the old patriarch's face, as if the scheme had succeeded.

Ye Chen raised her eyebrows and said lightly, "Can't you see it when I see it? The spirit on the black turtle is just a shadow. Your real soul has been scattered into the surrounding water column tornado."

The old Sect Master's expression changed, and then he smiled and said: "Good boy, it is really powerful, but even if you find out, what can you do? My nine robbers' ability to control water drops is far from what you can imagine!"

Ye Chen disdainfully said: "It is not the law of the symbiosis of the nine souls. These nine water tornadoes must be broken at the same time. Even if there is only a little left, you can use the water to regenerate."

This said, the expression of the old patriarch finally solidified completely. This treasure's secret can be said to be the supreme secret of the Yin Guizong Sect. Even his own son doesn't know why, why can this kid named Ye Ye break it casually?

By now, he finally felt fear, and if he had a body, he would probably tremble. But after all, the old patriarch, after a lot of battles, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, I don't care how you know this secret, but even if you know it, what can you do? Can you kill me? You can also derive this from the Bishuitan Are all nine tornadoes broken?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "I don't even need to smash them at the same time."

Having said that, he picked a finger, and a crystal-like drop-shaped gem appeared in his palm.

This is the water droplet that contains the spirit of the entire Canglan River!

With his power, he does not need to consume all the aura at all, as long as he extracts a little bit and uses it as a casting medium.

"Snow God Xuan Bing Mantra."

I only heard him drink lightly, and the frost suddenly began to condense in the surrounding air. This spell is the high-level spell of Xue Shenzong. Even if it is Ye Chen, it can only be exerted with the help of foreign objects at this time. The power can be imagined. know.

Only a moment later, the entire Bishuitan coagulated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black turtle, which had lost its black armor, was frozen into a huge ice lump directly in the roar. The nine water tornadoes have been condensed for the most part.

At this time, the old patriarch finally panicked, and his face appeared on one of the water columns, anxiously said: "Wait, wait! Ye Xianshi, I have served, please let the villain die, I am willing to lead The entire Yin Guizong surrenders to you, and everything in the three provinces of East China can do whatever you want!"

Ye Chen's expressionless face, still urging the magic spell, seeing that the ice had spread to his neck, the old patriarch raised his head in despair, shouting indiscriminately: "No, no, don't kill me, I'm willing to offer the entire Yin The treasure of Guizong will help you to reach the **** realm!"

Ye Chen was still unmoved, and said lightly: "For me, God Realm is nothing more than ants. Where do you need you?"

When he said this, Han Bing had covered most of the old patriarch’s face. He knew he was not spared, so he grinned: "Don’t surname Ye, don’t be complacent. Mr. Qiu Lingyun and Qiu Lao will arrive in northern Jiangsu soon. , No matter how strong you are, you will be wiped out in the palm of Ben Lei. I, waiting for you in hell..."

Finally, Ji Bing covered the entire Bibo Lake, and the old Sect Master's face was completely frozen, and he blocked the words that he hadn't finished.

Among the glaciers up to tens of meters, Ye Chen carried his hands on his shoulders and stood proudly, just like the snow **** came into the world.

The three fathers and daughters of the Zhao family, already shaking with excitement, bowed to the ground. Ye Chen ignored these people at all. He waved his hand, and the glacier collapsed suddenly, and a black and ink bead flew out of it.

Ye Chen held it in his hand, and his eyes showed a delighted look. These nine robbery control waterdrops, but the rare water-based Lingbao, matched with the aura water droplets in his hand, is even more powerful! I just don't know why this treasure fell on the earth.

He scratched his finger and cut open the beast directly, and took out a half-dry heart from it. Although this thing is ugly, there is a trace of Xuanwu blood in it.

"With these few things, I can do some cultivation in advance."

There was a trace of excitement in Ye Chen's eyes, and he waved his hand again. The extremely solid ice was suddenly melted, and the Bishuitan returned to its previous sparkling state.

This move, in the eyes of those who are watching, is already tantamount to gods.

Ye Chen had just landed on the ground, and Master Han Qingshan’s King Duo quickly ran up. He threw himself down at the foot of Ye Chen with a thump, and said loudly, “Congratulations to Master Ye Xian for his victory. Immortal Master went to Tanghuohuohu, and said nothing!"

These two guys, when facing Ye Chen before, were extremely arrogant, and then they showed a dogleg in front of the old patriarch. I don't know how at this time, they still have a face to say this to Ye Chen.

When Zhao Yaer heard these words, he immediately couldn't bear it, and screamed angrily: "The two of you are also old-fashioned figures in the martial arts world. Do you know what is polite and shameful?"

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