The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1674: Ye Chen injured

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The brilliance of the purple and green colors bursting through the sky, the power of the fusion of gods, was only exerted by the strong beasts of the level of the Spirit Beast Peak and the elder Taishang. The power was terrifying, even if it was the Daxianzun. It is also death or injury.

But Jian Nu smiled and did not resist, looking directly at Ye Chen.

At this time, the blood-colored Jianmang had shot in front of Ye Chen. Ziqing is still halfway along.

"Are you hiding or not hiding at this time?"

Although the sword slave's breath declined, he still smiled happily, and looked at Ye Chen with a smile. Obviously Jianmang will be more brilliant than Ziqing, hitting Ye Chen first. He was betting that Ye Chen would let it go first and disperse his attack to dodge.

But in the horrified eyes of the sword slaves and the people around them. Ye Chen kept shining, and let the blood-colored Jianmang slam onto his shoulder.

"How is it possible? Why don't you hide?"

The sword slave's eyes were raised, full of inexplicable meaning. But at this time, Ziqing Guangren had rushed to him in an instant, like a desolate, penetrating through his chest, shooting straight into the sky.

Under one blow, the sword master, the deputy master of the Immortal Sword Sect, died!



The purple and green beams of light penetrated from the sword slave's chest and shot straight into the sky, hitting the **** array on the border of the central galaxy all the way. On the invincible patron saint, left a hole with a depth of two or three meters.

And the sword slave, with a horrified look in his eyes.

However, the vitality of Immortal Venerable is extremely strong, even more so, even if the flesh is destroyed by Ye Chen's blow, and all vitality is cut off, but he is still not dead, and the spirit is still alive.

And if they are rescued in time, sword slaves can even reshape their bodies without even losing much.

"Why don't you hide? Are you afraid of dying?"

Even at this time, the spirit of the sword slave was still looking at Ye Chen, wondering. His sword is enough to kill all the gods in the world. Where is Ye Chen's self-confidence and dare to block that sword with his flesh?


At this time, the ten-foot-long blood-colored sword awn was also firmly cut on Ye Chen's left shoulder.

Ye Chen's powerful body protector, Zhenyuan, was split by Jianmang almost at the first moment, and then the bright red sword gas fell on Ye Chen's shoulder. The split Ye Chen's figure flickered, and the black robe was split directly. , Revealing a shoulder with a faint glow of nine colors.

This sword was really fierce. Even Ye Chen's three complete body protectors, together with the three great gods' completeness, were all unfolded with a sword and slightly injured.

But this is just the beginning, and the real trick is here.


A three-foot-long silver ray rushed out of the sword's qi and slashed in the air.

This silver light is a magical sword in the hands of sword slaves!

The whole body is made of mysterious mysterious silver, the sword handle is like a feather, the sword body is carved with dense lines, like human blood vessels, and two small seal characters-Baihong are carved on the handle.

If you can see Jianxiu Da, you must exclaim:

The blood cuts the dragon sword!

This is a legendary method of imperial sword. With blood refining the sword, pouring your own blood on the flying sword. After tens of thousands of years of hard work, the mind and the sword unite to become the supreme sword fairy. It stands to reason that this is a legendary kendo that has long been lost. I did not expect that the sword sword immortal master had mastered this sword technique.

Bai Hongjian slashed at Ye Chen's shoulder. This handle held the power of the three Immortal Venerables, and the **** treasure flying sword, which was sacrificed by the sword slave with the blood sword, almost possessed the power to split the world.

Even Ye Chen seemed to be unable to bear it. With a loud bang, his body crashed into the void directly, smashing the void and other life, and the time and space overflowed.

"how about it?"

Xumi Xunzun and others seemed nervous.

This is already regarded as a full blow by them, and they pay the price of the sword slave's flesh. If they can't kill Ye Chen, they will have no other way.

"Can Shuangye Xianzun carry it?"

The masters in front of the water curtain also held their breath.

This war is terrifying, and its results will inevitably shake the world. Whether Ye Chen wins or Xu Mixianzun and others wins, it will profoundly affect the pattern of the entire universe.

The Qingchuan Sakura and Venerable Peng, who are most confident in Ye Chen, all had a meal in their hearts and clenched their fists.

Seeing Ye Chen split into the void with a sword, the sword slave laughed:

"Shuangye Xianzun, why do you have to change your life with me, why bother. I am a strong man who is expected to step through the robbery, what can't I talk about?"

Despite the extinction of sword slaves, it is not difficult to resurrect the flesh and soul. But after all, the Jianxin **** body, which has been practicing hard for millions of years, is destroyed, how can the sword slave not hate it? There was strong hatred in his laughter.

It was a pity that while he was laughing wildly, a rainbow burst into the sky from the crack of the void, and jumped into the sky.

Above a height of 100 meters, stood a black-haired man in black, Ye Ye was awesome.

What is different from before is that Ye Chen's flesh is blooming with three colors of mans from inside to outside. Through the transparent body, you can see that each of his bones is crystal clear like jade, his internal organs are like brilliant diamonds, and there is mercury-like blood in the blood vessels. All over him, like the body of glass.

A **** treasure flying sword Bai Hongjian, stuck on Ye Chen's shoulder, although he cut the skin, but was stuck by the bone.

"It didn't die?"

Jiannu's pupil shrank.

"Bing muscle jade bone, glazed jade body, silver-blooded golden pupil... Is he a body that has become a torture?"

Seeing this scene, Xun Xianzun and Tianlu Xianzun changed color at the same time.

They have reached the apex of the universe comprehension, and their knowledge of crossing the border is far superior to ordinary people. There are peculiarities in the ancient books that record the body of the cross-robbery, and Ye Chen’s flesh, even in the ancient record of the cross-robbery, is the top. After all, even the emperor, emperor, sea emperor, Hades, etc. The strong man can only cultivate his own divine perfection, which is like Ye Chen's three great divinities.

Such a horrible flesh, and the protection of the nine gods, I am afraid that under the robbery, only a few can hurt Ye Chen. Xumi Zun looked almost at a glance, despair in his heart, knowing that this battle was hopeless.


Seeing Ye Chen was okay, Qingchuan Ying and others were relieved, and even the Izumo sacred girl could not help but patted her chest. It was because she had been the sage girl supported by the Five Great Immortals that she knew more about the horror of that sword.


Ye Chen reached out and pulled out the white rainbow sword inlaid on his left shoulder. His eyes were cold and said: "Since the three great gods have been consummated, you are the first to hurt me. You can be proud of yourself by this alone."

On his shoulder, a half-inch deep sword mark was cut.

The sword marks are about an inch long, and Ye Chen's crystal clear muscles are cut open to reveal the jade-like shoulder bones inside. A small gap appeared on the jade bone, corresponding to it, but Bai Hongjian's body was covered with huge cracks, like cracks in ice. A burst of wailing sounded in Ye Chen's hands, which seemed to break apart at any time.

You know, this is a treasure!

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