The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1647: Cut the galaxy!

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A violent alarm sounded at the Neptune Command Center.

Sitting on Neptune's half-step true fairy, looking proudly at the water curtain, the bright red **** red awn.

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as the jury of the court said, everyone, our task is coming. When Shuangye Xianzun leaves the galaxy, immediately start the falcon, completely destroy the earth, and let the universe see the courage to offend me. The end!"

"Bad, lord!"

While he was proud, the soldiers next to him were wide-eyed and horrified: "Frost, Frost Leaf Immortal Sovereign is flying towards us!"


The half-step Zhenxian was so scared that he jumped from his chair and shouted, "Impossible, this planet is already inaccessible, and there is a Divine Array hidden. How could the Frost Leaf Xianzun find it here?"

He didn't know how careful Ye Chen's mind was, and he had expected all the followers of the Court of Truth, so before he left the galaxy, he must bury his pawns!

"Your Excellency, are we going to send Feng Falcon to take off and intercept immediately?"

A soldier asked quietly.

"No takeoff, no takeoff!"

That half-step Zhenxian jumped up and shouted, "I immediately informed the court that this guy is not something we can cope with, hurry, hurry and hold my breath, pray that he will not find us!"

But it was too late. As Ye Chen approached, a large golden hand suddenly fell from the sky, and the truth court forces hidden above Neptune had no time to make any parry. The incomparable falcon was not spared.


Ye Chen's thoughts are like a mercury diarrhea, spreading all the way, all the way to find a planet with the power of the truth court, directly kill the door, uproot it, so as not to harm this group of guys after they leave.


"Warning, warning, it is already covered with rain star territory, you must stop immediately, otherwise it will be regarded as an act of war..."

The huge falcon saw Ye Chen from afar, and began to release police training.


Blood Rainbow folds in the air, and explodes at a speed several times the speed of light.

"Boom Boom--!"

Almost within a few fingers, these Falcons were too late to escape, and were cut into pieces by Blood Rainbow. Next, Xue Hong did not stop, smashing the power of the truth court above the rain star with a palm, and continued to rush away.

"Oh, uh--!"

In the universe, one falcon after another turns into a fireball under the blood rainbow.

Ye Chen didn't use the flying sword spell at all, but just rushed over with his flesh and slammed these horrible war instruments into two pieces. Not to mention avoiding them, they did not even let go of the Divine Array's asylum, and they all fell.

But in a little while, he has wiped out dozens of forces placed in the court of truth...

At this time, a harsh alarm had sounded in the war department in the Truth Tribunal.

More than a dozen wind falcons were destroyed in an instant, which shocked those who were above eyes in the ordinary days.

Minister of War Tai Xuanning, with a serious face, looked at the screen. On the screen, a dazzling red dot is passing through the cosmic galaxy at a very fast speed, and is flying towards the location of the court of truth.

"My Excellency Minister, I have ordered all the falcons along the road to take off, and I must stop Shuangye Xianzun, and I will never let him rush over!"

The deputy minister next to them hurriedly reported: "As long as he can be stopped outside the truth galaxy, our heavy firepower will surely be able to kill him completely!"

"Not enough, Falcon is far from enough, and Garuda was dispatched!"

Tai Xuanning looked at the screen, and the air falcon disappeared in an instant like a moth fluttering the fire, and the sudden expression changed.


Everyone was shocked, if the wind falcon was just like the **** treasure above the deterrent, then Jialouda was above the **** treasure in terms of cost and actual power, almost second only to the level of the supreme **** treasure!

To use the metaphor of the earth, the wind falcon is nothing but a fighter plane, but Garuda is a terrifying aircraft carrier!


Truth Galaxy boundary, Dayi star.

The Garuda Seventh Fleet of the Court of Truth normally docks here. Today, Jialouda was ordered to go to sea. By the time the Garuda fleet was dispatched, how complicated things were, so until now, the Red Maple Garuda had just drove out hundreds of meters, and had not left the Dayi Planet.

"Somehow today, the red guard was ordered above, and Garuda went out to sea. Could it be that the aliens are crazy and want to join forces to attack the Great Star?"

The fairy army manipulating Garuda couldn't help but mumble.

Most people do not know why they are fighting, or even who the enemy they are facing.

"Relax, the alien race was overwhelmed by the five great immortals, and the most powerful demon race was destroyed not long ago. With the courage of ten other alien races, they dare not come over."

The fairy army next to him laughed.


At this time, a harsh alarm sounded. Everyone's face suddenly changed, and this alert represented an enemy attack. The enemy is about to attack Dayixing.

The eight planets of benevolence, faithfulness, loyalty, loyalty and filial piety that can guard the truth on the frontier of the Galaxy River have not been fought for a million years. Not to mention that this fairy army that manipulates Galodda, even if it is their grandfather, even grandpa’s grandpa, They are all new to this alarm.

"Strange, where is the enemy? Did you pull the wrong alarm?"


Many truth court soldiers who rushed out of the room were also puzzled.


Suddenly, a thunderous sound resounded over the Dayi Star. Just like a fighter pulling through low altitude, everyone could not help looking up, they saw that a blood rainbow across the sky, splitting the entire planet in half, came from west to east and stopped in the sky.

Among the blood rainbows, there was a figure standing proudly, and the figure was burning with blood flames, just like the demon descended from hell.

"this is……"

The fairy army of countless truth courts stunned and looked at the blood shadow standing in the sky. And when the red maple, Jialouda, saw the blood shadow, it was as if someone kicked in the buttocks and started crazy, trying to escape to the sea.


A cold voice came from the blood shadow.

Immediately afterwards, a golden magic knife with purple electricity and a thunder-fire of heaven and earth, which was hundreds of feet long, fell from the sky, and was slashed on the top of the red maple.

This rack weighs hundreds of thousands of tons and is more than 400 meters long. It is covered with Mithril Fine Gold, and there are several **** arrays to protect Jialouda. In front of Chen Lei's Sky Sword, it is like a tofu. Cut in two, and slowly disintegrate in the sea of ​​stars, turning into dust in the universe...

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