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If there are two immortals in Shuangyelou that surprise everyone, then the power of the Holy See is terrifying.

How many tens of thousands of years have there been no pure blood and bright people in the universe today? As soon as the Saint Michelle came out, even the five immortals could not help but cast their eyes.

Just when everyone thought that Frost Yelou was going to lose, Ye Chen's appearance shocked his eyes.

That instant, the whole building is quiet.

"What did I see, Shuangye Xianzun?"

After a long time, only one person started to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, countless people talked about it, and everyone clamored without notice, expressing the wonder and shock in their hearts. Ye Chen apparently died under Qiu Daoyu, how could he come back alive?

Numerous self-cultivators wailed and lamented the appearance of Ye Chen.

Next, the entire live screen is Ye Chen's unique show. He even cut a lot of ways, knifed the saints, imprisoned Michelle, and even cleaned countless people with **** thunder.

"Fortunately, I didn't go to Shuangyelou."

Many people made a happy voice.

More people fell into shock. This is the first time they saw that Ye Chen's mighty shot. The force that shattered the mountain and torn the sky so easily that everyone was shaken.

"This is the first person under Immortal Sect, and this is Shuangye Xianzun."

Many people bowed their heads and said.

"Even Tiansha begged Daoyu to kill him, what could threaten Frost Leaf Immortal Venerable?"

A Lao Tianjun groaned. Suddenly, the whole building is silent.

Qiu Daoyu is already the most powerful weapon that ordinary monks can think of. Although it is said that the magical Xianzong’s Qiu Dao jade is the strongest of the five great immortals, and its power is even stronger than that of Tiansha Qiu Daoyu. It's too hard to hit Ye Chen again.

"Shuangye Xianzun, after this battle, I am afraid to stand in the world, no one can restrain."

Someone sighed.

"By the way, the Truth Court seems to have arrested Shuang Ye Xianzun's wife for trial."

Suddenly someone called again.

In an instant, countless people looked at each other.

Yeah, is Guren still in the hands of the court of truth? With the character of Shuangye Xianzun, Jiusi must report. Is it possible that Shuangye Xianzun is going to fight the court of truth? This is an earth-shattering event that shakes the universe, far from being comparable to a few dead ascensions.

To know that behind the Court of Truth, but Daoxuan Xianzong!


The return of Shuangye Xianzun spread throughout the universe in an instant. Everyone was discussing and marveling, and the most discussed thing was his fight with the court of truth.

"At this time, the Truth Tribunal is threatening with monstrous force, and it might not come back in a fierce manner. The two tigers fighting, there must be a wound. I think Shuangye Xianzun may not be an opponent of the Truth Tribunal."

A wise man analyzed slowly, and heard everyone around him nodding.

Ye Chen is no longer powerful, but behind the court of truth, there is Daoxuan Xuan Xianzong sitting in town. No matter how you look at this battle, Ye Chen has no chance of winning.

Although many famous scholars were shocked by Ye Chen's return, they shook their heads after analyzing:

"Shuangye Xianzun disappeared after only a month's disappearance. Obviously, he was seriously injured under Qiu Daoyu. This means Qiu Daoyu can still kill him. The last time was just a Heavenly Qiu Daoyu, the next time could be ten. One or even a hundred!"

"There is Dao Xuanxian Sect behind the truth court, and Qiu Daoyu is very rare for others, but there are definitely many in the truth court.

"And in order to do a good job of Daoxuan Xianzong's dog legs, the court of truth will not give in."

In fact, within the Truth Tribunal, there are also many hardline voices:

"One piece of Daoyu did not solve the Frost Leaf Immortal Venerable, then we will cast ten."

"This time, you can't back away, but this is what the Sect Master personally ordered, to completely remove Frost Leaf Immortal Venerable!"

"Yes, there is no unified argument within the five great immortals. The demon immortal master and the frost leaf immortal are good. The master is not good at acting, so we must do this thing well!"

"Prepare the Mojing Cannon, Falcon, Crossbow Car and Luozhou. All the masters in the court are on alert. This time, we will fight to the end!"


This group of people who have been talking about each other is just a peripheral member of the Court of Truth. The planet where the Court of Truth is located is in an unknown valley.

Underneath the valley, in a base full of future science fiction, there are several bald men discussing with each other. These men have fair skin and transparent blood vessels, and they can see the light blue blood inside, and their eyes shine blue.

"Master Judge, Shuangye Xianzun is back alive."

"It seems that we underestimated the strength of Shuangye Xianzun. It is really difficult to kill him from the explosion center across the sea of ​​blood from Wan Yaoxing."

"The next time you want to seduce him to use Qiu Dao Yu, it will be too difficult. Be careful of Shuang Ye Xianzun's revenge."

Several jurors were reviewing one after another, and standing in the center, a man with two pupils and a deep blue sea slowly said: "It's okay, we still have the last hole card, as long as you master her, you will grasp the lifeblood of Shuangye Xianzun. ."

"You are talking about..."

The jurors glanced at each other, and they all saw the excitement in the other's eyes.


At this time, above the Red Maple Mountain, the battle was a little rest.

Ye Chen opened the Divine Array and invited many friends and people who came to help the fist into the real Frost Leaf Pavilion. The surging aura within the Blue Dragon Formation and many elixirs shocked the eyes of the greedy wolf and others.

"It's too luxurious. With so many immortal elixir, if you give us dragon, how many masters can be trained."

The broken army smashed his tongue.

In the Frost Leaf Pavilion, everyone sat on the floor.

Ye Chen's successful return made the Qin Hongshuang couple, as well as Venerable Peng, Qingchuan Ying and others, surrounded by him. Qin Hongshuang even held Ye Chen, crying, and worried about dying.

"Relax, mom, I'm fine."

Ye Chen smiled.

Qingchuan Sayuri and others were on the sidelines, although smiling, there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

"what happened?"

Ye Chen was so keen and immediately noticed that something was wrong. He looked around and suddenly said with a heavy face: "Honglian? Why is she not here?"

After Ye Chen broke through the barrier, he quickly hurried back and heard that Frost Yelou was surrounded.

"Madam... she was detained by the Truth Court."

Qingchuan Sayuri said gulpingly.


Ye Chen burst into flames, killing the sky, everyone felt that the entire hall suddenly felt as if the air had solidified. Ye Chen and his family were Ye Chen’s anti-scales. Ye Chen had never been so angry when he was sent to the court of truth.

"Don't worry, Xiaochen, the people in the truth court know that you will come back and they will definitely send Guren back."

Qin Hongshuang quickly persuaded.

Qin Shuang and others also nodded, thinking that the Truth Tribunal would not make things big. When the time comes, Honglian will be sent back, apologizing. As Haotian Holy Land did, this matter was over.

"Humph, hope so."

Ye Chen snorted coldly, preparing to get up immediately to save Honglian.

At this moment, the greedy wolf suddenly broke in, carrying a communication crystal ball, and the pretty face was full of panic: "The court of truth is going to openly try Miss Red Lotus, and live broadcast to the universe, it has begun!"

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