The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1638: Bright people!

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"It's a holy ship! Legend has it that the Holy See BC would sit on this ship when he toured the world. It can float in the sky and won't fall for seven days and nights. I didn't expect the Holy See to drive it all."

Someone's face changed wildly and said.


The holy ship descended, and a team emerged from the fish, dressed in red clothes, with a vigorous bishop. There are nine people, each with an endless holy light condensed on it, which is comparable to the same.

"Nine Respected Archbishops!"

Countless people took a breath. Even Frost Leaf saw it, and his pupils shrank.

Next, he was full of blonde hair, like a wrathful guardian of the Paladin Drake, his hands carefully helped an old man in linen. The old man is like a dead wood, without any vitality on his body, like a mortal, but everyone knows him.

"The contemporary Pope of the Holy See, the great prophet Frank!"


The old man in the linen cloth coughed lightly and his eyes narrowed: "Shuangye Xianzun boarded my church and forcibly took dozens of holy objects from my church, as well as many ancient secret books. Please send them to Shuangyelou."

"Huh, the master has never been to the Holy See, let alone any holy tools. How could the ruins of your Holy See be in the eyes of the Master, you are lying."

Qingchuan Ying stood up and scolded.

"But it is true that Shuangye Xianzun killed my righteous brother Ling Xiao, and it is known all over the world."

Master Miaoyan took a step forward.

"Yes, my son was beheaded by Frost Leaf Xianzun, this hatred is not common!"

Miao Qingqing's eyes almost burst into flames, but her big hatred was genuine, but Ye Chen was here, and she didn't dare to come to ask for crimes through her hundred guts.

"And I……"

"me too……"

A master of self-cultivation stood up and accused Shuangyelou. Except that Shi Laozhen remained neutral and had no beginning, the other cosmic strongmen were all on the side of the Holy See. The frost leaves everyone's eyes cold.

"It's useless to say more, you want to destroy me Shuangyelou, despite the battle."

Lu Xinghe stepped out in one step, and the nebula's sword gas rose to the sky like a flame.

He has long been in a joint path, and after one or two years of hard work, coupled with Qingchuan Sakura's guidance of Jiu Xuan Wan Jian Jue, he has reached the middle of the path, and his combat power is not inferior to the peak of the path. Seeing this scene of Jian Qi breaking through the sky, many people's faces changed.


Qingchuan Sayuri, Ye Nian and Qin Hongshuang stood out one after another. Including the small gray carbon leaf snow, but also against the previous weak appearance, I tried my best.

Each of them is a monk in the same realm, plus a lot of quasi-shenbao and Xianbao given by Ye Chen. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is no worse than the best of the world. Coupled with the two silently standing there and not shooting, but Qingyuan Sakura and Venerable Yoshihide of Yuanzhu Yuezhi, many monks who wanted to take advantage of the situation to beat down the water dog hesitated.

At first glance, Lu Xinghe is not easy to provoke; Ye Xue is even more famous, but is Ye Chen's daughter, standing together; Ye Nian, Qin Hongshuang, Sayuri and others are disciples of the Immortal Sect, and their cultivation is far from ordinary monks.

The **** axe in the hands of Venerable Peng and the weeping blood sword in the waist of Qingchuan Sakura are the quasi-god treasures of Megatron Galaxy. Once in the hands of the five demon kings, I don’t know how many soars have been killed. fear.

"It is indeed the gate of Shuangye Xianzun. The background of Shuangyelou is too deep."

Many people secretly smashed their tongues. With these people alone, it was enough to sweep the night.


At this moment, the old man in linen suddenly sighed, and suddenly took a step and reached out his left hand: "God has mercy on the world, but it is a pity that the world is stupid and not only awe."

Bang -!

Like the **** of the Tianhe River, the endless surging light of the Holy Power blooms from the old man and shakes the world. The entire Red Maple Mountain trembles violently under the foot of the old man, as if to collapse.

A giant light hand with a size of tens of meters is like the palm of God, falling from the sky and pressing down the frost leaves.

Before the giant palm arrived, the terrifying momentum shocked everyone to be frightened. I did not expect that this area of ​​the earth is a projectile place. There are actually such masters.

"This is the prestige of the Ascension Saint, enough to crush everything together."

Countless people were frightened.

Even Lu Xinghe et al. couldn't withstand the power of the ascending powerhouse. When the giant palm of the light was about to come down and crush the frost leaves.

Suddenly, a big thunder hand suddenly appeared, holding the bright giant palm.


"Your Majesty the Pope, you are a guest, so it's rude to do so."

An old voice came from Hongfeng Mountain.

The big predictor Frank's pupil shrank.


Everyone was shocked and looked away.

I saw a Huafa old man and stood out from the crowd. The old man's Eguan Bo belt, with wide sleeves and wind, looks like a fairy. Every move he made was in harmony with the heavens, as if bringing the power of heaven and earth. Feet did not step into the ground at all, and floated out of thin air.


Knowing what this scene represents, all took a breath. In addition to Ye Chen, Shuangyelou even has a fairy statue? This is beyond everyone's imagination. Even the broken army, the greedy wolf, and others, all froze, daring not imagine.

"Isn't that Venerable Peng? How did he become Immortal Venerable?"

Greedy dumbfounded.

The eyes of everyone could not help looking at the Holy See, to see how they chose.

"Unexpectedly, Shuangyelou actually still has Immortal Venerable, and is a strong ascending mid-level, I look down on Shuangye Immortal Venerable."

The old man with a sigh sighed, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Fortunately, I made a first-hand preparation, Master Son, please take it."


A young man with a barefoot robe and eyes like the blue ocean came out.

As the teenager came, a pair of bright wings of tens of meters in length slowly bloomed from behind him. The wings were lifelike and vivid, as if they were real, and the young man was like a **** descending on the earth, more powerful and purer than the great prophet Frank, and the light power contained in his body overwhelmed the audience.

"this is……"

Venerable Peng's pupils shrank, his expression unprecedentedly dignified.

"Guangming tribe?"


Not only Venerable Peng, but countless others also exclaimed, but the former is a monk in the universe, the latter is a native monk on the earth, and their name for this boy is also derived from the records in their respective historical and ancient books. It is the first time today See you.

"Isn't it saying that the Guangming tribe has long been extinct? It's all mixed blood now, how could there be such a pure and vigorous divine power?"

The twin wings behind the Son are almost as real as they are, far from being as unbearable as the mixed-blood Guangming people slaughtered by Ye Chen. This is very similar to the legendary angel.

"My name is Michelle, the child of God."

The Son spoke, speaking in an aria-like voice, and the people had never heard his language, but they immediately understood the meaning and could not help but be shocked.

Is this a heir to a god?

The background of the Holy See is really horrible, and there is still a pure blood and bright family!

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