The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1635: House seemingly endless rain

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The leaking house was in the midst of the night rain, and no one thought that the Black Rock War would actually be an internal work. He took advantage of people's surprise and wounded a small gray charcoal leaf snow, who could not really show his true strength, and took away the leaves. Dust's wife Honglian!

It’s self-evident who he sent the masterpiece...

At this time, the deepest part of the blood sea is where the starry portal is.

There is a giant cocoon of nine colors, lying there. The giant cocoon is tens of meters in size, like a super huge bird egg. Around the giant cocoon, the evaporating 10,000 demon stars and the huge hollows below the ground are showing the horror power of Qi Daoyu's explosion.

The giant cocoon was suspended there quietly, as if it had been over a thousand years, ten thousand years. Suddenly, a white jade-like palm broke through the giant cocoon and stretched out.

"Kala Kala--!"

The giant cocoon suddenly cracked a gap, and then split like a spider web, showing the scene.

Under the **** door where Ye Chen sat cross-legged, there was a golden light shining all over him, and in the golden light was the dazzling golden flame armor. A woman shining with silver awns curled up in his arms.


Ye Chen opened her eyes slowly, and the crackling sound sounded, and the golden flame armor outside his body turned into a sky of fireworks. Ye Chen's real body appeared.

At this time Ye Chen was naked, and his clothes shattered under Qiu Daoyu's horror power.

On the divine body like sapphire glass, there are even traces of cracks. Although these traces are very small, they are like a cobweb, covered with leaf dust all over the body, everywhere. At this time, he was as beautiful and fragile as the broken blue and white porcelain vase.

Qiu Daoyu's power is too strong, Ye Chen is still at the center of the explosion, withstanding the heat that is more terrible than the star.

"If it were just me, I might not be injured, but there is also the Izumo Maiden, and the starry portal."

Ye Chen sighed softly as he glanced at the silver-shining woman.

In the burst of Qi Daoyu explosion, infinite light and heat shine through the ten thousand demon stars. Ye Chen directly pulled Izumo Sister into her arms, then propped up the body protection magic power, and released the true element with all her strength.

The first appearance is the Suzaku deity, then the middle layer is the Pluto deity, and the outermost one is the incomparably great holy deity, sheltering a radius of tens of meters. And blessed Jinyan's armor on himself and Saint Izumo.

The three gods appeared completely together, and the Jinyan battle armor finally managed to protect the Izumo maiden, but he was also seriously injured.

Even the monks who cross the robbery are not necessarily able to withstand this internal jade explosion, not to mention that Ye Chen is only flying into the realm now.

"Huh, looking at the light, it should be Daoxuan Xianzong's Tiansha begging for Daoyu. This group of guys in the last life did not throw me with that gadget. Huh, it seems that you want to be flattened by me in this life."

Ye Chen's eyes were cold and cold, and since he was born again, he has hardly ever suffered such a big loss. Even before facing the Demon King with the body of Yuanying, he also has the ability to fight back. After all, this is Dao Xuan Xianzong's Tiansha seeking Daoyu, which is ten times and 100 times more powerful than the Yinyang Yang Daoyu of the Ten Thousand Demon Star River.

"First find a place to heal, and then I want revenge."

Ye Chen directly shot a golden awn, wrapped up the Idol of Izumo, and then set up an escape method, quickly concealed her body, went to a small inaccessible planet, set up a magic circle, and began to heal.

This time, Ye Chen suffered too much injury, and he almost took a beating. Equivalent to being hit by a peak crossing robbery.

Jin Yan's armor was directly broken, and the almost immortal **** body also cracked. But in the realm of Ye Chen, as long as it doesn't die, it will be repaired back for a month or two at most.


The huge True Elemental Aura gathered from all directions into the valley, and the small cracks on Ye Chen's flesh began to disappear gradually, and the whole body recovered a brilliant gem.


When Ye Chen healed, the whole universe changed dramatically due to this battle.

Once almost ruling the entire universe, the demon clan, which is now the top force, has been completely destroyed. Countless human beings are happy and happy. Fortunately, they no longer need to be afraid every day. They are afraid of being taken away by the demon clan. There are even many ordinary people who loudly praise the court of truth.

But in the realm of comprehension, there was a turbulent wave.

Everyone knows that this is not an imploring jade thrown against the Wanyaoxing River, but an attack against Ye Chen. Everyone is waiting to see what happens, Ye Chen is dead.

After a few days, I waited until the explosion of Yu Wei dissipated. The Tribunal of Truth hurriedly dispatched people to go deep into the Wanyaoxing River to explore Ye Chen's life and death. But the Wanxianxing River has turned into a black hole at this time, and it is even more difficult to enter the depths. The progress of the court of truth has been slow.

With the passage of time, one day, two days, three days... Ye Chen never showed up.

"Shuangye Xianzun died in the explosion of Qiu Daoyu!"

This voice is getting louder and louder. At first, it was only a question of a few people, and later it became the consensus of the entire universe. Although no corpses have been found, many people have stated that the proximity to the explosion center is such a huge temperature that is more horrible than the stars, which can vaporize all matter, and Ye Chen may have disappeared.

On the earth, the Western realm, countless people are cheering and celebrating the death of Ye Chen. Ye Chen has been on the European and American comprehension circles for too long. Not long ago, it was followed by the five demon kings. The death of him made the European and American comprehensions relieved.

"Shuangye Xianzun did go to Wanxianxing, and he is not a robbery, and may not be able to carry Qiu Daoyu."

A holy man from the Holy See stood up and declared publicly that he was a powerful man in the ascending realm, which immediately attracted everyone to worship.

At this time, all the people on the planet discovered that the Holy See even had a powerful ascendant. The saint publicly stated that Ye Chen couldn't bear to ask for Tao, and suddenly became the last straw to overwhelm the camel. The whole world is convinced that Ye Chen is dead.

"Since then, Se Wushuang Ye Xianzun!"

Countless people are regretful in the realm of earth cultivation. They watched and watched, Ye Chen grew up step by step, ascended to the sky and became the first person in the world, casting an invincible myth. Today, this myth finally fell.

And it is the court of truth and the Taoist Xuanzong who ended this myth by hand.

"The power of the Five Great Immortal Sects is still too horrible, and he didn't even take action in person. Daoxuan Immortal Sect only sacrificed a jade begging Dao and sent his younger brother the Truth Court to smooth out the frosted Yexian Zun."

Countless people have palpitations. The horror powers of the Five Great Immortals are suppressed by other monks. Those monks who want to follow Frost Leaf Immortal Venerate and establish the sixth Great Immortal Sect are also disappeared and dare not jump out. .

Like the Son of the Sun, Yuyao Fairy waited for Ye Chen to join the Frost Yelou. The true fairy also publicly declared that he had mistrusted people and rebelled against teaching.

For a time, the disciples of Frost Yelou were in danger of themselves, and at this time, the most vicious blow finally arrived.

The Truth Tribunal publicly declared that Shuangyelou was disrespectful to Xianzong and should be punished according to law!

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