The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1633: Seek the power of jade!

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At the beginning, the Izumo maiden also had a dream, dreaming that there would be a prince charming like a **** descended, driving a colorful auspicious cloud into the demon star, and saving herself from such a situation as a dog.

At that time she thought that she would let go of all arrogance and fall in love with the one who saved herself. She patiently endured and waited hard...

This level is half a million years.

Fifty million years, what a long and long time, long enough to smooth out all the corners of the sacred Lady Yun, so that she became dull and dull, honestly as a dog.

However, just when she felt that she would live this kind of life forever, Ye Chen was really like a god, slashed into the Ten Thousand Beast Stars, cut the five ancestors, and saved herself.

But the Izumo sage girl knows that she has never been forever and will not deserve him...

"Everyone is a human race, so why don't you say thank you, but it's a pity that you just took a step slower, otherwise you can save the little guys."

Ye Chen said quietly that when the sacrificial circle was opened, he slowed down and did not react. The hundreds of slaves were sucked into dry corpses. This debt was written by Ye Chen on the head of the demon ancestor, so they must be killed.

"Well...Your excellency Gao Yi, the little girl must bear in mind."

Saint Izumo's eyes dimmed, then he smiled and looked up, quickly covering up the past. It was just in her heart that there was an urge to cry, and a thought crossed her mind.

"Now my body of the broken flower and the willow, even if he is his maid, I'm afraid he can't look down on it..."


In the blood sea, there is a kind of heavy seal, and the more you go inside, the greater the obstacle, and it seems to be enemies of the entire world. But the Panlong Golden Sword God shook the world, and whatever the obstacle was to block the seal, the knife was split.

Zimang chased deeper and deeper, when the time broke through a constraint, and an ancient palace appeared in front of him.

The temple, standing in the depths of the blood sea, is completely made of white bones and is tens of meters high. The sparkle above the gate seemed to lead to a different world.

"finally reached!"

Ye Chen's eyes lighted up, and the electric light flashed, and he rushed to the gate.

Although this hall is in the sea of ​​blood, there is no drop of blood within a hundred meters. As if there was an invisible barrier, it enveloped it and stood safely at the deepest point of the ten thousand demon stars.

"Ah? What is this?"

Upon seeing this, the Izumo maiden shoved her small mouth. Although she had been a slave on the Ten Thousand Stars for fifty years, she never knew the existence of this thing.

The gate was extremely grisly, with white bones piled up, bones of fierce beasts, and alien bodies, but the human skull was the most. A vast and ancient atmosphere emerged from the gate as if it were a magic gate leading to hell.

"This is the hall of the demon emperor, the place where the demon emperors lived, and the wealth accumulated by my demon clan is in it."

The last demon ancestor collapsed before the gate. It seemed that he was preparing to escape into the hall, but the injury was too serious, so he had no strength to escape here.

Half of its body was cut by Ye Chen, and only half of its bat wings were left. And the scary Purple Thunder, jumping on the wound, still corrodes the body of the demon ancestor. Although it was the first demon ancestor, in the face of such injuries, it also gradually declined and died on the verge of death.

"Well, you just said this deliberately to lie to me. This is just a portal to the sky, leading to the depths of the universe, a certain star, or a certain star field."

Ye Chen walked back to the gate with his hands on his back and gently stroked the detective.

"Oh, do people with such strength have only this kind of courage? This is your inferior existence of human beings, and you will only be worthy of being slaves!"

The demon ancestor laughed happily, coughing up black blood clots while laughing.

"A radical method is useless to me."

Ye Chen flicked a finger, and a golden and black flame flew out.

The golden flame of Suzaku jumped out suddenly and landed on the demon ancestor suddenly. Without even screaming, this guy was burned to ashes, and even the soul of the **** was annihilated.

"This demon ancestor has seen my strength, but he also said that he wanted to introduce me to it. This only shows one thing. Either it is extremely dangerous. Even if I enter now, I will definitely die, or it is the thing inside. It has nothing to do with the demon race, it can't help me to rush in and hit both sides."

"Of course, it may be both..."

Ye Chen's expression was serious, and looking at the entire universe, there was no doubt that he would die. There are very few existences, even the five great immortals, who meet these two conditions at the same time...

A noun flashed quickly in his mind.

"Overlord Galaxy."

The three emperors of the Sea Emperor and the Hades are all genuine monks in the cross-border situation. Now they may still be able to retreat in the face of a cross-border, and if they face the three, they will die!

"No, the portal is still not activated... So to speak, the whole demon seems to be the watchdog of the Overlord Galaxy?"

Ye Chen had to continue to think, but suddenly felt a terrible pressure from the sky!

"what happened?"

When Izumo Sister saw Ye Chen stopped, she turned around and asked.

Ye Chen's pupils shrank sharply, and his face was unprecedentedly dignified.

His gaze crossed Saint Izumo and looked over the head. I saw the blood sea above, suddenly shining bright light. The light was incredibly hot, shining through the thousands of celestial stars, illuminating the whole sky, like a small sun shining on the celestial stars.


A fiery mushroom cloud rises above the Wanxianxing.

The mushroom cloud is so dazzling, mixed with horrible light and heat, rushing in all directions, shaking the whole world, just like the annihilation of stars, even in the surrounding galaxy, it can be clearly seen. Countless people raised their heads and stared dumbfounded at the scene.

At this moment, countless monks horrified a shocking spirit, and looked up in the direction of Wanxianxing River, and saw Wanxianxing shrouded in thick fog, and suddenly a bright light illuminated.

The light was so dazzling, as if the supernova exploded, and the eyes were blank in an instant.

Then a cloud of white mushrooms rose slowly. The mushroom cloud contains horrible light and heat, rushing into the sky and going up to several thousand meters, like a volcanic eruption, even if it is clearly visible in other galaxy. In the end, it was the violent shock waves and sounds. Tear apart the dense fog above the celestial star, and surged in all directions.

"this is……"

Countless young monks took a breath. Why have they seen such a horrible scene? If you are in the Wanxian Galaxy, even if it is the outermost planet, I am afraid it will be too late to escape, and it will be instantly annihilated, even the soul of the gods is not left.

Those older monks were even more horrified, especially the old immortal venerable who had lived for millions of years. He couldn't even hold the things in his hands, and his body shivered.

"Qiu...Jiu Daoyu, some people used Qiu Daoyu in the Wanxian Xinghe. Could it be that the world was in chaos in the ancient times, and will the war scenes of the hegemony fight for hegemony break out again?"

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