The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1631: Power of galaxy

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Ye Chen is too lazy to talk nonsense, these stupid dark demon clan, in his eyes, is nothing more than ants. After killing these guys, he will have to blood wash the whole demon star river to avenge this human who died in the blood sea !


Zi Lei shines across the sky, Ye Chen holds a golden long knife and stabs it out.

The huge true yuan is instilled into a dozen-foot-long electric dragon. The electric dragon is entangled with thunder, with a terrifying breath of destruction, splitting the void. The surging ten thousand demon stars, under this knife, are separated from it, and a long gully is split.

"Great ancestor, please lend us strength."

The demon ancestors no longer fight hard, they read ancient language in their mouths, like the whisper of **** demons, with the power of evil and filth. When the mantra was remembered, the enchantment of the entire Wanxian Xinghe suddenly began to boil.

Above the sea, the waves churned and the water waves stirred.

In the sky, a **** thunderbolt was hit, and a drop of blood rain like a soybean fell from the sky. The whole world seems to be crying and angry. As the demon ancestors waved their claws, the surging power of the ten thousand demon stars was attracted by them, striking towards Ye Chen.


A monstrous blood wave, like a mountain and a rock, rises to the sky with a height of hundreds of meters, lying between Ye Chen and the demon ancestor. Among the blood waves, countless evil blood beasts roared, condensing the extremely filthy air, like a big hand, wanting to talk about Ye Chen dragging into the Nine Nether Hell.


Ye Chen had no sorrow or fear in his eyes.

The violent purple electric thunder dragon, like the angry dragon with claws and dancing claws, directly splits the 100-meter blood wave from it. Countless red skins, covered with grimace, blood beasts like giant toads, were directly crushed and smashed by the knife. The filthy blood evil was also broken by the thunder knife that had just arrived.


As soon as the blood wave broke, five giant blood giants tens of meters behind were revealed.

These blood giants are purely formed by the condensed blood in the blood sea of ​​the ten thousand demon stars, just like the demon ancestors put on thick armor, coming from all directions to the leaf dust package.

Each punch and claw of theirs makes the void shake, condensing the power of the whole demon star.

"Shuangye Xianzun, do you feel the decline of your power? In this ten thousand demon stars. We are the master of the world. Not only can you not borrow a trace of the power of heaven and earth, but you can't even supplement the power."

The demon ancestor headed with a laugh, Wan Wanxing is the condensed ancestor of the ancient demon clan, like a god. Here, the whole world is blocked. In the ten thousand demon stars, the demon ancestors are gods, and here is their **** kingdom.

Invisible blood-colored chains appeared to be blocked from all directions to Ye Chen. At this time, Ye Chen seemed to be carrying a heavy burden. This world is not only unable to use strength, but with huge obstacles.

At this time, Ye Chen was like a fish caught in glue.

"What about enemies with the world? I can destroy the world with a single knife."

Ye Chen's eyes were cold and cold, and the sword was in front of him. The purple **** thunder was born and died on the face of the sword, as if it was the end of time.

How vast his strength is, he can fight endlessly for three days and nights without any exhaustion. Moreover, the Pluto God behind him, at the end, can fully devour the supernatural powers and devour the entire sea of ​​blood, but this sea of ​​blood is human blood for a long time, and he does not want to do it.


Ye Chen raised his sword and raised his eyebrows, and slowly pushed it out, as if pushing the door.


The knife came out, quietly, without the shock of the sky and the thunder dragon.

But the air seemed to condense at this moment, the void was cut from it, and there was an invisible crack. Countless **** chains, broken out of thin air. The big raindrops also suddenly scored.

This invisible wave has continued from Ye Chen's body to the five blood giants. Standing at the forefront, the thirty-meter-tall blood giant holding the dark bottle in his hand suddenly broke open and was cut off by the waist.

The wave of light surged and then moved on.

"Poo, poo, poo--!"

Then there were four blood giants in a row, which were cut off by the sky, until the fifth, the wave of light was exhausted slightly, only splitting the demon ancestor with the withered crown in the waist, and the power was dispersed.

Silently cut the five ancestors!

Ye Chen's knife, stretched across the sky, even the blood sea was unfolded. In front of him, the five demon ancestors were easily broken like tofu with a blow. The pressure of heaven and earth seems to be completely ineffective for him.

"Aoao Aoao!"

The five demon ancestors roared at the same time.

They can't believe that they have used the power of the entire Wanxian Galaxy to completely suppress Ye Chen. But Ye Chen still has such a terrifying power! It should be known that in general, the Immortal Venerable falls into this situation, and at this time, the power of the apotheosis peak is at most exerted. Even if the palms of the five great immortals are taught into the Wanxianxing, they will also be affected.

"How many monster bugs in the area think they can control the field and manipulate the world?"

Ye Chen crossed the knife ahead and smiled disdainfully.


The demon ancestors roared.

Bang -!

The celestial star churned. The surging power of blood evil directly poured into them. Let the five blood giants return to their original state. They extended giant claws to block the void. A chain of blood-colored gods, visible to the naked eye, extended from the void, like a heavy chain, holding Ye Chen firmly in it.

The demon ancestors have not hesitated to use the original power of Wanxian Xinghe, but also have to catch Ye Chen.

"Useless, you are just like a kid driving a truck. This force is too powerful. You can't control it at all."

Ye Chen holds the knife proudly and volleys out with a knife.



At this moment, Ye Chen's whole person and Thunder Knife merged into a purple electric awn and wandered in the sky. The heavy chain of **** gods was split in front of the quasi-spiritual treasure. Dianmang crossed the void of a hundred feet and cut a knife on a blood giant.

The thirty-meter-high blood giant was split in two by Ye Chen from the middle. Among them, more than three meters high, bats with double wings, applied for the horror dark demon clan.

"How can it be?"

The demon ancestor made an incredible voice in his mouth. Then a blood stain appeared on his forehead. Extend all the way, neck, chest, abdomen, and finally split into two. Then a purple electric knife exploded from the bloodstain, and exploded its entire body into slices of blood mist. In the end, the Blood Mist was refined into ashes in Purple Thunder, and the entire Soul of God was blown away by lightning!

The second demon ancestor fell!

Ye Chen held the prestige of the god's treasure, it was terrifying! These demon ancestors, among the demon stars, borrowing the entire demon star river, can explode super first-order combat power.

In other words, those ordinary demon ancestors are like high-level monks in Ascension Realm, and the two leading strongmen are enough to match the ascension peak. But in Ye Chen's hands, it was simply unable to withstand a blow and beheaded!

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