The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1619: Daughter wake up

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Kou Yue showed such humility, and there was no way to do it. Even if he racked his brains, he couldn't think of anyone who would leave the entire galaxy in front of his eyes.

Rather than let the other party ask for it, it is better to take the initiative to give sincerity, so as to give this frost leaf fairy a little more grace, at least not to let the people of Xuanyin Xinghe live in the horror of the blood sacrifice.

"Oh, no need."

Ye Chen smiled, Kou Yue's psychological activity, he can see at a glance, but for the Xuan Chen fairy emperor who once made the entire universe surrender, what is a galaxy?

"Then you want..."

Kou Yue's face was a little bit white. Could it be that Frost Leaf Immortal Lord asked for more than Tianyin Patriarch?

At this time, a man in black robe standing behind Kou Yue suddenly knelt forward and bowed down the tunnel: "The younger Ma Huaquan, who served as the overlord of the Tianyin Sect, met the Frost Leaf Immortal Venerable. May the Immortal Venerable Emperor Qianlong live forever. "

This guy, who is better at playing tricks than Xiuzhen, was originally brought by Kou Yue to dedicate to Ye Chen to kill him. Unexpectedly, he suddenly realized that he seems to have not only a chance to live, but also a great opportunity to be in front of him. .

"I killed Tianyin's ancestor, and evened out your Tianyin sect, would you dare to come and see me?" Ye Chen smiled, smiling.

"The powerful man in the Ascension Realm has boundless mana, and I just want to escape, and I can't escape your control. And there is a greatest asset in front of Xianzun. I need me to help you control Xianzun."

Ma Huaquan shivered and looked up.

"What wealth?"

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Tianyin Sect, and the entire Xuanyin Galaxy."

Ma Huaquan cut the railway.

When Kou Yue heard this, her face suddenly turned blue.

"Master Xianzun, the Tianyin Sect has been rooted in the Xuanyin Xinghe for millions of years, from top to bottom, from various sects to civilians, all of us from the Tianyin Sect. You certainly killed the Tianyin ancestors. , But the branches of the Tianyin Sect are still there, as long as someone is assigned to control them, they can quickly control the entire Xuanyin Xinghe."

Ma Huaquan said more fluently and talked eloquently: "Whether Xuanyin Xinghe is located in a remote place, it is not as good as the central Xinghe, but it is an entire galaxy after all. The value is infinite, and the gold is difficult to change. As long as you have me The help of Xuanyin Xinghe will be above 100 billion people. You will be born and killed, and you will be what you want. You are a well-deserved emperor of the entire Xinghe!"

Ye Chen had to admit that MCA's remarks were indeed very tempting.

Xuanyin galaxy is far richer than the extraterrestrial galaxy. If it is managed well, it may not be the next Izumo shrine or even the demon galaxy.

However, Ye Chen's previous life overlooked the universe and set foot on all races. Why would you care about this place?

At this moment, Ma Huaquan was still very excited, talking happily, sitting on his own dream in Xuanyin galaxy, above a person under 10,000 people, and the next moment, his head had fallen to the ground.

Ye Chen's sword was so fast that no one could see what was happening, almost no blood was flowing out, and when the head fell to the ground, there was still a desire for joy and ambition.

Ye Chen didn't even look at this kind of trickery, and said lightly to Kou Yue: "Take this guy out, you will deal with the matter of Xuanyin Xinghe. The children will be sent home, even if we are clear."

"Just...just like that?"

Kou Yue could hardly believe his ears. Is there such a person in the world who does not care about any wealth and power?

Ye Chen said lightly: "Why, you still want to stay and discuss some other things with me?"

Hearing the intention of chasing guests in the other party's words, Kou Yue of course stood up and said goodbye. After leaving the inn, he finally couldn't restrain himself. His eyes were filled with tears of excitement, and he looked at his compatriots with hope in front of him. Can't help but open his arms wide open:

"Thank you Shuangye Xianzun, we are free!"

Suddenly, all the people around were boiling.

"Long Live the Frost Ye Xianzun!"

"Praise Frost Ye Xianzun!"

"Shuangye Xianzun is supreme!"


Since then, in Xuanyin Xingyin, Shuangye Xianzun has almost become the existence of God on earth. Even before eating, many people have to pray to Shuangye Xianzun piously before eating, this kind of custom It has been passed down from generation to generation, and even experienced millions of years, and the Tianyin ancestor that once ruled the Xuanyin Xinghe for millions of years has long been forgotten.

At the same time, the entire universe is boiling again.

"What? Shuangye Xianzun actually placed the whole Xuanyin galaxy in front of her eyes without being moved?"

"Just kidding, with his cultivation base, plus the resources of Xuanyin Xinghe, it is not possible to invest with all directions? It will not be impossible to establish the sixth largest immortal sect by then. He actually laughed at it. ?"

"Yeah, Shuangye Xianzun seems to have no ambitions. Except those monks who take the initiative to confess, there is no open recruitment, otherwise there will definitely be more people to surrender, not to mention Xianzong, a holy place is not appropriate. It’s properly established, and it’s still the most powerful holy place than Haotian Holy Land."

"Hey, so Xuanyin Xinghe is not a land of no ownership at this time? Look at my old Zhu to get a piece of soup."

"Do you dare? Shuangye Xianzun can still speak out before leaving. From now on, the prosperity and decline of the Xuanyin Xinghe will be determined by its aborigines. You ran over to share a slice of soup, which is to refute his face, Hey, I don’t think he’s going to do it himself, there will be countless hopes to please his old man and swarm you up to make you dead.”

", I'm kidding..."

Ye Chen abandoned a whole galaxy, and let the news of its free development spread quickly. People were astonished at this, and he was not inferior to his terrifying strength.

Cultivators are also people and extremely selfish. For monks who have lived for tens of thousands of years, no matter what kind of children, relatives and friends are, it is nothing. Some people will even connect with themselves in order to be appreciated. The companions who took the oath offered it voluntarily.

A person like Ye Chen who puts such a big power in front of his eyes and does not take it is really a clear stream.

Three days later...

I do not know that I have become the dust of the characters in the entire universe. At this time, I have returned to the earth and stood in the quiet room of the Holy Heaven Palace.

Not to mention a mysterious galaxy at this time, even if the wealth of the entire universe is in front of him, he will not look at it more.

Because in front of his eyes, a giant cocoon exuding colorful light is slowly unfolding, revealing the delicate and jade-like face of the little girl inside. Although the girl has not yet awakened, she already has a timid temperament on her face. Endless love.

Finally, the girl's eyes slowly opened, seeing the smiling Ye Chen, and the red lotus crying.

"Little gray carbon, welcome back..."

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