The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1616: Broken Mountain Gate!

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Countless people dumbfounded to witness this scene. At this time, the dragon pattern flying sword is like a **** sword slashing out of his hand, representing the sword of heaven punishment. The bright golden sword rainbow, like the Milky Way, fell straight for nine days, with the momentum to cut through the long sky, and it was heavily cut into the Qisha formation.


There was a dull loud noise.

The black mist that shrouded the whole mountain shook violently, and the whole mountain shivered. Above the magic circle, a rift of tens of meters appeared directly, almost breaking the top of the mountain. The many real immortals who presided over the magic circle spurted blood.

The elders said with a terrible face: "We must protect the magic circle, and we must not let Shuangye Xianzun rush in, otherwise our million-year heritage of the Tianyin Sect will be destroyed once."


Everyone nodded vigorously.

But at this time, seeing no success at the blow, Ye Chen was expressionless, but just squeezed the sword tactics again, the bright golden sword awn continued to skyrocket, this time rising to 13 feet, which is forty meters long!

What is the concept of forty meters, which is equivalent to ten-story high-rise buildings, such a sword cut down, it is really ruined.

Ye Chen squeezed his sword tactics, inducing Feijian: "Cut again!"


This time, Jianmangfeng is even better than before. With one blow, a tall building might be cut in half. Under the shocking eyes of countless people, the dark aura on the surface of the Tianyin Sect's altar suddenly shook violently. Then a huge fissure with a length of 50 to 70 meters was cut out of the sky, and even through the fissure, you could see the scene inside the magic circle.

"Poo! Poo—!"

This time, not only five true immortals, but also hundreds of Yuanying Pinnacle disciples all spit out blood at the same time, and several true immortals shuddered and nearly fell to the ground.

"Hold on! Hold on! With one person's strength against the entire Xuanyin galaxy, Shuangye Xianzun absolutely has no third-strike power..."

The elder elder had not finished speaking, and a sapphire-like voice came from heaven:

"Third cut!"


The power of the third sword cannot be described in words. He swelled in black, hunted with long hair, and his eyes were sprayed with blue light, and Zhenyuan of his body had already mentioned the highest peak.

The dazzling golden swordmans skyrocketed to fifteen feet long, and with a single blow, there was almost the horror of the monk crossing the border. In the eyes of everyone, even the Holocaust Volcano seems to be cut in two under this sword.


Qisha plagued the formation first.

The black mist that shrouded the mountain was cut directly by a crack that was hundreds of meters deep.

The entire circle could no longer support it, bursting into bursts, turning into thick smoke and spraying away. Immediately afterwards, the mountain of the Havoc Volcano was also split by Feijian into a gap of tens of meters in length, leading straight to the mountain belly.

As for the five true immortals who presided over the magic circle, and many disciples.

It was even repulsed by the force, and all the blood spurted out. He was seriously injured and languished. Some with shallow mana were killed on the spot. Even two of the five true immortals, because they couldn't bear Ye Chen's sword, were blown into pieces by violent force.

"I...I am Sect of Heaven...Is this dead?"

Big elder sat on the ground, his ears and nostrils were all covered with blood. But he didn't know, as if he was already demented, he couldn't believe it.

"One person surpasses the galaxy, one sword cuts the Immortal Venerable, three swords cuts the Divine Array. Today's deeds, if spread, will inevitably stir the entire universe. No, it shocks the entire universe. Except for the Five Great Immortals and the peak of the Ascension Realm A few others, I am afraid that no one would dare to face the edge of Frost Ye Xianzun."

In the courtyard in the distance, the old clothed man sighed leisurely.

Others were shocked into wood carvings by Ye Chen's feat of brandishing his sword.

In the horrified eyes of the monks of the Xuanyin Xinghe, many high-level Sects of the Tianyin Sect, and countless disciples of the Sect of the Tianyin Sect, Ye Chen, like a god, descended slowly from the cracks on the top of the mountain and flew into the Havoc Volcano.

He carried his hands on his back, in black and black pupils, and hunted by the breeze, descending from the sky, as if the fairy were in the dust.

The seven boys and girls who were kept in iron cages were already fooled.

"This is the hero of my dreams."

The dark-haired girl almost bleeds out.

Only Qingchuan Sayuri, with a smile in his eyes. The pure and weak eyes fell on Ye Chen as if they had crossed the millennium, and they no longer wanted to move away.


Soon, the news came out that Frost Leaf Immortal Sovereign one by one, on the top of the Havoc volcano, beheaded the Tianyin Zong Tianyin ancestor.

In an instant, the galaxy vibrated.

"The battle of immortals! This is the real battle of immortals!"

"Since the Five Great Immortal Sects have ruled the world, how many years has the battle of no Immortal Sovereign happened? The high-level monks in Ascension Realm escaped from time to time in the world. The first public battle of Daxianzun."

"This Frost Leaf Immortal Venerable is terrifying. The general monk in Ascension Realm is not his opponent at all. The Tianyin ancestor of the Tianyin Sect was also a prestigious presence in the universe."

In every corner of the universe, countless people are discussing this matter frantically, venting their excitement.

Since his birth, Ye Chen has refreshed the world's understanding of him time and time again. Now, even in the face of the world, beheaded a high-level monk who ascended the realm.

How does the high order of Feishengjing exist? The Megatron Galaxy is high above, just like a god. Except for the behemoths such as the Five Great Immortals and the Wanxian Xinghe, there is hardly any threat to them. Such an ancient and powerful existence, but was killed by Ye Chen, how can everyone not shake.

"Look at it, there is a record crystal coming out."

Suddenly someone shouted.

"What? This time there is an image streaming out?"

Everyone was shocked. Since Ye Chen's battle, there have been very few videos. When the most sensational beheading of the five demon kings was due to the overwhelming terror, the recording crystal could not work at all.

But this time is different, there are countless monks watching this battle from other planets, many of them are among the real immortals, even if the record of the crystal is not too clear, it is enough to explain many things.

A record of the images on the crystal was quickly purchased by many forces at a high price. It looks like a place like Wanshi Building. It was broadcasted for the first time, so as to attract popularity and attract a large group of monks.

This image was definitely taken by a true fairy, because he was hiding in the atmosphere of the sky star, trying to record everything at the closest distance, the image recording is very stable, and there are huge exclamations from time to time, you can see the photographer The heart was shocked.

In the image, a group of blue light collides with a black fog, fighting frantically at a height of several thousand meters.

Because the distance is too far and it is getting late, the record is not very clear. I can only vaguely see that there seems to be someone in the blue and black mist. The battle lasted for about three minutes, and ended with a bright golden light.

But no matter how unclear it is, it is regarded as a treasure by all walks of life!

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