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It is no wonder that the Sect Master is so surprised that the prestige of the Tianyin Sect can be seen by the reflection of Haotian Holy Land. Even the seven Immortal Venerables dare not provoke, how can a real immortal dare to make ground on Tai Sui?

In any case, this is a big deal.

"Immediately notify all the disciples under the elders to start the defensive circle and the poisonous malaria, each one should be killed!"

Sect Master Tianyin ordered.


The messenger immediately responded aloud and responded loudly.

It was Ye Chen who broke the level. At this time, he was rushing into the volcano at a very fast speed. Because of his eagerness to save people, Ye Chen didn't even bother to cover up. Those who dared not take action would not take a glance at all, but everyone who dared to take action would be beheaded!

But his blatant rush into a case is really conspicuous. Suddenly, the entire Tianyin Sect's forces were in operation.

"Do you want to inform Patriarch?"

A word from the disciples sent the patriarch into contemplation. He was about to speak, but a sneer came from behind him: "There is a common path, there is no need to distract the ancestors. It is enough to have my door."

Hearing this, the original-faced suzerain suddenly smiled pleasedly: "Yes, yes, there are your seventeen elders here, what is it to do together?"

The Sect Master of the Tianyin Sect is not worth mentioning in front of the elders. What the Sect Master can use is only those disciples who are not influential. Only the elders can use the true details of the Sect of the Tianyin Sect. A glance at the so-called suzerain.

"The ancestor has just heard that his favorite disciple has fallen on Yinshan. Now that there are powerful men killing in, do I really think my Tianyin Sect was muddy?"

The seventeen elders groaned and ordered: "Move all the disciples immediately, at all costs, and wipe out the man. I will also let the disciples pass on the disciples to help you."

"Yes, thank you Elder Seventeen!"

The sorrowful Tianyin Sect Master was overjoyed.

But he knew what terrible power those elders' disciples had. Those ordinary disciples who are capable of killing others and intangibles are not comparable to those ordinary disciples under their command.

Under the command of the patriarch, hundreds of thousands of disciples stationed around the havoc volcano quickly mobilized.

Ye Chen came almost in a straight line, with no intention of concealment. His trajectory of movement was soon anticipated by the Tianyin Sect, and he lay down heavily on his way forward.

"The enemy will enter the preset position in ten minutes."

"Magic crystal cannon preparation, crossbow boat preparation, voodoo guard preparation!"

The magic crystal cannon is a high-end holy land and the five celestial ancestors that can only be used by local tyrants in the realm of war. Not only is the cost very precious, each shell is worth a million spirit stones, it can be said that all the money is shot.

Although the crossbow boat is not as exaggerated as the magic crystal cannon, the cost is definitely not low. The fired crossbow arrows are not as high as the shells of the magic crystal cannon in pure power, but the penetration is very scary. The magic crystal cannon is bombed in a large range. It is not necessary to fight the real body of Xianzun's body, but the crossbow boat only needs one arrow,

The last voodoo guard is a special product of the Tianyin Sect. It looks like an ordinary wooden stick with colorful hair tied, but once urged, the colorful poisonous malaria erupted is terrifying enough to instantly make the real fairy Lose combat power.

It’s no wonder that the 17 elders in Yuanying Realm are so crazy, but the background of the Tianyin Sect is very terrifying. Instead, they come to the Haotian Holy Land. Under the cover of such terrifying firepower, I am afraid that even the seven Immortal Venerables will be horrified. Return.

But Ye Chen still ignored, just rushed over!

"Start, fire!"

With an order.


"Swoosh swoosh--!"


Deafening magic crystal cannons, Luo Zhou crossbow arrows coming from the sky, the subtle buzzing voodoo guards were all working at once, and all kinds of terrifying sounds roared like the end of the world.

"Elder Seventeen, please be assured that in front of the death battle of the Tianyin Sect, a mosquito cannot fly in."

The patriarch scolded Fang Qi proudly, and said flatly to the eleven elders.

Although the time was short, the suzerain still mobilized tens of thousands of monks, hundreds of war equipment, these are his private soldiers, so that they can only respond so well, the suzerain usually intimidated and lured for hundreds of years, and was proudly cultivated, I usually don't want to take it out. Today, it was also in order to ask for help in front of the seventeen elders.

"Not bad."

During the salvo of the magic crystal cannon, the elders of the 17 elders also shrank their pupils, and an elementary infant in other areas was not worth mentioning in this big scene. If they fall into it, I am afraid that there will be no bones in an instant.

The eleventh elder is the last of the elders of the Tianyin Sect. The ancestor of the Tianyin didn’t quite see him, and he rarely entered the volcano, but was responsible for connecting the sect master and ordinary disciples on the periphery. To a call function.

"Haha, what a real immortal in the world, what can we count in front of our Tianyin Sect? There is no need for the elders to shoot, it will be turned into ashes!"

When the Sect Master Tianyin was laughing, he suddenly heard a cry of exclamation from the disciples around him.

"Look at it!"

As soon as the Sect Master turned his head, he saw ten miles away, and a figure appeared in the smoke. The figure rose from the ground and turned into a cyan long rainbow, like a meteor, traversing a distance of several kilometers, slamming into the army array.

"My goodness!"

The patriarch's mouth was blank, his body shivered, and the white paper fan fell directly on the ground, but he didn't even know it, and the whole person was stunned. The other Yinxiu was so frightened that even the wooden stick in his hand fell to the ground.

Seventeen elders also shrank their pupils suddenly: "Such terrible fire coverage, even Immortal Venerable may not be able to withstand it. Who is this guy?"

With such terrifying power, the Seventeen Elders were only thousands of years ago and had seen the Tianyin Sect's Tianyin ancestors. Over the past thousand years, the Tianyin ancestors have become more low-key, shrinking to practice secret techniques in the altar of the Holocaust Volcano, trying to kill the central galaxy and seek revenge on the Sword Sword Sect, but they rarely show their magical powers.


When everyone was stunned, Ye Chen had fallen from the sky and slammed into the formation. He stepped on the foot and directly crushed a crossbow boat into a crush. Manipulating Luo Zhou's several Yinxiu, even without a hum, was crushed into meat sauce.

"Fire, everyone fires immediately. What about the voodoo guards? Bring them up immediately, be sure to round this person up!"

The suzerain suddenly reacted, grabbed the summoning machine, and roared wildly.


Numerous meditations woke up like dreams, and turned around the voodoo guards, like a rainstorm, spreading colorful poison fog. Some people jumped directly onto the magic crystal cannon, ignoring the same door around them, and sprayed their tongues at Ye Chen.

For a time, he was covered with colorful poison!

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