The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1605: Tianyin Patriarch

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Outside the venue, many people coveting Qingchuan Sakura are still at the door.

To the monks of the Yin Sect, this moment seemed as long as a century, but in fact it only took a few minutes. Everyone looked at the venue with eyes full of clothes and wanted to witness the show.

"Brother, you said what happened in this venue? At the beginning, there was a great deal of killing, but soon, it was silent, what's going on?"

Lao Wang said strangely.

"You are stupid. At first, the men and women killed. The elders of Yinzong shot. Now that the men and women have been taken down, they naturally calm down."

The eldest brother sneered and shook his head with regret: "Look at them, they can stand under so many masters for a few minutes, and you can see that they are definitely masters. It is a pity that the chick died. If you can catch it and sell it, you must sell it at a high price. what."

As everyone sighed, Pharaoh's pupils shrank sharply, pointing at the meeting place, and trembling: "Brother, you... look at that, what is that?"

When the elder brother raised his head, he saw a man and a woman and walked out of the venue. Their clothes are old, with no trace of blood on them.

"How is this going?"

Everyone was surprised.

In the meeting place, there are seven true immortals sitting in town, all the high-level Xuanyin Xinghe gathered. How is it possible to let the men and women who killed the Yinxiu disciple come out safely? Do they have an old relationship with the Tianyin Sect, and the water washed the Dragon King Temple?

When the eldest brother was full of brains, he saw that someone came forward and seemed to want to talk up.


The teenager in a plain white robe with a golden dragon bracelet on his wrist, his face indifferent, sneered and raised his palm. A golden long rainbow shot from his hand, and instantly crossed the head of the man who talked to him, bringing up a **** fog, and then, Jin Hong turned around in the air and shot at everyone.

"what is this?"

The lead brother's eyes glared, and he hadn't reacted yet. The whole person has been split in half by Jin Hong, including him and Pharaoh, dozens of people who followed Ye Chen and wanted to covet the Qingchuan Sakura. Between the fingers, all the flying swords transformed by the Tianlong Golden Bracelet were cut off.

After the flying sword killed people, it buzzed and vibrated without stopping. Bring a long golden tail light and shoot towards the town.

"Go, wipe out the entire Yinshan Mountain."

Ye Chen stood there, his eyes full of joy and sorrow.

This planet is a real sinful place. The monks above were either yinxiu, or gathered from all corners of the universe, committed a felony, and were hunted down by the authentic Xuanmen. Ye Chen killed them without mercy.


On this day, the entire Yinshan wailed.

In the rising fire, I saw a heavenly golden rainbow flying across the Yinshan Mountain. Every time Changhong passed by, it brought a **** trail, and dozens of people were cut down.

Others want to try to escape or attack Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen's thoughts covered the entire planet, and almost no one of those criminals could escape, and all were locked by his mind.

Sword Qi 30,000 miles!

After culling the evil in the entire Yinshan Mountain, Ye Chen rose directly into the universe, showing the heavenly Pluto appearance, and stretched out his hand to the planet that looked very dark from the outside.

"Kala Kala--!"

In the pitiful laughter of Pluto and God, this planet, which is only one-tenth the size of the earth, was actually crushed, and it became the dust of the universe!

Looking at the glorious Huaguang after the planet shattered, it was ice cold in Qingchuan Sakura's heart. It is a well-known thing that Ascension Immortal Venerable can swallow the sun and the moon, smashing the planet, and because of this, all people are awesome. God, between hearing and seeing with my own eyes, there will always be a difference of ten thousand miles.

It was not until she witnessed the broken planet herself that she knew at this moment how indifferent her master was.

"Master, where are we going next?"

Qingchuan Ying asked quietly.

"Kill the Tianyin Sect's altar and find the Tianyin ancestor. If he really killed Qingchuan Sayuri, I would let the entire Tianyin Sect be buried with her."

Ye Chen said calmly.

The thought of that pure and well-behaved, loyal and loyal girl, who was afraid to involve herself, was dared to resist, and was brought to Tianyin's servants as a tribute to Tianyin's ancestor. Ye Chen's heart became more murderous.

Seven evil spirits.

Ye Chen didn't even know what it was, but could vaguely guess. For the victim, that kind of ending is a thousand times more terrible than death.

"You dare to hurt my woman, don't say a soaring one after another. It is the reincarnation of the true god, and I vow to cut you!"

Ye Chen snorted coldly and glanced to the south, where the Tianyin Sect was located...

Xuanyin galaxy is the most central, sky Yinxing.

No one would think that the planet on which the Heavenly Yin Sect is located will be several times smaller than Yinshan, and its appearance will look more bland, if it were not for God's mind to converge on it infinitely, it would even feel that Without any angry death star, it is no wonder that so many years, no one can find the Tianyin Sect.

Occupying the largest area of ​​the sky-yin star is the Havoc Volcano. According to legend, this Havoc Volcano is an extinct volcano. It is enveloped by poisonous gas, smoke and even cold air all year round. If ordinary monks stay on the mountain for a long time, their bodies will become weaker and weaker.

This place was originally inaccessible, but since Tianyin ancestors came here one million years ago and occupied the Havoc Volcano. This mountain has become the most sacred and lofty place in the sky.

In an altar deep in the Holocaust, there is an old man in black robe sitting cross-legged.

The old man in black robe sat there, and the whole person was like a black hole. Between one breath and one breath, the huge black gas rushed out of the ground and was sucked into his abdomen.

But at this moment, the old man snorted loudly and opened his eyes. He couldn't see clearly, and he could only see a pair of bright pupils like hungry wolves, emitting a long green light.

"Who is it, dare to kill my descendants and destroy my avatar, are you afraid of the Venerable Vengeance?"

The old man in black robe sounded like a night owl, and the whole valley quaked buzzing.

Many of the disciples of the Tianyin Sect under the altar knelt down together, afraid to raise their heads.

"Go check and find out the man for me. I want to divide his five horses into corpses, frustrate his bones and raise his ashes, and refine his soul into a ghost servant, driven by my Tianyin Sect for ten thousand years!"

The old man in black robe snapped.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Many disciples knocked on their heads and shuddered.

The Tianyin Sect, although it does not claim to be a holy place, only one Xianzun sits in town, but it is frightening. Among the major Yinxue sects of the world, the oldest, most powerful, and most powerful teachings are inherited.

Since teaching for millions of years, there have been many people who have come together, and the legendary Tianyin ancestors have been sitting in town. No one dares to provoke them. Even if the five immortals meet the Tianyin sect, they must frown, as long as the other party does not Too much, you can only frown.

All of this is because the Tianyin Sect's Kaishan Sovereign... Tianyin Ancestor!

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