Chapter 97: Everything is ready, only the east wind

The Qin family’s database and firewall are very tight, and it is obvious that they have put a lot of effort into it.

After all, this is an issue related to company safety, so Qin Rufeng always attaches great importance to it.

Once a hacker comes and steals the company’s secrets, the consequences will be disastrous.

But what Qin Rufeng did not expect was that although the defenses were indeed very strict, the people he invited to help him build the firewall were just ordinary people.

This level of firewall can indeed intercept some third-rate or even second-rate hackers’ attacks, but some top-tier hackers can easily destroy the firewall beyond recognition.

There is no upper limit to the abilities of a hacker, and no one knows how powerful a hacker can be.

And Yang Donghua’s ability is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary hackers, so he easily bypassed the firewall that made Qin Rufeng very proud of.

After finding the architectural structure diagram of Qin Rufeng’s villa and monitoring master data from the Qin’s database, Yang Donghua planned to retreat.

But he suddenly noticed a strange folder.

The folder does not have a name, it is a new folder, but the contents inside are actually encrypted by three layers!

Looking at the entire database, there is no second three-layer encrypted file!

As a hacker, what Yang Donghua likes most is the very challenging task of cracking passwords.

Ever since, Yang Donghua devoted himself to the cracked folder.

The information Lin Moyuan wanted had been obtained in ten minutes, but Yang Donghua focused all his attention on cracking the code. This is why Yang Donghua didn’t call Lin Moyuan until an hour later.

Although there are three layers of encryption, under Yang Donghua’s unremitting efforts, this folder was finally opened.

To Yang Donghua’s surprise, there was no important data, company information, or business secrets, only a short video.

Yang Donghua was very curious to turn on the video. It was a camera for road monitoring. The video was only a short minute, and the screen was displayed at night, so the camera was obviously in infrared mode.

There was no movement in the first twenty seconds. Just when Yang Donghua thought that the encrypted file was just a prank, the picture suddenly changed!

A car rushed from a distance and directly hit the guard rail on the side of the road!

The fence was knocked out of a deep depression.

When Yang Donghua saw this, he couldn’t help frowning. Could it be an ordinary car accident?

Then why put it in an encrypted folder?

Does the Qin family still have this free heart?

But what happened after that changed Yang Donghua’s expression!

I saw another car appeared in the picture, but the left front headlight of this car was damaged. The car slowly stopped on the highway, and then walked out of the car with two masked faces and wearing Hooded people, they wandered around the car that had hit the tree earlier, as if they were checking the inside of the car.

At this time, one of the hooded men reached out and opened the driver’s door, and then directly grabbed the driver’s head and slammed into the steering wheel!

Yang Donghua’s face suddenly became very ugly!

Obviously, these two people are deliberate! He deliberately crashed into the car in front and stopped the car in order to murder the man in front of the car!

Later, another hooded man seemed to have discovered the existence of a camera, so he picked up a stone on the side of the road and threw it directly at the surveillance camera.

The picture ends here abruptly.

Yang Donghua calmed down his own feelings, hesitated, did he think he hadn’t seen this video, or did he give it to Lin Moyuan along with the information?

Yang Donghua sighed and finally made a decision.

It’s better to give this video to Lin Moyuan. After all, I am now working under Lin Moyuan. You may be able to win Lin Moyuan’s favor with this video. It is also a very cost-effective thing to think about.

“Hello? Donghua, what are you thinking? Not talking for a long time?”

“Have you found everything?”

Yang Donghua heard the voice coming from the receiver of the telephone, and then he recovered, and then immediately replied:

“Found it, I will send it to you now…”

“In addition, boss, I also found an encrypted file in the Qin family’s database. It is a video. I don’t know what it means. I also sent it to you!”

Lin Moyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, encrypting the video?

Could it be some dirty trading video of the Qin family? Didn’t it catch the Qin family’s handle?

So Lin Moyuan immediately replied:

“Good job! Looking back, I will finish watching the video, judge the value, and give you an extra bonus!”

Yang Donghua nodded when he heard the words, breathed a sigh of relief, and then hung up the phone.

Lin Moyuan opened his own laptop and found his own mailbox.

There are three unread emails displayed in the mailbox, the first two are files, and the latter is a video.

Lin Moyuan opened the file first. The first file was the design drawing of Qin Rufeng’s villa. It was very detailed, and even the materials used for decoration were marked on it.

The second is the security plan and security system in and around Qin Rufeng Villa, the location of the camera, the effective working range of the camera, and even the brand of the camera.

Lin Moyuan nodded in satisfaction. Yang Donghua did not disappoint him. The old man Qin Rufeng shouldn’t know until now. All the information about his villa has been stolen!

At this time, Lin Moyuan’s gaze was placed on the last video, listening to Yang Donghua’s meaning, this video is the most strictly protected document of the Qin family, and there is not one!

Without hesitation, Lin Moyuan dragged the mouse cursor to the folder and clicked on the video.

The video is only one minute, but Lin Moyuan’s face has become very solemn.

Why was this video kept by the Qin family?

What is the identity of the murdered man in the video?

What does the two hooded men in the video have to do with the Qin family? Or maybe they belong to the Qin family?

These questions lingered in Lin Moyuan’s mind, making Lin Moyuan feel confused for the first time.

After that, Lin Moyuan thought of someone… Qin Yexuan!

As the big Miss of the Qin family, is it possible for Qin Yexuan to know some inside stories?

After making up his mind, Lin Moyuan immediately dialed Qin Yexuan’s phone!

Lin Moyuan had a hunch in his heart that the importance of this video absolutely exceeded everyone’s expectations!

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