Chapter 95: Bold Ideas

Lin Moyuan looked at the picture on the screen with a thoughtful look.

Obviously, it is obviously impossible to produce exactly the same film and television effects like Brother Tom.

But what if you change the method?

If you can sneak in and bring people out, no matter how complicated the plan is, you have to try it!

Thought of this. Lin Moyuan pulled out a smile again at the corner of his mouth, then took out his phone, edited a message, and sent it to Ji Kun.

Ji Kun was smoking in his own car at this time, waiting for Yang Wenwen to leave school.

During this period of time, Ji Da Young Master is really too idle, doing nothing all day long, staying with Yang Wenwen all the time.

For Ji Kun, Yunhai University without Lin Moyuan would not even bother to enter the school if Yang Wenwen was also studying here.

Just as Ji Kun had just finished smoking a cigarette, his mobile phone rang an information alert, Ji Kun raised his brows, unlocked the phone, and glanced at it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the message sent to him by Lin Moyuan!

Seeing this, Ji Kun instantly sat up straight!

The content of the message is very simple, just let Lin Moyuan ask him to buy something.

But these things are very… strange!

“Nylon rope… high-end Polaroid… and… what is this? Carabiner?”

“Boss is going to climb the mountain? See the scenery?”

Ji Kun twitched at the corner of his mouth, but Lin Moyuan was very happy to have fun.

Immediately Ji Kun picked up the phone and dialed Lin Moyuan’s phone directly.

After a few beeps, the call was connected.

“Hello? Boss, how are you and sister-in-law playing in Suijiang City?”

“I read the message you sent me. Are you going to climb the mountain?”

Lin Moyuan pulled the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, obviously knowing that Ji Kun would think so.

“Why do you have this idea? Climbing? Which mountain did you climb?”

“It will be the birthday party of Qin Rufeng Patriarch Qin Rufeng in two days. Have you heard of it?”

Ji Kun nodded when he heard this, and said:

“I know, my father is also talking about this issue these days, and always wants me to participate, but I don’t want to go!”

“By the way, boss, do you buy these things as a birthday gift for the Qin family owner or something?”

Lin Moyuan twitched the corner of his mouth again. Why didn’t he see that Ji Kun had such a heavenly horse?

“Don’t talk, I’m back in Yunhai City now, there is a small problem, you know the Qin Yexuan Miss Qin Yexuan?”

“Qin Yexuan and I started a company called Moxuan Capital, but Qin Rufeng, an old man…”

A few minutes later, Ji Kun had already understood the whole story.

“Boss, I probably understand, so you are now preparing to take action on Qin Rufeng’s birthday party and rescue Qin Yexuan directly, right?”

“But there must be a lot of people at the birthday party. How can you rescue a living person from a room equipped with surveillance without knowing it?”

“Boss, I still think it’s more realistic to grab someone, or I’ll try to get people together now…”

Lin Moyuan sighed and said:

“Of course I also know that the difficulty is not small, but the consequences of robbery are a bit serious, and it will directly cause the Qin family to completely tear our face with our Lin Group!”

“I have a plan now, although the success rate is not high, but at least I can try it!”

“Within one day, help me buy all the items on the list, and then find a time, let’s go through the task process, this time we still need your cooperation…”

Cooperate? Ji Kun sighed. It seems that this time, this time, Qin Rufeng’s birthday party, he should have to go to…

But immediately, Ji Kun got a little excited. Obviously, although attending a birthday party is very boring anyway, the thought that Lin Moyuan would go there too, and he made it clear that he would go to the place, suddenly this boring birthday party changed. It’s faint to make people look forward to…

In fact, Ji Kun wanted to know what expression Qin Rufeng would have if he saw Lin Moyuan?

Lin Moyuan gave Ji Kun one day, but Ji Kun bought everything on the list in just over two hours.

The Polaroid camera was originally out of stock, but Ji Kun directly found a camera collector and offered a price that he couldn’t refuse, so he simply got it.

After waiting for two hours, when Ji Kun was carrying a large bag of things and standing at the door of Dongsheng Huating Villa, Lin Moyuan looked helpless.

“How free have you been these days?”

Ji Kun said with a smile while tidying up the contents in his backpack:

“Boss, you don’t know how I came here this time, it’s so boring…”

Lin Moyuan waved his hand and motioned Ji Kun to stop, then picked up a small box on the table and asked curiously:

“What is this?”

Ji Kun immediately took the small box and explained with a smile:

“This thing is rare, this is an air tube headset!”

“The agents I watched in the movie all have this thing, so I directly sent someone to get two of them!”

“It’s said to be waterproof and anti-interference, the boss, you take it when you move, you are so prestigious!”

Lin Moyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, then slapped Ji Kun on the back of the head!

“Do you think we are going to make a movie?”

“I don’t see that your kid still has this imagination! You can just get me two assaults/guns, let’s just kill them in!”

“Collect your mind! We are doing business!”

After hearing this, Ji Kun nodded repeatedly, and then said:

“Assault/gun is not good, although it can be obtained, but it is illegal after all…”

Having said this, Ji Kun realized that Lin Moyuan’s eyes had become dangerous again, so he quickly straightened his face and said:

“Boss, I also found a problem!”

“According to my inquiries, Qin Rufeng, the old Piff’s villa, has a very complicated structure and a lot of monitoring inside!”

“So we have to get the floor plan of the building and monitor the distribution so that we won’t be discovered!”

Lin Moyuan sighed. Of course he had also thought about this question, but the architectural structure drawing of Qin Rufeng’s villa was obviously in the hands of the Qin family!

And even the designer of this building is from the Qin family! Therefore, outsiders cannot see the structure diagram at all.

As for the monitoring distribution… it’s even harder to get it. You don’t need to think about how much Qin Rufeng, the old man, cares about his life. Of course, he won’t leak these things out casually…

Ji Kun saw Lin Moyuan’s frown, and muttered to the side:

“It would be great if there was a hacker…that’s easier!”

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