Chapter 93: I’m going to stab Louzi soon

Lin Shengtian looked at the girl up and down, and then his eyes lit up.

Temperament, figure, appearance, I have nothing to say!

As for the identity… it’s not necessary!

Lin Shengtian himself started from scratch. Grandpa Lin Shengtian’s generation is still a farmer, so he has no prejudice against his birthplace.

If such a girl can be with her son, she is definitely a good match!

Lin Shengtian thought of this, his face improved a little, he glanced up and down at own son, and said with a smile:

“Little bastard, I finally didn’t disappoint your father this time, and I knew I brought back a daughter-in-law!”

“For the sake of a little girl, I won’t scold you! Hurry up and let the girl come in! It’s windy outside!”

Lin Moyuan was dumbfounded when he saw his father’s appearance!

What’s the situation?

Why does Tang Yurou look like her father’s biological daughter?

Immediately, Lin Moyuan recovered and took Tang Yurou’s hand and walked into the villa.

Behind Lin Shengtian’s villa is a whole artificial lake, and people will change the water regularly. There is also a rockery and hundreds of koi carps in the lake.

The location of the entire villa is almost in the center of Yunhai City. It is a five-story European-style villa. The decoration is naturally extremely luxurious. The chandelier in the corridor alone is 300,000.

In fact, at Lin Shengtian’s level, money is just a number.

The luxury of Lin Shengtian’s villa is far from what Dongsheng Huating can compare.

Pulling Tang Yurou to sit on the soft sofa, Lin Moyuan looked at Daddy Own, before he could speak, Lin Shengtian spoke first.

“What do you think about the marriage to Miss Qin’s family? Tell me what you think.”

Hearing Lin Shengtian’s words, Tang Yurou, who had just relaxed a little earlier, tightened her heart again.

She just remembered that Lin Moyuan has a fiancée!

Lin Moyuan’s fiancee, but the dignified Miss of the Qin family!

In an instant, Tang Yurou’s face turned pale again, and then an indescribable sorrow began to fill her chest.

At this moment, Lin Moyuan stretched out his own hand and took Tang Yurou’s hand slowly and firmly.

“Of course I agree, and there is no other way.”

“I believe you can see it, Dad. Miss Qin Yexuan of the Qin Family is actually not very good with the Qin Family, especially with her father, Qin Rufeng, the owner of the Qin Family.”

“Although I don’t understand, I still think that the best way to deal with the Qin family is to use the contradiction between Qin Yexuan and Qin Rufeng, so I have no choice.”

Having said this, Lin Moyuan paused, and then continued:

“However, Qin Yexuan and I can only say that I have just met each other, and the partnership is at best. They are not at the level of talking about marriage, so I will not give up Yurou.”

Hearing this, Tang Yurou stretched out a hand and held her mouth, as if trying to prevent herself from crying.

But there are still two lines of clearly visible tear marks, slowly falling from the little girl’s cheeks!

If an outsider hears Lin Moyuan’s words, he must have said that he is brazen, he can say so grandiosely on two boats!

But if someone really understands the current situation, they can understand that there is also deep helplessness in Lin Moyuan’s words!

What is most important right now? That is to destroy the Qin family and establish the position of the Lin Group in Yunhai City!

Why do you want to do this? Because the Lin Group does not do it, the Qin family will do it sooner or later!

Qin Rufeng is not a person who likes to succumb to others!

He has ambitions and must launch an offensive against the Lin Group!

The Lin Group has to protect itself! And the price of this self-protection is in the name of Tang Yurou’s wife!

Lin Moyuan couldn’t give Tang Yurou the name, because if he wanted to form an alliance with Qin Yexuan, he had to marry her.

Even if Lin Moyuan didn’t like Qin Yexuan, he still had to be engaged to her.

Regardless of identity, there is own helplessness.

After listening to his son, Lin Shengtian couldn’t help but look up and down Lin Moyuan.

Lin Moyuan brought him a feeling of strangeness. Although strange, he also grew a lot.

In the past, Lin Moyuan had never been so caring about a girl, let alone brought it to own!

And for the Qin family, there is also Qin Yexuan, they are also the top analysis!

Could it be that Lin Moyuan has grown a lot during this time?

Lin Shengtian was silent for a while before saying:

“Mo Yuan, you have changed, become more mature, and sensible.”

“It seems that the last time you Ji Uncle came to me, what you said was true! You really are different from before!”

“Tomorrow I will give you the position of a manager, let you familiarize yourself with the company early!”

Hearing this, Lin Moyuan’s originally calm face immediately turned into a bitter melon face!

“This…Manager? Daddy, I think you should think about it carefully, this…”

Before Lin Moyuan finished speaking, Lin Shengtian reached out and interrupted Lin Moyuan!

“Okay! I have already decided! Your mother had asked me to help you find something to do, so I decided so happily!”

The manager of the Lin Group, the seat that ordinary people wanted to sit in all their lives, fell in front of Lin Moyuan with such ease.

And Lin Moyuan still looked reluctant!

Lin Shengtian picked up the champagne glass on the table, took a sip, and then asked again:

“Let’s talk about it, what is it that you came to me? Surely it wasn’t just to introduce Yurou to me, right?”

Lin Moyuan smiled bitterly. Sure enough, Jiang was still old and spicy, and then he looked straight and said:

“Father, you are mentally prepared, I may have to stab Louzi!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Lin Shengtian’s mouth twitched fiercely. Unexpectedly, this stinky boy just praised him and gave himself a surprise!

Lin Moyuan winked at Tang Yurou. Tang Yurou nodded immediately to express her understanding, knowing that she shouldn’t listen to the next words, so she stood up and left the living room to make tea for the father and son.

Seeing Tang Yurou getting up and leaving, Lin Shengtian’s eyes suddenly became more satisfied.

This girl is obviously very measured and foresighted, knowing what to do when and when!

My son’s vision is really good.

Afterwards, Lin Shengtian looked at own son again, his eyes became a little serious.

“Let’s talk about it, what the hell is your kid doing to me again? What does it mean to stab Louzi?”

Lin Moyuan sighed, and then told Daddy Own about Qin Rufeng’s imprisonment of Qin Yexuan.

After listening to Lin Moyuan’s words, Lin Shengtian fell silent immediately.

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