Chapter 86: Lin Moyuan is here!

While Yang Donghua was desperately searching for a solution to the problem, Lin Moyuan had already followed his IP address and found Yang Donghua’s location!

As for how Lin Moyuan got Yang Donghua’s IP address…

In a word, money can make ghosts go ahead!

Randomly found a navy in the own comment area, Lin Moyuan said:

“Give you two hundred thousand, I want to know the IP address of the person who hired you!”

That’s two hundred thousand! This time, the highest price the navy got on the mission was a thousand yuan!

Two hundred thousand is simply a pie in the sky!

However, the navy didn’t tell Lin Moyuan right away, but asked in confusion, why he should believe him.

Lin Moyuan happily turned one hundred thousand past, and there was a sentence after one hundred thousand yuan:

“If you want to take the money and run away, I can find you everywhere! You know I have this strength!”

This navy army immediately believed Lin Moyuan’s words, and he could take out two hundred thousand people casually. Which one is simple?

Isn’t it too easy to find yourself?

So the navy happily collected the money and told Lin Moyuan the address. After Lin Moyuan confirmed it again, he once again beat the navy 100,000 yuan.

It’s that simple.

The reason why Lin Moyuan wanted to get Yang Donghua’s address was to see if this person fits his own appetite!

When Ye Feng was eating with Xiao Fan, Lin Moyuan knew about Yang Donghua, but he didn’t know his name. Ye Feng didn’t mention it in the conversation, and in the end he just gave Xiao Fan a phone number, and he didn’t. I didn’t read it out, so I couldn’t find Yang Donghua directly.

It wasn’t until today that a large number of naval forces appeared, which allowed Ye Feng to find an opportunity.

According to the record on the IP address, Ye Feng came to the old town of Suijiang City, in front of a very dilapidated residential area.

The community seems to have been around for nearly thirty years, and the wall coverings on the outside of some buildings have fallen off, which is obviously the baptism of years.

I raised my head and glanced at the sign of the community, which read “Unity Community”. It was obviously rusty and in disrepair for a long time.

Lin Moyuan was a little worried, whether he would walk under the sign, this sign would just fall off…

The address is the fifth floor of Unit 2, Unit 6, Building 6, in Tuanjie Community. The highest floor of this community is the fifth floor, and there is only one household on each floor, so it is not difficult to find.

The only thing that surprised Lin Moyuan was, why this kid should be very rich, but he wants to live in such a place?

Aside from other things, those hackers who can take over this kind of living should not be short of money, right?

Leaving all these questions behind him for the time being, Lin Moyuan walked slowly into the community. Building No. 6 was in the middle of the community, and it was not difficult to find.

In the community, there are some elderly people who are getting older, and then there are some unemployed vagrants and young people who are idle all day long.

When Lin Moyuan walked from the gate of the community to Building No. 6, he already saw a lot of punks. They were sitting in groups at the stone table in the garden of the community, drinking and playing cards.

Just when Lin Moyuan was about to walk into the second unit of Building 6, he heard a loud noise coming from behind him.

“Old lady, quickly pay the protection fee! Do you really think these four eyes can protect you?”

“This kid can’t beat us at all! Besides, even if he can get one to ten, there will always be times when he is not there, right?”

“At that time we will see that we will not drag your big golden retriever away and sell it! Hahahaha!”

Hearing this, Lin Moyuan’s eyes gradually darkened.

Okay, these little gangsters are more villainous than themselves!

wrong! I bother! This is also called villain? A talent like this Young Master is villain!

This kind of person is not even qualified to be cannon fodder for this Young Master!

Although Lin Moyuan is an upright ‘villain’, when he encounters this kind of scum, of course he can’t help but teach them how to behave!

While thinking about this, Lin Moyuan took off his coat, and slowly turned around and came to the front of a group of gangsters.

Behind Lin Moyuan was a figure with eyes and stubble face.

Lin Moyuan glanced at the spectacle man with some curiosity. The spectacle man looked like a twenty-three or four-year-old. Although he looked a bit sloppy, his eyes were very sharp and gave people a calm feeling.

Lin Moyuan glanced at random and then withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at the little gangsters in front of him, and handed his own watch and jacket to the man with glasses behind him.

“Help me get it, thank you.”

The man with glasses was obviously a little surprised when he heard Lin Moyuan’s words, but he still reached out and took Lin Moyuan’s things.

“Who are you?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“You can call me a good man Lin!”

Lin good person? The man with glasses twitched at the corner of his mouth. Even if you don’t want to tell me my real name, you don’t have to be so perfunctory, right?

Then, the man with glasses was stunned. Why did the face of this ‘Good Man Lin’ look so familiar?

Lin Moyuan didn’t give the spectacle man more opportunity to think, but turned around and looked at the little gangsters in front of him, and asked with a smile:

“You guys, do you care about this piece?”

Several punks glanced at each other, one of them, a young man dressed in leggings and peasy shoes, stepped forward and said in a daunting manner:

“Where did your kid come from? Looks quite rich?”

“Are you the grandson of that terrible wife? It’s okay to dare, come, come and pay the protection fee for your grandma!”

“Otherwise you don’t want to stand and go out!”

Lin Moyuan twitched the corners of his mouth. He didn’t expect that the current gangsters would be so bleak?

Started to pay attention to the old man and the old lady?

It seems that the era of the young and Dangerous boy is finally over…

Shaking his head and smiling, Lin Moyuan turned his attention back and looked at the little gangster in front of him.

“I’ll give you a chance. After all, it is a harmonious society. You apologize. Don’t show up in this community from now on. I’ll let you go, okay?”

Hearing these words, the little gangster suddenly looked surprised, and turned to the little brothers behind him and said:

“Have you all heard? This kid said to let me go? Hahahaha!”

The small gangsters behind him also followed suit:

“Boss! He meant to let you run quickly! Otherwise, he would kneel down and beg for mercy!”

“That’s right! Hahahaha! Boss, please satisfy his wish and let him beg for mercy!”

“Good point! Boss, do it!”

When the bullshit heard this, he turned his head with a grin and rolled up his own sleeves.

Slowly stepped forward, came to Lin Moyuan, smiled and said: “Lastly, I will give you a chance. Will you pay the protection fee?”


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