Chapter 73: Yan Kexiang’s apology!

In the early morning, the sun fell on the courtyard of Dongsheng Huating Villa. There was a small man-made waterfall on the rockery in the courtyard, which was somewhat poetic and picturesque.

Lin Moyuan slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the time. It was already around ten in the morning.

Picking up the phone and glanced at it, there was no news, just a few pieces of entertainment news.

After the game last night, I took Ji Kun and his girlfriend Yang Wenwen for a drink. What I didn’t expect was that Yan Kexiang, the dude of Jiangzhan City, also followed!

Ji Kun immediately looked wary, and it seemed that he was about to do it.

In the end, Yan Kexiang showed that he was here to apologize! And said that he was convinced to lose!

Ji Kun was still looking dumbfounded, but Yan Kexiang drank three glasses of white wine, saying that he wanted to make amends!

And Lin Moyuan was prompted by the system, successfully changed the plot trend, gained allies, and had a villain value of 99999!

At the same time, Lin Moyuan also saw Yan Kexiang’s abnormality, and directly opened the Eye of True Vision!

The data shows that Yan Kexiang’s camp is also villain, and his loyalty is also 20! Reached the level of ordinary friends!

Lin Moyuan realized that this should be because he had given Yan Kexiang a car back, so that Yan Kexiang’s perception of own has improved a lot.

Trading a GTR50 for the friendship of Jiangzhan City’s first dude, no matter how you look at it, it’s a bloody profit!

In this way, dealing with Xiao Fan’s son of luck will be more certain!

Lin Moyuan immediately let Yan Kexiang sit down, and Ji Kun saw that Yan Kexiang did indeed apologize sincerely, and Yang Wenwen did not suffer any harm, so he simply turned over the story.

The three of them drank until more than two o’clock in the evening, and then they dispersed.

After Lin Moyuan finished washing, the phone rang.

Picking up the phone screen and glanced at it, it was Ji Kun’s call.

After answering the call, Ji Kun’s voice seemed a bit anxious.

“Young Master, help, there is really nothing I can do here!”

Lin Moyuan frowned upon hearing this, and asked:

“Kunzi, what’s the matter with you? Isn’t Yan Kexiang looking for something again?”

Ji Kun said:

“No, Young Master, it’s my dad! My dad knows about me and Wenwen, he wants to talk to me today…”

“Young Master, boss! You quickly think of a way for me!”

Lin Moyuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then said with a smile:

“I’m still thinking about what happened, no problem, this matter is covered by me, just wait for my good news!”

Ji Kun’s father, called Ji Xingsen, was the right-hand man of Lin Moyuan’s father. He was also involved in fighting the world with Lin Moyuan’s father. Therefore, his position in the Lin group can be said to be under one person and above 10,000.

The reason why Ji Xingsen knew this was because of the race held on the ring road last night.

At that time, the old housekeeper of the Ji family was on the scene, so naturally he followed his Young Master.

After seeing Ji Kun and Yang Wenwen being intimate, he told his master about the incident when he came back.

Ji Xingsen was originally looking for a right daughter Miss for own son. After hearing about this, he naturally became curious about Yang Wenwen, so he sent someone to check Yang Wenwen’s details.

After finding out that Yang Wenwen was from an ordinary family, Ji Xingsen had some intentions of opposing this marriage.

What Ji Kun meant, as his father, how could Ji Xingsen fail to understand?

So I called my own son early this morning, obviously I want to talk about this issue.

In desperation, Ji Kun called Lin Moyuan.

When Lin Moyuan arrived at Ji Kun’s house, it was already an hour later.

Just in time to see Ji Kun on the steps of his villa, with a look of anxiety on his face.

Lin Moyuan suddenly felt a bit funny when he saw this scene.

Ji Kun is one of the famous rich second generations in Yunhai City, but in front of Ji Xingsen, he is honestly like a kitten.

“Kunzi, what are you doing standing outside? Still so restrained when you return to your own home?”

When Ji Kun heard Lin Moyuan’s words, he suddenly smiled bitterly.

“Boss, you are here, I really can’t help it!”

“How does this look like my own home? This is simply The Underworld…”

Lin Moyuan smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said:

“Okay, don’t think about this and that, just look at Big Brother mine!”

“Yang Wenwen belongs to you and can’t run away!”

Ji Kun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Moyuan’s words.

I don’t know why, with Lin Moyuan by his side, Ji Kun feels very confident.

After ringing the doorbell, the door was immediately opened, and what Lin Moyuan saw was the old butler who had met in the manor.

“Uncle Li, good morning!”

The butler saw Lin Moyuan and said with a smile:

“It turns out that Mo Yuan is here, and Young Master, come in, Master has been waiting for you for a long time!”

Hearing the housekeeper’s words, Ji Kun’s face suddenly turned into bitter gourd.

“Uncle Li, what does my dad mean? Are you revealing it?”

Butler Li smiled and shook his head, and said:

“Master has his own idea, how do I know?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Okay, Uncle Li, are you busy with you, Kunzi and I will go to see Ji Uncle.”

Butler Li smiled and nodded, and then left.

Lin Moyuan, led by Ji Kun, came to the door of a study room on the second floor. Obviously, Ji Xingsen was inside.

“Boss, what’s the matter? Should I go in first?”

Lin Moyuan patted him on the shoulder and said:

“If you go in, I guess it will be yellow, just look at me!”

After finishing speaking, after finishing his suit, Lin Moyuan knocked on the door of the study.

“Come in!”

From inside the study room, there was a voice full of magnetism, and Lin Moyuan opened the door and walked in.

Ji Xingsen is reading a newspaper at this time. Although it is the Internet age, Ji Xingsen still likes some nostalgic things.

“Mo Yuan? That bastard in my family came to you again as a shield?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Uncle Ji, what are you talking about? My relationship with Kunzi, who of us is different?”

Ji Xingsen raised his eyebrows. Why does Lin Moyuan today look different from before?

But then Ji Xingsen smiled and shook his head, and said:

“Stop making trouble, Mo Yuan, you can call my kid over, and when the matter is over, you can stay at home for lunch!”

Lin Moyuan didn’t say anything when he heard this. Instead, he came to the table and glanced at the newspaper in Ji Xingsen’s hand.

“Uncle Ji, are you reading the news? Can you show me the newspaper?”

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