Chapter 61: Xiao Fan escaped

Just as Lin Moyuan received this bottle of wine in his hand, he was shocked by Xiao Xiao!

It turned out to be the flower of Paris!

And looking like this, it is still imported. This type of wine is actually not very rare in China, but the bottle in his hand is the leader among the flowers of Paris!

“I said Mofeng, you can do it! Isn’t this the champagne suit released last year? It’s the one with 35,000 pounds?”

Mo Feng smiled and nodded, before opening it.

At this moment, Lin Moyuan’s cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin Moyuan frowned and said to Mo Feng:

“Sorry, I’ll answer the call first!”

After that, I took out my phone and glanced at the caller ID. Ji Kun called!

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Lin Moyuan’s heart!

“Hello? What’s wrong? What happened?”

Ji Kun’s voice seemed a bit rush, obviously on the street, because screams could be heard vaguely on the phone.

“Young Master! There is a big problem! Xiao Fan’s kid is gone! Can’t find a figure!”

When Lin Moyuan heard these words, his voice suddenly increased by a few points!

“Run? Aren’t they taking exams these days? Where did this kid go?”

Ji Kun’s voice rang again on the phone:

“I’m also wondering, I followed this kid to the school cafeteria, this kid turned around and disappeared!”

“Qi Zhenyu is also surprised, Xiao Fan never told them where he was going! I have already searched all the streets around the school!”

Lin Moyuan’s expression became more and more serious when he heard this!

Obviously, Xiao Fan’s disappearance this time was definitely planned long ago!

And he also had doubts about the people around him! Otherwise, it is impossible for his roommate to not even know his whereabouts!

Lin Moyuan sighed, it seems that this time Xiao Fan has finally gained the upper hand!

I can’t blame anyone for this, I blame Xiao Fan for being too thief!

“It’s okay, no need to look for it, you take a few people to the train station to check and monitor or something, maybe you can find any clues!”

Lin Moyuan didn’t need to think about it, Xiao Fan was definitely going to another city.

The reason is very simple. As long as he is in Yunhai City, it will not take long to find him according to his own forces! This makes no sense at all!

So he can only go!

Seeing Lin Moyuan’s expression, Mo Feng suddenly raised his brows.

It seems that Lin Moyuan is looking for someone?

“Is Brother Lin looking for someone? Maybe I can help!”

Lin Moyuan, who was frowning, suddenly widened his eyes when he heard Mo Feng’s words!

That’s right, the one standing in front of him, that is, the entire Yunhai City is a well-known underground power leader!

That’s a godfather-level figure! It shouldn’t be a problem to find someone!

Therefore, Lin Moyuan briefly talked about Xiao Fan’s situation and showed that Xiao Fan had taken a very important thing from himself, so he had to spare no effort to find it.

When Mo Feng heard this, he naturally wouldn’t ask questions, but just nodded in agreement.

“Don’t worry, Brother Lin, my staff are located near various bus stations, railway stations, and airports. These people are used to mark people. I will let them assist!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, but in fact did not return much hope.

The reason is simple, Xiao Fan is a son of luck after all!

Although Xiao Fan’s luck value has suffered some blows during this period, he is always the one chosen by the heavens!

It’s easy to simply escape the tracking of a few people!

Lin Moyuan had a hunch that Xiao Fan walked out of this city this time, and when he came back, it would become a very difficult problem!

Slowly putting down the champagne glass in his hand, Lin Moyuan’s eyes gradually became firm!

In any case, own strength must be increased as soon as possible!

One of the ways to increase strength is the company established in collaboration with Qin Yexuan! This company will become the backbone of the fight against Xiao Fan!

At this time, Xiao Fan had already arrived at the bus station.

Yunhai City Bus Station looks a bit old, and it has been more than 20 years since it was built. Due to the rapid development of railways and aviation, the sense of existence of the bus station has become weaker and weaker.

There were not many people at the bus station. When Xiao Fan came here, it was almost noon. After observing around and making sure that no one was following him, Xiao Fan came to the ticket window.

“A ticket to Lingshan City, thank you.”

After the conductor handed the ticket to Xiao Fan, Xiao Fan lowered the brim of his baseball cap and sat on a chair in the waiting hall.

The city Xiao Fan really wants to go to is Suijiang City.

Lingshan City borders Suijiang City, and the distance between the two places is less than 100 kilometers, so this is a smoke bomb thrown by Xiao Fan!

In case Lin Moyuan can find his own ticket, he will only send someone to Lingshan City to find himself!

However, what Xiao Fan didn’t notice was that in the waiting hall, a man with glasses took out his mobile phone from his arms, took a picture of Xiao Fan, and then sent it out.

The car to Lingshan City arrived soon, and Xiao Fan was very lucky, of course because of his luck.

While the ticket was being checked, Xiao Fan seemed to have noticed something. He glanced back and saw several men wearing masks moving toward him from the pit stop!

It was discovered!

This was Xiao Fan’s first thought, and then Xiao Fan looked at the waiting hall, and after seeing the sign of the bathroom, he suddenly had an idea in his mind!

So he lowered his head and walked quickly towards the bathroom!

Those men wearing masks are naturally Mo Feng’s men, and the man wearing glasses is with them, and is still a hall master of Mo Feng’s men.

When they saw Xiao Fan walking into the toilet, they suddenly relaxed their vigilance, and then came to the door of the toilet one after another, preparing to block Xiao Fan inside, and come to catch a turtle in an urn!

However, after a few minutes, they noticed something was wrong!

“Why does this kid go to the toilet for so long?”

“Maybe it’s a large size? How about we wait?”

“No! Let’s go in and take a look!”

While talking, the headed man with glasses kicked the toilet door open, and found all the pits, all the doors, all open!

This bathroom is completely empty!

“Damn! The window is open! We were fooled!”

It turned out that there was a skylight for ventilation on the toilet, and there was a footprint on the skylight!

Obviously, someone jumped out of the window and escaped!

By the time the few of them came to the station along the trail, Xiao Fan was already sitting in the car. Seeing the angry faces of the few people, Xiao Fan’s mouth pulled up with a mocking smile!

Lin Moyuan! You are still one step too late!

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