Chapter 55: The Coming of Exam Week

Today is a very difficult day for all the students of Yunhai University, and it is also a very special day.

Because this day represents the beginning of exam week!

Every time before a holiday, there will be such a week, all majors and all disciplines exams are gathered in this week!

The two words hanging subjects are the nightmare hanging over the students’ heads!

Of course, there are only two kinds of people, and they don’t put the word “guarantee” in their eyes at all.

The first type of person is Xueba!

Girls like Tang Yurou and Su Xiaomi are a proper schoolmaster!

Even if they missed classes for a few days, their results are still in the top ten in the entire major!

For them, the two words “Guike” are impossible.

The other kind of person is someone like Lin Moyuan!

In other words, the rich and powerful second generation behind!

Needless to say, Lin Moyuan’s identity, no teacher dared to give this young Master a course!

Lin Moyuan’s father, the chairman of the Lin Group, was a member of the board of trustees of Yunhai University. More than half of Yunhai University was funded by the chairman!

Therefore, for Lin Moyuan’s behavior of not coming to school all year round, basically all the teachers turned one eye and closed one eye, and regarded it as if they hadn’t seen it.

But since Lin Moyuan established a relationship with Tang Yurou, Lin Moyuan called a diligence, and sent Tang Yurou to school every day!

Of course Young Master Lin would not enter the classroom, but today is an exception!

Yunhai University, Room 312.

This is one of the regular classrooms of Tang Yurou’s class. The students in the classroom now have everything to do, discussing Eight Trigrams, discussing where to play during the holidays, and the Internet is black, and the taste of youth comes to the surface.

“Have you heard? Lin Moyuan and Tang Yurou have formally established a relationship!”

“I said Li Zi, did your family just go online? Haven’t these two been together a long time ago?”

“I also heard about it, but this time it was officially announced by Lin Moyuan’s social account!”

At this moment, the discussion stopped abruptly.

It turned out that Tang Yurou walked into the classroom slowly!

The people following her shocked the rest of the class even more!

Lin Moyuan!

It seems that it is not a rumor, all of this is beyond doubt!

Soon, someone took out their cell phone and crazily recorded the scene before him.

The boys in the class are jealous of Lin Moyuan, and they can catch the school flowers!

And the girls in the class are also jealous!

It was Tang Yurou that they were jealous of, who could win the favor of the prince of the Lin Group!

This is what so many girls dream of!

Of course Lin Moyuan noticed the change in atmosphere, but he didn’t take it seriously.

The reason is simple. The reason why he appeared in the class today was because of Tang Yurou’s request!

Originally, after sending Tang Yurou to the school gate, Lin Moyuan was ready to go back. After all, he had just reached a cooperative relationship with Qin Yexuan and Qin Da Miss, and he was preparing to establish a company. The courses in the school are not salty and not indifferent, Lin Da Young Master. It is really uninteresting.

But when Tang Yurou just got out of the car and Lin Moyuan was about to drive back, Tang Yurou asked a little shyly whether Lin Moyuan could accompany her to a class.

This morning, Tang Yurou, who had only had one class, made such a request for the first time, making Lin Moyuan a little bit unbelievable.

However, since Tang Yurou had such a request, Lin Moyuan naturally readily agreed!

At the same time, there was some relief in her heart. Tang Yurou had only now begun to accept herself completely!

This is a good sign!

A lot of students looked sideways along the way. The boys looked at the beauty of Tang Yurou, a common school girl, while the girls looked at the handsomeness of Lin Moyuan, the prince of the Lin group.

Lin Moyuan’s father was a beautiful man when he was young, and Lin Moyuan’s cheap mom was also a top-notch figure in the entertainment industry, so the combination of these two excellent genes, Lin Moyuan’s own appearance, naturally has no choice. .

However, even though those girls were interested in Lin Moyuan, Master Lin Da Young had no plans to provoke the flowers.

Just kidding, in this whole school, Tang Yurou is much more beautiful than the girls who really adore vanity like them!

Sitting down in the seat near the podium, feeling the warm sun in the morning, Lin Moyuan instantly felt that he was back when he was in college.

Lin Moyuan was already a famous figure in the school, and the woman who later betrayed him was also met at this time.

When I came back to my senses, it was already time for class.

Seeing the slender figure who opened the door and walked into the classroom, Lin Moyuan was stunned!

It turned out to be Su Tanxiang!

How could this woman be Tang Yurou’s teacher?

When Su Tanxiang just stood on the stage and put down the folder in his hand, he also happened to see Lin Moyuan’s surprised gaze!

Su Tanxiang was also a little surprised, why did Lin Moyuan appear in this class?

Is he not this professional at all?

Also, how many times has this little master been to the school during his four-year university life?

It seems that you haven’t been in the classroom at all, right?

Why did you suddenly appear in this class?

But after all, he was still a director-level figure, Su Tanxiang calmed down immediately, and then put on a gentle expression.

“I believe you all know that this week we are about to enter the exam week, so I hope everyone can take the exam seriously and get a good result!”

“Let me help your head teacher announce the test time! Your head teacher is on a business trip now, and it will take three days to come back.”

“During this period, if anyone of you wants to ask for leave, you can come to my office to find me…”

In the next half an hour, Su Tanxiang gave a detailed introduction to the time and scope of the examination, as well as some basic examination room instructions and so on.

After half an hour, today’s course is basically over.

The earliest exam for this class will also start tomorrow.

Lin Moyuan spent half an hour quite boring, one yawn, one to look at this, another to look at that, the girls in the class, when they saw Lin Moyuan looking towards the owner, they all secretly sent Qiubo. .

But Lin Moyuan curled his lips and ignored it.

Tang Yurou is the most memorable scenery in this class.

Soon, Su Tanxiang read all the contents of the file, and after a few words, he came to Lin Moyuan.

Stretching out two fingers like green onions and patted them gently on the table, Su Tanxiang said:

“This classmate, come with me.”

Lin Moyuan frowned suddenly, what did Su Tanxiang do?

But when so many people in the class watched, Lin Moyuan had trouble giving people a Face. At any rate, he was a big Miss from a big family. What if this woman took the opportunity to wear small shoes to Tang Yurou in the future, wouldn’t it be troublesome?

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