Chapter 488: Reminders and Warnings

Gangdong City, Gangmen Bridge.

There is a restaurant next to the Gangmen Bridge. It was built a few years earlier. As far as it is concerned, seven or eight years have passed. Maybe the restaurant’s food tastes bad, or the restaurant’s operation has some problems. In short There are not many people coming to eat now, and business is very deserted.

A young man in a casual shirt was sitting at the window. In a huge restaurant, he was the only one. Watching the traffic on the bridge, he drank an unknown beer from time to time, just the face of the young man. It has always been very plain, and it has not turned red because of the beer in hand.

“I tried my best. I have clearly pointed out to everyone who our opponent is and what actions we should take, but they don’t understand! They don’t care at all!”

“I feel uncomfortable, but it doesn’t matter anymore, who cares? Such a family, it is estimated that the end of the Xue family will be completely annexed, right?”

“We have no other choice now, why don’t you understand?”

At this moment, two people in suits came to the restaurant with a girl. After bringing the girl to the young man, they turned and left.

The young man put down the wine bottle in his hand and looked at the girl in front of him, still expressionless.

“Lu Xiyao, I think you are very lucky to be liked by dialects. It is not easy to have a person who really likes this world!”

“But you are also very unfortunate, because the person who likes you is called a dialect! There will definitely be many people who will regard you as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh! This naturally contains me Xing Chuan!”

Lu Xiyao frowned, wondering what the Patriarch of the Xing family was talking about.

But she can understand a little bit. The bad luck that comes with her has something to do with dialects, because the ability of dialects lies here. Xing Chuan can threaten dialects with herself, and of course others can too! As long as it is someone who has some ideas in the other dialect, you will never let yourself go!

This young man is naturally Xing Chuan, who has already been taken off the title of Patriarch. The reason he came to this restaurant is because the restaurant was opened by Xing Chuan’s mother. Since Xing Chuan’s mother left, whenever Xing Chuan was a child, Chuan was aggrieved, so he came back to the hotel to take a look, and sat down for a few hours.

Xing Chuan could naturally guess the end of Owner, and he had already predicted the outcome of the family meeting. He would probably take his position as the head of the house and hand it over to an old-school figure, Wu Ye Xing and Seven Ye Xing. It is possible that these people’s voices in the family are very high, not weaker than his father.

Once these people are in position, they will definitely not give Xing Chuan any chance of development. Xing Chuan is destined to miss the position of the head of the family. Under such circumstances, what else do you go to the meeting room? In fact, Xing Chuan originally complained about his father’s actions at the time. As a result, his mother was unable to see his father’s last side. The relationship was very messy, but it was very simple to say that his father was unable to take the seat of the head of the family. I went to see my mother, Xing Chuan’s mother, who passed away in regret.

After that day, the two brothers Xing Chuan and Xing Feng became very indifferent to their father. Until now, the two brothers have not been able to forgive their father.

Xing Feng actually followed Xing Chuan all the time. Xing Chuan would sit in the lobby of the hotel and drink, while Xing Feng would sit on the roof of the hotel and drink in the evening breeze.

“After I hand you over now, no matter who comes to take you away, it has nothing to do with me. I will never get involved in family affairs anymore in my life. Forget it, what’s the use of telling you this? You go!”

Xing Chuan waved his hand, laughed at himself, then stood up, walked upstairs along the stairs, muttering words in his mouth, and carrying a half bottle of beer in his hand:

“Leave a seed…”

“A bud…”

“What pole, what leaf…”

“What flowers are blooming…”

Lu Xiyao stood there, confused, but it was not difficult to tell that Xing Chuan really let her go, and he felt frustrated.

After that, Lu Xiyao smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly. The reason why she was stared at by so many people was not because of her ability, but just because the dialect liked her!

At this moment, even if he really liked dialects before, he didn’t dare to mention it again, because dialects were very dangerous around him, and Lu Xiyao believed that he and dialects were definitely not the kind of couple who could match each other.

Sighing slowly, Lu Xiyao turned and left the hotel. The entrance of the hotel is the Gangmen Bridge. The bridge connects the river and the sea. For Lu Xiyao, this is the only place where she can relax. .

As soon as he came to the bus stop sign by the bridge, Lu Xiyao raised his head and looked at the setting sun in the distance just after sitting on the chair. The setting sun set down on the mountain and the sky was red.

Ten minutes later, a black business Mercedes Benz slowly stopped on the side of the road. A man in a jacket walked out of the car and sat next to Lu Xiyao. The man twisted. He twisted his neck and said with a smile:

“It’s hard to imagine that Xing Chuan actually retreated when he was in trouble, and let you out directly. Tsk tsk, it seems that the blow to him this time is indeed not small!”

Lu Xiyao didn’t speak, and the man didn’t feel embarrassed. He poked his hands into his arms and wanted to take out a cigarette, but realized that there was a woman next to him and smoking was not suitable, so he took out a pack of chewing gum and put it in. I took one in my mouth and chewed slowly.

“My girlfriend is pregnant, so I basically don’t smoke in front of her. If I am addicted to cigarettes, I like chewing gum. There is nothing we can do…”

At this time, Lu Xiyao said in a deep voice:

“Are you from Lin Moyuan, or who?”

The man sitting next to Lu Xiyao smiled and said in a deep voice:

“My name is Ji Kun. It was indeed sent by Lin Moyuan. You can understand that. He asked me to bring you a message. What to do next depends on your choice. Your mother’s disease is now completely cured. If we can drive the dialect to a dead end, we can send you to another city. No one knows you. Your mother and daughter can start a new life!”

“If you choose to be with the dialect, your mother will be sent back. After you call here, you will no longer be threatened. You have nothing to do with us. Now I need to hear an answer.”

Having said this, Ji Kun grinned and said with a smile:

“Of course, he didn’t say the last sentence, it was me. I’m really anxious and time is tight, so you have to give an answer immediately.”

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