Chapter forty-eight: Xiao Fan’s chuckle

Li Yang and Yang Xi looked at each other, both frowned.

It can be said to be a coincidence to encounter such a thing once, but it is doubtful if it is so coincidental twice!

Is it because someone is eyeing them and deliberately embarrassing them to fail?

But what are their identities? Is it worth the fight?

With this skeptical attitude, Li Yang whispered to Yang Xi:

“I think something is wrong, there must be a problem in it!”

“In this way, let’s take a look at the next house first. If the situation remains the same, then someone is targeting us!”

Yang Xi also nodded when he heard this. In their dormitory, Xiao Fan and Qi Zhenyu are undoubtedly the smartest, but since they can also be admitted to the prestigious school of Yunhai University, their IQ will naturally not be so bad!

After making up his mind, a smile appeared on Li Yang’s face.

“It’s okay, let’s just go and see the next room. What’s the big deal?”

“But it’s really bad luck today…”

While talking, the intermediary took the two out of the building.

Sitting on a bench not far away, Ji Kun wearing a pair of sunglasses saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth also showed a smile.

Even if it is detected, what can be done?

In fact, if Li Yang and Yang Xi told Xiao Fan about the situation here, things would be even easier!

The reason is simple. The reason why Xiao Fan splits his arms is to attract his own attention! And achieve the purpose of screaming!

Now that Li Yang has encountered the phenomenon of someone robbing a house, Xiao Fan will definitely think that the own plan has worked, so he will proceed with the own plan with confidence!

And only after Xiao Fan found the house, it was time for Lin Moyuan to make a move!

Thinking of this, Ji Kun had to admire Lin Moyuan’s IQ, and he could even come up with such a method!

As expected of Young Master!

After that, Ji Kun squeezed out the cigarette in his mouth, and then stood up, and once again followed the two brothers far behind.

One hour later.

In the office of the housing agency, Li Yang and Yang Xi sat on the sofa with heavy faces, looking very depressed!

The reason is very simple. This morning, it was just like being caught by evil. Every time they went to see the house, they would be rented out before signing the contract!

There are four houses in full, each of which is temporarily notified by the landlord that the house has been rented out!

At this time, even the intermediary felt a bit wicked, but it just couldn’t help it.

As for things like asking the landlord to inquire about tenant information, the intermediary didn’t even think about it.

The reason is simple. Disclosing personal information is illegal.

“Two people, have a cup of tea, I will give you some ideas here, we still have a lot of houses…”

Li Yang just waved his hand and said:

“It’s okay, don’t worry about us, we won’t rent it for now.”

Later, Li Yang took out his cell phone and called Xiao Fan.

“Hello? Yoko, have you found the house?”

Hearing what Xiao Fan said, Li Yang said with a wry smile:

“We found it, but apart from some accidents, we found the house and are optimistic about it. We are preparing to sign the contract…”

Li Yang simply recounted what he had encountered, and then Xiao Fan’s surprised voice came from the phone.

“There’s still this kind of thing? You didn’t ask what’s the situation with the intermediary? It’s normal for me and Jinyu?”

Li Yang shrugged helplessly and said:

“I asked the intermediary, but the intermediary didn’t know what was going on. It seemed that it was just bad luck, but I always felt that there was a problem!”

“What about your side? Has something similar happened?”

The real estate agency that Xiao Fan and Qi Zhenyu were looking for was not the same with Li Yang, so Li Yang didn’t know what was going on with Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan’s voice rang in the telephone receiver again.

“No, we have been looking at the house here. It is the seventh one this morning, but we haven’t found a satisfactory one yet.”

Xiao Fan’s tone sounded a bit disappointed, but in fact it was ecstasy!

He didn’t expect that the own plan would work so soon!

Who is the one who robbed Li Yang and Yang Xi? Isn’t it Lin Moyuan?

It seems that Lin Moyuan should think that his real purpose is to let Li Yang and Yang Xi rent a house for them!

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Xiao Fan continued:

“Then you can look for it in the afternoon. If it doesn’t work, let’s go back to school and make a total of them and see what the reason is!”

Li Yang nodded, and said that he would look for two houses in the afternoon. If someone was really targeting them, he would have to go back to the dormitory first and consider the long-term plan.

Is the person who can rent so many houses at one go that they can afford?

Putting down the mobile phone in his hand, Xiao Fan’s mouth was filled with a smile.

He and Qi Zhenyu have basically ran through these two communities, and finally found a clue to that house!

The house is not in the second phase. This is the result of Xiao Fan and Qi Zhenyu searching all morning.

And just after the first phase, Xiao Fan saw at a glance the building standing at the back of the community, which looked a little old!

Xiao Fan determined almost instantly that the room with gold hidden was in this building!

Of course Qi Zhenyu noticed Xiao Fan’s changes, so he tentatively asked:

“Brother Fan, did you see that building? Where shall we go next?”

Xiao Fan was in joy, no matter where he could keep the secret, he smiled and said:

“Did you see the last building? I think that building is pretty good. Go and ask if anyone rents out this building.”

Qi Zhenyu curled his lips, and then quickly followed.

That building is the oldest building in the entire community. There are so many good choices that have just been handed over. Why did Xiao Fan choose the most remote one?

There must be something tricky in this one!

It’s just that Xiao Fan didn’t tell the truth to himself.

Walking behind with his head down, Qi Zhenyu took out his mobile phone in silence, edited a message and sent it out.

After that, it was as if nothing had happened, and he followed closely behind Xiao Fan.

Ji Kun was resting in a coffee shop. At this moment, the mobile phone rang a beep. He took out the mobile phone and glanced at it, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It’s not in vain that he tossed here all morning! Xiao Fan, the little bastard, finally moved!

Therefore, Ji Kun immediately forwarded the photo and location of the building sent by Qi Zhenyu to Lin Moyuan.

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