Chapter 471: Good people and good rewards

When Lin Moyuan brought Chang Jing to the outside of the hospital, Xiao Bai was still looking at the ceiling without saying a word. From morning until now, he has not eaten a bite of food.

The nurse was very worried, but she didn’t dare to say anything. After all, the identity in it was quite special, and that was the lifesaver of the granddaughter of the chairman of Nanhua Group!

It doesn’t matter what identity this young man was before.

Xiaobai’s white hair looks non-mainstream. In fact, his hair color is really like this. It’s not a disease or malnutrition. It’s just natural white hair.

Saved the granddaughter of the president of the Nanhua Group, this young man will definitely be able to rise to the top in the future. Don’t think this is just a private hospital, but the nurses in the hospital are all well-informed masters. One is better than the other and knows what should be done and what should not be done. what.

I urged the white-haired young man to eat again and again. After the young man was still quiet, the nurses did not dare to come over again, so they had to call him.

The person above is also very embarrassed. After all, the identity of this young man is here, so he hesitated again and again, and he said to Lin Moyuan, let Lin Moyuan come and see in person.

So when Lin Moyuan and Chang Jing opened the door and came in, they happened to see Xiao Bai who was still in a daze.

Xiaobai saw that it was Lin Moyuan and Chang Jing, and immediately recovered, showing a smile on his face.

“Sorry, Chairman, those brothers were not able to come back…”

Lin Moyuan waved his hand and said:

“It’s all over. I heard that you haven’t eaten all the time? Eat your food first, and then wait.”

While talking, Lin Moyuan made a stubborn mouth in Chang Jing’s direction. Xiaobai looked at Chang Jing. Chang Jing held a lunch box in his hand. It contained ribs stewed with beans and rice. Very tempting, but Xiao Bai has no appetite.

“Chairman, I really can’t eat it, I…”

Chang Jing directly bypassed Lin Moyuan, put the lunch box and vegetables on Xiao Bai’s table, and said in a deep voice:

“White Night, if you don’t eat anymore, I’ll feed you!”

Lin Moyuan smiled slightly when he heard these words, and didn’t say anything. Instead, he stood up wisely and walked into the corridor. He didn’t forget to close the door when he went out.

Xiao Bai’s state is very bad, very bad, and his personality is very different from when Lin Moyuan first met him.

In fact, Lin Moyuan, who has all the memories of the original owner, is not difficult to tell. Xiaobai’s character is actually like this. The joking and joking in the past is just a cover up. Often when he is the most heartless, Xiaobai is the most uncomfortable. when.

The name Bai Ye is actually not very big. Originally Xiao Bai was called Bai Ye, but after his mother passed away, she changed her name. Lin Moyuan remembered that Ji Kun once told him that the name Bai Ye was actually because of Xiao Bai. I always missed my mother at night, and it changed to night at night. There is no poetry behind the elegant name. It is just a bitter past that is unusual but sad.

Xiao Bai also knows, what is it because of Ji Kun’s nostalgia and Lin Moyuan’s acquiescence. What it became.

Lin Moyuan took a cigarette from his arms to light it, and then left the door of the ward.

In the ward, Xiaobai was holding his rice bowl helplessly, eating ribs bit by bite, sitting beside Chang Jing. Although there was still some distance between the two people, they were indeed sitting on the same bed. Xiaobai was more than 20 years ago. I have never been so close to any girl in my life in 20 years.

When setting up a stall in front of the school before, the girls from the rich second generation who came and went all raised their noble heads, all of them looked like white swans, as if they were just looking at Xiaobai’s pancake stall. Will stain his own different soul.

Later, Xiaobai also became rich. Although I don’t want to say that he is a millionaire, he competed for two or three hundred thousand a year, and he was alone, which was more than enough. However, Xiaobai never spent money randomly, every time he got his salary. They were simply deposited in the bank, and entered the Lin Group since the age of eighteen. Until now, Xiaobai has saved five to six hundred thousand yuan.

Ji Kun kept telling Xiaobai that no matter how uncomfortable the day is, it will always pass. His birth is not a problem, and Xiaobai basically doesn’t have to be restrained in front of him.

However, Xiaobai is still a poor person, the kind who is afraid of being poor, so even if he has money, he has never seen him spend it randomly.

When these drivers have money, they will go to bars and other places to relieve the pressure, but Xiaobai just sits on the roof of his house and drinks some beer and eats some peanuts. He has his father who died accidentally in the year he was just born.

Sometimes, as soon as Xiaobai sits here in the cemetery, it is an afternoon. For Xiaobai, the wind blowing in front of his mother’s grave is always warm.

In fact, Xiao Bai was also very puzzled. She took an opportunity to ask Ji Kun why she was the same woman. His mother was not that good, but the temperament was so gentle. Although some of the girls in the colleges had a good face, they had a better heart. A vicious one?

Abortion, a few boats, and all kinds of people show off, speak bad things behind their backs, and pour dirty water on them. Isn’t it a matter of mutual understanding?

Ji Kun was asked this question at the time, so he had to bite the bullet and explain that maybe some people are different. In short, just listen to this saying, just like good people have good rewards, do they really have good rewards? Really not necessarily.

So Xiao Bai is always wary of these rich girls with backgrounds, just thinking about staying away from these people, and this is the same when encountering Chang Jing.

For those things that Lin Moyuan had done before, Xiao Bai was actually not very concerned, why? Because what Lin Moyuan dealt with was also the children of the family, they were all wealthy people, replaced by children from poor families, does Lin Moyuan have to fight against such a family? There is no conflict of interest between the two. On the contrary, Lin Moyuan has not helped the children of these poor people in the company.

This kind of leadership makes people feel uncomfortable at all, so with Lin Moyuan’s words, Xiaobai willingly went to die, even if he lost his life, it didn’t matter. It happened to meet his parents. The reason why Xiaobai finally insisted on going to the villa. It was all because the task assigned to him by Lin Moyuan had not yet been completed, and that was to protect Chang Jing’s safety.

Now Chang Jing is safe, treating Xiao Bai as a lifesaver, but Xiao Bai himself is uncomfortable.

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