Chapter 468: The Reckless Research Department

When Lin Moyuan brought Chang Jing to the scientific research department, there was a great contrast between the whole department and the marketing department downstairs.

Compared with the full vitality of the marketing department, the scientific research department is more like a very solemn church, as if there are not many people.

There were two security guards at the entrance of the scientific research department. These two security guards looked very serious. They didn’t have the meaning of playing around with the security guards of other groups. They immediately heightened their vigilance when they heard the sound of footsteps.

At the corner, Lin Moyuan still had a strange woman, and the two guards felt relieved a little.



Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded. As soon as his front foot was about to go in, one of the security guards said:

“This… Chairman, this Miss has to go through a security check. You can’t have any electronic equipment!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“It’s okay, she is with me, there will be no problems.”

The guard nodded and stopped talking.

After the two entered the scientific research department, Chang Jing asked curiously:

“Why did he say not to bring in electronic equipment?”

Lin Moyuan looked at the six-foot-thick door at the entrance of the scientific research department, copied his pockets with both hands, and said with a smile:

“Of course it is to guard against espionage. There are a lot of commercial espionage, and some people are even more unscrupulous. If the secrets of scientific research departments are leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“Some people use mobile phones to take photos, USB flash drives and other methods to obtain our data and research results. It’s the same with equipment. Watches cannot be brought in, even car keys.”

Nowadays, many car keys are electronic. This has to be guarded against. In short, as long as they are equipped with a chip, can be connected to the Internet, and can pass information out, they cannot be brought in!

When Chang Jing heard these words, she immediately took out her own phone and said:

“Then I’d better put my phone outside…”

Lin Moyuan suddenly said helplessly:

“It’s no longer necessary. I’m here now. Don’t worry. Although I just took office, I still have the right to speak at this point!”

Chang Jing nodded, expressing understanding.

After the door is opened, there is a laboratory behind. Many high-end technologies have been developed in this place where there is not much sunlight since it was built.

After a series of cumbersome inspections, he successfully came here. Just as soon as he walked into the laboratory, Chang Jing was stunned.

A group of people in white coats are walking back and forth in the laboratory. Sometimes there will be an exclamation or two, and a few quarrels, but they will soon be quiet again.

What is even more strange is that some people actually fell asleep directly on the table, with white coats covering their bodies.

On the whole, it gave Chang Jing a very casual feeling, but only when he walked into the complex formulas and codes on the display screen in front of him, could Chang Jing appreciate the hardships of these researchers.

Lin Moyuan should be very happy to see such a scene, right? After all, these people work so hard, and at first glance, there are many people who work all night.

But when Chang Jing looked at Lin Moyuan, she was stunned.

Because Lin Moyuan’s face not only did not show any joy, but on the contrary, his face was gloomy!

Lin Moyuan quickly stepped forward and directly found a red-faced middle-aged man wearing a white shirt who was arguing with the scientific researchers around him, and asked in a deep voice:

“Old Ji, didn’t I ask you to leave the company at 6:30 last night at the latest? Did you leave?”

This middle-aged man with glasses, known as Lao Ji, looks masculine and seems to have an aura of no anger and prestige. After seeing Lin Moyuan, he asked with some wonder:

“We still have one chip problem! This is the last problem! We will leave when we have solved it!”

Lin Moyuan slapped the table and said in a deep voice:

“Okay! I order you, now all give me the time to go home! Go back to the dormitory! The laboratory is closed for eight hours! I am the chairman, and I have the final say!”

This voice pulled all the scientific researchers in the laboratory back from their current state, and people realized that it was already the next day.

Once a person falls into a kind of paranoia, it is very scary. Lin Moyuan deeply understands the horror of this obsession, so this has set a new rule. Researchers work at most eight hours a day, and one more minute. Will not work!

But this is only the first few days? A few days ago, there were still people doing symbolic appearances, but under the advocacy of this old season, everyone began to devote themselves to it again!

Lao Ji did not expect Lin Moyuan’s sudden attack today. He didn’t even know how many times Lin Moyuan came to the laboratory, but every time Lin Moyuan came, he could see Lao Ji with a group of scientific researchers working hard!

Such overloaded work, let alone Lin Moyuan doesn’t understand medicine, but a normal person can see that it is not good!

That’s why Lin Moyuan was directly angry.

Lao Ji walked over slowly, and said to Lin Moyuan with a smile on his face:

“Come and go! Let’s go! Let’s go right away!”

Afterwards, Lao Ji waved to the back and said loudly:

“Everyone is going with me! Hurry up! Didn’t you hear the chairman’s words? It’s off work now!”

After watching these scientific researchers reluctantly archive the documents they made one by one, Lin Moyuan was slightly relieved. It was not until there was no one left in the laboratory that Chang Jing asked curiously:

“Why are you driving them away?”

Lin Moyuan shrugged and said:

“You see them doing this, don’t you worry? Before I came, they hadn’t closed their eyes for twenty hours!”

Didn’t close your eyes for twenty hours? Chang Jing was a little shocked at once. Looking back, she remembered the employees of Nanhua Company. They basically went to work at one point, spent the whole day, and left easily after work at night! Because Nanhua Group has no similar scientific research department at all!

The hardest workers in Nanhua will always be workers.

Lin Moyuan did not leave in a hurry, but came to Lao Ji’s table, saw a box of cigarettes and an old lighter, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“Come on, we’ll just wait here, there is still a good show.”

While talking, Lin Moyuan took Chang Jing and hid in the laboratory.

Just as Chang Jing wanted to ask, Lin Moyuan raised a finger and blocked her mouth.

“Stop talking, someone is here!”

Sure enough, footsteps sounded in the laboratory again!

Lin Moyuan sighed lightly, then took Chang Jing and walked out!

A figure in a white coat was suddenly stunned!

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