Chapter four hundred and sixty-fifth: the road ahead is lost

Dongsheng Huating Villa, 8:30 in the morning.

Chang Jing slowly opened his heavy eyes, looked at the unfamiliar luxury bedroom in front of him with some confusion, and it took a while to recall what happened yesterday.

This bedroom is decorated in European style, and the overall style is the same as that of the villa. However, a normal designer will not make the same house with different design styles, unless you are a Master. , Simply put, it is the kind of person who can be lifted up to the sky by writing casually.

Chang Jing took a look at the room. It was on the second floor of the villa. I didn’t have time to look at the villa last night. Actually, I didn’t feel any mood anymore. I opened the door and went out. Chang Jing just wanted to ask Xiaobai’s injury. That’s it.

When she came out of the safe house last night, all the people chasing the owner on the opposite side were taken away by the police. She also followed to the police station. It turned out that these people did not shoot and kill the elites of the Lin group around Xiaowu. People immediately understood that these little gangsters were thrown out of the tank, which is also the consistent style of the big group.

Since these people were able to throw these punks out of the pan, Chang Jing could guess that they must have done all the things behind, so there was not much chance of catching evidence, so Chang Jing had to go back to the villa.

When I went to see Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai was still undergoing surgery. Chang Jing sat at the door of the ward and waited. After waiting, she fell asleep. When she opened her eyes again, it was already the next morning.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Chang Jing saw a familiar figure at a glance. She was dressed in a very formal ol outfit with a bumpy figure. Until the woman noticed it and turned around, Chang Jing didn’t recognize it. The woman was the manager next to Lin Moyuan at the time, named Tang Yurou!

The moment Tang Yurou saw Chang Jing, she was also taken aback, because Tang Yurou actually didn’t come back to live last night at all. She needed a copy of the meeting materials this morning, and only then came back.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the villa, I ran into Chang Jing head-on.

Chang Jing suddenly felt a little flustered. After all, this was Lin Moyuan’s home. If she borrowed here, it would have disturbed her normal life.

Although Chang Jing is only a college student, she can still see that the relationship between Tang Yu and Lin Moyuan is definitely not as simple as that of subordinates.

After seeing Chang Jing, Tang Yurou smiled slightly and said softly:

“Miss Chang, do you want to come down for breakfast?”

Chang Jing just wanted to refuse, but a protest came from her stomach. Chang Jing smiled bitterly. Tang Yurou stepped forward and took Chang Jing’s arm and said naturally:

“Let’s go, it happens to be together, the chairman is also down there, I think you have a lot of questions, right?”

Chang Jing is very strange, why is this woman in front of her so generous?

Isn’t she jealous at all?

Chang Jing subconsciously said, “I have nothing to do with Lin Moyuan, don’t listen to people outside…”

Tang Yurou interrupted with a smile:

“I know that there is no need to explain anything. In fact, I just hope that he can spend more time at home and have less daily affairs. It will be fine for the rest of his life.”

From Tang Yurou’s voice, Chang Jing heard a little bit of sadness, and a lot of helplessness, and the most other thing was a turbulent love!

Chang Jing suddenly became a little confused. Could this kind of intense feelings be called /love?

When the two women came downstairs side by side, Lin Moyuan was sitting in a chair for breakfast, and Ji Kun was also there, with a fried dough stick in his mouth, and a bowl of tofu brains in front of him.

When Chang Jing saw this scene, she felt a little strange. The rich people’s breakfast is so simple?

Not to mention abalone and lobster, at least it should be French bread, right?

Why is Lin Moyuan’s breakfast so simple?

Lin Moyuan saw Chang Jing’s figure and said with a smile:

“What’s wrong? How was your rest last night?”

Chang Jing nodded and said:

“I have nothing, Xiaobai…”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, Xiao Bai is alive and well now. He is in good health. There is no major problem. The bullet is not in the body!”

Chang Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and was pulled by Tang Yurou and sat at the dinner table.

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“I will take you to our Lin Group for a while. Be happier. Your strength is now limited and you can’t change much. The only thing you can do is to make yourself stronger as soon as possible!”

Hearing that, Chang Jing nodded, her starting point was not as good as Lin Moyuan. Before Lin Moyuan crossed over, she was already a business tycoon respected by thousands of people, and she was just an ordinary college student, and there was still too much to learn.

After a simple breakfast, Lin Moyuan took Chang Jing and Ji Kun to the headquarters of the Lin Group.

The headquarters of the Lin Group is still crowded with people. In fact, it makes no difference to the employees at the bottom if a chairman is changed. They just have the simplest goal, which is to support their families.

How many people are like Lin Moyuan in this world? There are not many at all. The most are all with a salary of seven or eight thousand a month. People who struggle for a house or a car, there is absolutely no boy. When I was a child, my dream was to have a house.

Lin Moyuan understood these people, but he also envied them, it was precisely because these talents formed the powerful community of destiny, the Lin Group.

Why is a community of destiny? Because the Lin Group pays these people, these people contribute their own talents for the Lin Group to build the Lin Group, so that the Lin Group can go further. This is not a relationship between superiors and subordinates. It is a win-win situation. Relationship!

I give you a platform to develop your own strength, spend money to train you, and then I can get reciprocal returns from you. This is the attitude of the Lin Group to the bottom employees.

Looking back at the history of the Lin Group’s fortunes over the years, there has not been any case of arrears of employees’ wages. Even before each salary payment, Lin Shengtian personally supervises the operation of the financial department. For Lin Shengtian, you take it from my pocket. After the money is gone, how can I not find out, this is your skill!

But if you take money from employees who are just over tens of thousands of dollars a month, as the chairman of the board, you are definitely going to get you!

This is more than just expelling. If you are discovered, you must first get forgiveness from all employees. If the behavior is too bad, how did Lin Shengtian get started? Of course it is the old rules on the street, prepare for Shen Jiang!

But for now, no one dares to really do this step, because they all know that Lin Shengtian has done what he said!

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