Chapter 457: The final madness of the grand plan

Lu Feng is now in a very dangerous situation, because he has become the final target of revenge for the Hongtu Group.

Now Hong Ran has already given up clearly, just to be able to push down Hong Ran!

As for what Hong Ran will do in the end, no one knows. It is not clear if he intends to catch it, but the police take it away for prison food, or if he wants to struggle again and find a chance to see if he can come back.

Lu Feng has now reached the periphery of the airport. It seems that the flow of people is relatively sparse, and he can be considered relieved. Fortunately, the last student did not shake himself out, otherwise the problem would be serious.

Lu Feng is now wearing a baseball cap and carrying a backpack. He looks like a student. From time to time, Hongtu Group’s thugs pass by him, but he can’t recognize them. After all, this change is too great. Big.

This is what Lu Feng left. How could he teach all the moves to the people of Hongtu Group? The most important point, Lu Feng didn’t mean to teach her makeup skills! It is for this reason that Lu Feng can safely avoid the inspection.

Just getting back in the car he drove, Lu Feng sighed. Now Xiaoyan is safe. This is the greatest comfort for Lu Feng. No matter what, just give yourself a chance to leave Fuyuan City. I won’t bring it back in my life!

Just stay here and be a bodyguard for Lin Moyuan, and you’re done. The price given by Lin Moyuan is indeed not low, and the welfare is more sincere than Hongtu Group, a villa! a car!

How much did Hong Ran give? Can you buy a villa in Yunhai City for hundreds of thousands of missions at a time? Absolutely impossible! No need to think about it!

Just as he was about to start the engine, Lu Feng was stunned, because a team member had just passed by the car and saw Lu Feng at a glance!

This team member was not as good at talking as the clear-headed young man just now, so he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and shouted:

“Find Lu Feng! He’s in the car! Where we park! Come on! Hurry up! He’s going to run!”

Lu Feng cursed inwardly, twisted the key, instantly released the handbrake and stepped on the accelerator!

This car rushed and drifted, then rushed to the outside of the airport!

The reaction of the team member just now was not bad either. He glanced around and found the original van. He rushed into the car, followed Lu Feng’s car, and rushed out of the airport!

As soon as his car drove away, the people behind could only wait for the next car. The extra people went to take a taxi. Everyone followed Lu Feng!

When Lu Feng saw the convoy that had followed within a short time, he cursed inwardly!

“I really took it! Bite so tightly! Lean on!”

But at the moment there is no good way, I can only do my best to rush towards the train station!

Because Lin Moyuan is at the train station, and there are people from the Fuyuan City Police Station! If the people of Hongtu Group dared to go, they would have voted into the net!

Thinking of this, Lu Feng gritted his teeth, held the steering wheel, and flexibly controlled the big Ben, constantly passing through the traffic in front of him.

The performance of the Big Ben is definitely not comparable to that of the van behind, so it quickly opened up a distance.

But the good times didn’t last long. Suddenly a few motorcycles and a few jeeps appeared behind!

These cars are all external support, not members of the team, but they are all here to catch Lu Feng!

And some people come here with the intention of killing!

Lu Feng soon fell into a passive situation again!

Seeing that the traffic light ahead was about to turn into a red light, Lu Feng’s heart was also anxious!

At this moment, two black Audis suddenly flew out from the side, hitting a motorcycle directly, and twisting a Jeep!

Lu Feng thought that some kind of support had appeared, and when he took a closer look, he found that it was Lin Moyuan and Yan Kexiang!

Isn’t this a nonsense? You dignified chairman, do you come out to help if you are full?

If something happens to you, how can I explain to your distinguished father when I turn around?

However, Lin Moyuan looked very confident. As soon as the steering wheel turned, the front of the car was turned, and a team member riding a motorcycle was hit again!

Perhaps for Lin Moyuan, this kind of thing will be done less and less in the future. After all, as the chairman, it is inevitable that he will be unpopular when he does these racing things on the highway every day.

But in the eyes of the people around him, Lin Moyuan has always been very strange. I don’t know why, following Lin Moyuan, they have an inexplicable strength, or cohesion.

A group of people are mixed together, all with different identities. Some are the sons of the company boss, some are the heads of a big family, and some are Lin Moyuan who grew up in childhood. These people with completely different identities follow Lin Moyuan. Regardless of each other, for what?

for money? Who of these people has no money?

For status? Is their status low?

It’s just for a passionate leader, and it’s for finding a group of brothers, everyone can fight for a goal, that’s all.

The gathering of these strange people around Lin Moyuan is a force that cannot be ignored. At first, establishing such a network of relationships, Lin Moyuan just wanted to make the most effective counterattack as soon as possible when he met the son of luck. .

But I didn’t expect this network of relationships to grow bigger and bigger, and to this day, it has become a force that even the Southern Business Alliance can’t ignore!

This force cannot be ignored, and it also makes many people look at it.

As for why these people willingly followed Lin Moyuan, Yan Kexiang and Lu Feng, who were soaring, can now give the answer!

Because although Lin Moyuan did nothing good, it was for their sake in the end! No matter when, they will not be regarded as pawns. Will Hong Ran personally come forward for own’s men? Of course not! No need to think about it!

Now the scene on the highway is getting more and more tragic. Basically, the traffic is jammed, except for a few cars that are still chasing.

Lin Moyuan looked at the cars that were still stuck in the rearview mirror, and said with the intercom on the car:

“Old Yan, let’s go into the alley! Find a narrow place!”

Yan Kexiang suddenly understood and said:

“No problem! Boss! Look at me!”

Yan Kexiang suddenly pulled the handbrake, and several jeeps ran into it unexpectedly. Seeing that they were about to lose control, Yan Kexiang stepped on the accelerator again and rushed toward the narrow alley on one side!

Lin Moyuan turned around and drove all the jeeps into the alley!

This alley is a very old alley, which existed in the last century.

Just barely pass a car in the alley.

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