Chapter 448: Meet Yuan Dezhi

When Lin Moyuan was puzzled, Yuan Dezhi continued:

“I’m at the Fuyuan Police Station now, I want to ask, about Lehua…”

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice, “Don’t worry, since I promised you, I will definitely do it. I asked myself Lin Moyuan that he is not a good person, but keeping the promise is the most basic thing, it’s no problem!”

In recent years, Lin Moyuan, the original owner of this body, can be regarded as wicked and full of abuse and scolded by others, but he is really impeccable in keeping his promises!

The foundation of a person’s standing between heaven and earth is trustworthiness!

Yuan Dezhi breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice:

“Do you remember the email I sent you? The investigation is needed now, so I hope you can hand it over to the Fuyuan City Police!”

Lin Moyuan immediately understood what Yuan Dezhi meant. The Fuyuan City Police is about to start an official action against the Hongtu Group!

This is a great thing. For Lin Moyuan, the Hongtu Group was over a day earlier, and the Lin Group is getting closer and closer to the Zhongyuan Lijing project!

Sighing, Lin Moyuan said to the phone:

“I’m in Fuyuan City right now, and I will go to the police station to find you right away! Don’t worry!”

Yuan Dezhi was indeed shocked this time, but Lin Moyuan did not expect that Lin Moyuan would actually come to Fuyuan City!

After taking a deep breath, Yuan Dezhi calmed down. At first, he did think that Lin Moyuan came for his business. After thinking about it, he realized that Lin Moyuan has something more important. After all, no matter how high the status of Yuan Dezhi is, What is it worth adding to Lin Moyuan, the newly appointed chairman of the board?

However, this did not stop Yuan Dezhi’s plan. Lin Moyuan was in Fuyuan City, and Yuan Dezhi was more relieved.

“In this case, I would like to ask Chairman Lin to take care of Lehua and help me take care of her! Yuan Dezhi has written down this favor!”

Lin Moyuan responded, and then hung up.

Although the current situation is not optimistic, for Lin Moyuan himself, it is easy to fish in the muddy water! As long as you master the final weakness of the Hongtu Group and defeat them, it is only a matter of minutes!

At the same time, the dialect is also treating Mr. Hong!

In the park of the Hongtu Group, Mr. Hong frowned slightly when he looked at the glass of liquid in front of him, which was like boiled water.

“Doctor Fang, isn’t this just plain water? Does it really work?”

The dialect smiled and said:

“Master, you can rest assured that this kind of water is underground spring water in a cave in Gangdong City. I am not afraid to tell you that this thing is very effective! But now this cave has been buried, so I can take it out. , It’s all here!”

“Originally, your illness was adjusted for some time with some medicinal materials. It was not a problem to cure it, but you also know that the current situation of the Hongtu Group is not optimistic, so I can only reluctantly take out the last underground spring water!”

Old man Hong is very knowledgeable, so naturally he has heard rumors about underground spring water, and later relevant departments have confirmed that it is indeed the case! Drinking more of this spring water can also prolong your life! rare!

So Father Hong didn’t doubt anything, so he raised his head and took a sip!

The dialect for the old man Hong, of course, is the underground spring water taken out of the cave, but of course it cannot be all, just a few drops of it, and some medicinal materials, the most important thing is a few drops of his own blood, this It is the most important drug primer, not one of them.

After drinking this bowl of potion, Grandpa Hong immediately felt warm all over his body. The doctor said before that in order to ensure the effect of the drug, you should not drink alcohol while taking the drug. He likes to have a drink. After getting the doctor’s advice, Mr. Hong hasn’t touched any alcohol. After several years, I don’t even mention the feeling of nostalgia for drinking.

However, after this bowl of underwater belly, Grandpa Hong immediately felt much more relieved. After a long period of relaxation, he said to the dialect:

“Doctor Fang, this potion is truly amazing! I haven’t drunk alcohol for so many years, and it has a delicate taste!”

The dialect smiled and said:

“People say that good medicine is bitter and good for the disease. In my opinion, it is half right and half wrong. Not all good medicine is bitter. Just like this underground spring water, it is beneficial to the human body without any harm. Isn’t it very mellow and delicious? ”

Grandpa Hong suddenly smiled and patted the dialect on the shoulder, and then asked:

“The genius doctor Fang, my cold disease can be cured after drinking the medicine?”

Dialect smiled and replied:

“Basically it’s almost the same. If this doesn’t have any effect, then I am a genius doctor for nothing? I still have some medicinal materials in my hand, which have been prepared. As long as Chairman Hong and Young Master Zhanfei take one regularly By the end of the month, the coldness in the body is naturally not a problem!”

This cold disease that plagued Hong’s ancestors and grandchildren was actually treated lightly by a young Chinese doctor. Old man Hong had an unreal feeling, but this miracle happened to the owner alive, so he didn’t believe him. !

The dialect arranged the medicinal materials and put them on the table, then turned around and said with a smile to Grandpa Hong:

“The old man has to go to the ground and walk around more during this time! After all, although the body is not a major problem, but the cold is still there, proper exercise will help to discharge the cold!”

The old man nodded suddenly and said:

“It makes sense! Don’t worry, genius doctor Fang, you will be an ally of our Hongtu Group from now on! Just say anything if you want to!”

“By the way, tell me, how much are these medicines?”

Dialect smiled and waved his hand:

“You’re not out there. To tell the truth, my medical skills are popular everywhere. I don’t lack money. Money is enough to spend. I can eat three meals and cover myself in cold weather. It’s enough. !”

Old man Hong slowly narrowed his eyes, and then said with a smile:

“The Realm like Doctor Fang is beyond our reach! Ashamed!”

Dialect naturally saw the look in Old Man Hong’s eyes at that moment, and he also secretly increased his vigilance in his heart.

This Hongtu Group’s next family is really a cool character carved out of a mold!

The dialect is not a fool, so I naturally felt the change of Old Man Hong’s mentality!

If you were simply respectful to yourself before, and wanted to keep yourself in the Hongtu Group, then you should be murderous at this moment!

Just because I said that I don’t care about money!

Should we destroy what we can’t control? No wonder the Hongtu Group has been behind the Lin Group for so many years! In such a company, who would come in and die?

But these dialects are just thinking about it in my heart, after all, it is uncertain whether Hongtu will survive this time!

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