Chapter 440: The Sudden Arrival of Lin Moyuan

Fuyuan Airport.

A helicopter landed slowly at the very edge of the airport. A young man in a gray jacket stepped off the plane and gestured to the pilot. Then the pilot went to refuel.

The young man was wearing a pair of sunglasses with a cigarette in his mouth. After lighting it with a fire wheel, he took a sip, but he had no lungs, and then he vomited out slowly.

After taking off the sunglasses, a handsome face appeared, which turned out to be Lin Moyuan.

In fact, Lin Moyuan usually doesn’t smoke a lot, because he controls it well and he also pays attention to body maintenance. After all, the second life is hard-won, so I don’t want to just waste it in vain.

As for why he came to Fuyuan City, it was a whim, because the biggest opponent of Hongtu Group is Lin Moyuan, but no one would have thought that Lin Moyuan would come in person!

Let alone Hong Ran, even Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang don’t know it!

“Chairman, when shall we go back?”

Lin Moyuan spit out a smoke ring and said in a deep voice:

“Wait for my notice, you go back first and wait for the call!”

The pilot nodded and turned back to the plane. After a while, the helicopter took off from the airport and flew towards Yunhai City.

This helicopter is affordable and durable in the civilian series, and it has been in the hands of Lin Moyuan for some time. It is generally not needed for travel. In order to prevent Hong Ran from noticing it, this Choose a helicopter.

The most important point is that this helicopter has a relatively strong endurance, which is generally considered the most trouble-free.

Walking along the special passage of the airport, looking at this completely unfamiliar city, Lin Moyuan slowly let out a foul breath, stopped a taxi and reported an address.

No one in this place knows Lin Moyuan’s name. Even if he does, he can’t actually recognize it. For Lin Moyuan, it’s much easier. You don’t need to bring any bodyguards when you go out. It feels like you’re back to the ivory tower that you just left school. The days of getting out of society.

After dreams are ruthlessly smashed by reality, few people can maintain the optimistic attitude of the year to face Life. At this time, they are divided into two kinds of people, one is self-defeating. Facing this reality of society, they began to rush for Life. All of his dreams are accompanied by his graduation certificate. I don’t know which corner I put it in. I will never take it out again in his lifetime.

The second one is because maybe outsiders seem to have some naive dreams, gritting their teeth and groping forward, even if they hit a wall, they will never stop! Lin Moyuan is this kind of person. In fact, more people will not talk about dreams anymore, because there are only money left in their eyes. On the contrary, there are the most people like this, and they are the closest to reality.

However, those who insist on their dreams will not go far, they will always find a way out in various crises, and they will get closer and closer to their dreams.

Lin Moyuan was successful. He finally realized his own dream. The youngest entrepreneur in the city, his company has just started, and everything is developing in a better direction. He also met a girlfriend. The two are both talented and beautiful, and they are in good spirits.

But Lin Moyuan also failed. Later, his girlfriend and his best brother teamed up to frame him. If it weren’t for the villain system, he would most likely be dead.

Slowly returning to his senses, Lin Moyuan sighed, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

If the movement this time is large enough, the pressure on the Lin Group will be much less!

Why did Lin Moyuan throw a bunch of documents and come to Fuyuan City?

Because there is a big problem in the file! The next goal of Hongtu Group is the Zhongyuan Lijing project in Fuyuan City! This project plans to build the largest group of villas in the southern region! A whole mountain villa! This is huge profits!

Moreover, the personal relationship between the person in charge of this project and the grandfather of the Hongtu Group is very good, and it is basically a default! A project worth nearly 100 billion yuan, how can people be so cupped hands?

This group of villas is planned to be completed in five years. After five years, at least 300 billion yuan of profits will be used! Three hundred billion!

This money cannot be ignored by any company or group in China!

This project must not fall into the hands of Hongtu Group! Once it falls into their hands, the output value of the Lin Group will soon be overtaken! At that time, his father’s position as the chairman may not be able to sit firmly!

This time, the fate of the entire Lin Group is in Own’s hands. Whether it can be achieved is up to you!

If Yuan Dezhi’s girlfriend was arrested, then Yuan Dezhi would definitely not say anything!

To ensure that Yuan Dezhi’s girlfriend can leave smoothly, the only way is to come in person! This is the safest way! There will never be any problems!

Changyang Hotel.

In the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, all the people sitting were their own, Wang Yan, Yan Kexiang, Lu Feng, and Xiao Yan.

Lu Feng’s face was very solemn, because now everyone in the Hongtu Group is like a mad dog, desperately looking for traces of Yuan Dezhi’s girlfriend Lehua, except for this hotel, it is estimated that the streets are all eyeliners.

And now it has spread on the street, as long as you find Xiaoyan and Lehua’s figure, even if you only see it, start 400,000!

The power of money is really very powerful. Now some passers-by are looking at the people around them, as if it is for the 400,000 yuan. After all, the more money, the better.

“The current situation is more serious than I thought. It seems that Lehua is Hong Ran’s last life-saving straw. I don’t know how to do it. It seems that all citizens of the city have become enemies except us.”

Yan Kexiang smacked his tongue and said in a deep voice:

“Ambush on all sides! This is the critical moment when this general needs to come forward and break a bloody path!”

Wang Yan chuckled helplessly: “Just you? Let’s forget it. The reason why we can hide here safely is because the investigation of Xiaoyan is not so strong! Otherwise, we have one of them, no It will be leaked in two hours!”

Lu Feng nodded in agreement, and said:

“How to get to the flower shop from here, and then from the flower shop to the train station, whether or not to be discovered, is our biggest problem at the moment.”

The flower shop is where Lehua hides. This flower shop was bought by someone from Yuan Dezhi. Near the train station, it seems that Yuan Dezhi had anticipated the situation today and planned an escape route long ago.

When everyone was worried, the rolling shutter door of the hotel was suddenly knocked!

The manager standing at the door frowned, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then stepped forward to open a gap!

When he saw the people outside, the manager was stunned!

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