Four hundred and forty-fourth chapters: strange kidnapping!

After Yan Kexiang knocked out the guard, he dragged it directly to a space under the stairwell. This was a utility room for storing some sundries. It seemed that it hadn’t been used for a long time, and it was full of everything. It is dust, and there is a door handle on the left and right, which can only be opened from the outside.

After hiding the people, Yan Kexiang pushed the cleaning truck out of the stairs and walked to the door of the target ward.

At the door of the ward, before the two guards could react, a doctor in a white coat appeared in front of them.

“Room rounds, doctors in the Department of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases.”

A guard frowned and asked suspiciously:

“Didn’t you just check it today? Also, the Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases Department? You came to the wrong room, right? The patient has a lung disease!”

The doctor frowned and glanced at the medical record sheet, as if he was checking the case, but at this moment, a cleaner pushing a cleaning truck came up behind him!

The cleaner stepped forward and directly put a scalpel on the neck of one of the guards, and whispered:

“Don’t move! Get acquainted! Just a little salary a month, I hope you don’t be enthusiastic and take your life!”

The guard was stunned for a moment, and then directly nodded, almost raising his hand to surrender.

Another guard just wanted to stand up, but was pressed by Wang Yan’s hand on the seat! In addition, a dagger appeared in Wang Yan’s hand. The whole body was pitch black, without any reflections, but it was so sharp that it looked chilly!

Wang Yan said in a deep voice:

“Our goal is only Lu Feng, I hope you don’t rush forward without thinking!”

Although the guard gritted his teeth, he really didn’t dare to act rashly.

That dagger is too sharp! I just feel the cold wind blowing through my throat!

Wang Yan smiled and said:

“That’s right, I might as well tell you, we are here to take Lu Feng’s life! Hong Ran does not do things authentically, we can’t find anyone else, so let’s use his hand to make a knife! If you understand, you will be familiar with each other. Son!”

The two guards looked at each other and fell silent.

Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang looked at each other, and then Wang Yan took the lead in rushing into the ward, while Yan Kexiang stayed in place and looked at the two guards, making the two men dare not act rashly.

“That’s right! Honestly! Just assume this hasn’t happened today!”

At this moment, there was a loud noise and roar in the ward, and only one voice was heard shouting:


Another voice replied in a gloomy voice:

“Lu Feng, Xiaoye came here for your life today!”

Among them were the exclamations and shouts of Lu Feng’s girlfriend Xiaoyan. After a while, Lu Feng’s sturdy body rushed out of the ward. After seeing the scene at the door of the ward, he was taken aback for a moment, and gritted his teeth and asked:

“Didn’t you let you protect Xiaoyan? Damn, how did people get in?”

The two guards glanced at each other, and one after another chose to be silent.

No way, they are indeed at a loss!

The movement was heard on the entire floor, and the guard at the elevator door naturally reacted, but as soon as he rushed over, he saw the figure in the white coat, putting a dagger on Lu Feng’s girlfriend’s neck, from inside the ward. Come out!

“Give me back! I tell you! If anyone comes forward, you don’t want this woman’s life!”

Wang Yan’s gaze was very fierce, Yan Kexiang took the opportunity to come behind Wang Yan, the two and Lu Feng’s girlfriend, and the three moved in the direction of the elevator together!

There was a sudden chaos in the hospital, but Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang looked fierce, and there was no panic at all! This left the three guards feeling out of their minds!

At this time, Lu Feng’s girlfriend had a pretty face, obviously not knowing that it was Lu Feng and the others acting, but this was fine, but it was more real.

“Don’t get into the elevator! Just stand here for me! Have you heard?”

Lu Feng said in a deep voice:

“Put me down at the elevator entrance! We don’t want to chase you!”

Wang Yan sneered and said in a deep voice:

“You kid think we are fools? Lu Feng, let me tell you! This is not over! I want to find your girlfriend and come to Sanhewan Warehouse! If other people dare to come, you won’t even want to see her in your life! ”

After saying this, the elevator was just in place. Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang got on the elevator together. Watching the elevator go down, Lu Feng immediately turned and rushed to the stairs!

As a result, in the step ladder room, the guard who had just been stunned crawled out of the utility room. He came out after knocking on the door of the utility room!

“What about people? Who was it that hit me just now?”

Lu Feng looked at the guard coldly, and said in a deep voice:


The guard opened his mouth, but there was no way to refute it!

It’s really weird. Standing here, who came up and knocked himself out?

This attack came too suddenly, and all the guards were unprepared.

When Lu Feng and the others came downstairs, there was no shadow of the other party. The guards took people to the surveillance room to check the video, only to find that the two people took Lu Feng’s girlfriend Xiaoyan and walked towards the blind spot of the surveillance. I never came out again, I thought I should have left by car!

Lu Feng stood in front of the surveillance video, pressed his hands on the table and said nothing, and the atmosphere was very depressing at one time.

The four guards looked at each other, one of them sighed and said in a deep voice:

“Lu Feng, listen to us, actually this matter…”

Lu Feng directly hit the monitor screen in front of him with a punch!

“Shut up all of you! Four people can’t stop two people! Why are you so vigorous when you fucking hit me?”

“Just that two people can’t stop! You are also elites? Fart elites!”

One of the guards couldn’t help saying:

“Didn’t you also stop it? Who knows if you found this person!”

Hearing these words, Lu Feng stepped forward and punched directly, and the guard immediately lay down on the ground!

“You tell daddy again? Believe it or not, I was the first to kill you! Say! Did you find the man!”

“I’ll just say why you didn’t resist any time between the steps. It seems that you are looking for people!”

The guard just wanted to explain, but was punched in the face!

Suddenly the anger came up, and he bounced up and rushed towards Lu Feng!

“The person was found by daddy, what’s the matter? It’s you! It’s not a day or two to see if you are not pleasing to your eyes, what are you dragging on?”

Lu Feng was furious when he heard this! But my heart is overjoyed!

Good boy, Zheng Chou can’t get rid of the suspicion, but it’s good for you, you rushed up!

“Sure enough, it’s you! Don’t stop me today!”

The scene suddenly got out of control, and the other three people added up were not Lu Feng’s opponent either!

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