Four hundred and twentieth chapters: Do you doubt me?

where is this place? bar! In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a place where the three teachings and nine currents gather, which can be said to be a dance of demons, but at the same time, this is also a near-perfect business opportunity. As long as you control it, it will be huge profits!

Most of the young people who come to this place are from a decent family background, and some are really rich, most of them are college students or white-collar workers, and even more are a group of swollen faces filling Fatty, no money to borrow. The money will come to the dick.

The first floor is the bar deck, and the second floor is the nightclub night deck. It is said that people who come to relax in the bar may have them, but there are definitely not many. Hangover.

These people have received some blows in their lives, and become a little depressed, so they want to come to the bar to borrow a drink to pour their sorrows and learn from Li Bai.

But Li Bai invited Mingyue to a toast. These people raised their glasses to the beauties at the bar, and they didn’t know where they were floating.

In dialect, seeing the chaotic scene of bars and nightclubs, in fact, I don’t quite understand it. Why do these people come here? There are many places to vent your emotions, right? The heavy metal music in this place really makes the dialects a little uncomfortable.

But in order to complete his set tasks, dialects really have to continue to move forward.

Yuan Dezhi’s visit to such a place, coupled with the fact that there is a wife with his bones at home, makes the dialect whole person’s perception of Yuan Dezhi worse and worse.

After all, the ideological education received by dialects has some traditions, which are all inherited from his Master. Therefore, dialects believe that Yuan Dezhi’s behavior is going to be struck by lightning!

In this way, Yuan Dezhi is the murderer’s grasp, and it is even greater!

At this time, Hong Ran was already familiar with the private room on the third floor. The entire third floor is full of private rooms, large and small, and expensive. Those who can book private rooms on the third floor are all of the eminent boss and boss level. These people are the most important. The focus is on confidentiality and privacy. You let them go on the dance floor below and shake their heads with a group of young people. Is this fair?

And many shady business transactions are done from here, such as exchanging business secrets between companies, and leaking some of the company’s plans, all of which are carried out in such a secret and inconspicuous private room. It’s okay after you talk about the business. Relax, why not do it?

Hong Ran came to the front of the first private room on the third floor on the right hand, and then turned around and glanced at the bodyguards behind him. The three bodyguards nodded, opened the door and walked in.

The dialect felt stunned, and it seemed that Yuan Dezhi should be here! Then he noticed that Hong Ran beside him walked in, and the dialect also raised his foot to catch up immediately.

The lighting and atmosphere in the room are very beautiful. A young man in his thirties, sitting on the sofa, sits on the left and right of a young girl, who seems to be in his early twenties. As soon as a bodyguard entered the door, the two girls were so frightened that they stood up and did not dare to move.

There was a scar at the corner of the young man’s eye, which looked like it was cut out by a knife, and the mark was deep. The young man was originally a single eyelid. The scar set off his gaze even more vicious.

“Yeah, isn’t this me Hong Dage? Why do you have time to find me? Are you also interested in this bar?”

Upon hearing Yuan Dezhi’s words, Hong Ran said with a smile on his face:

“No, no, just have something to learn about Brother Yuan! How is the group’s recent progress?”

Yuan Dezhi sighed slowly when he heard the words, and said:

“How? Just like that! Let me say that your business summit failed to reach the goal of threatening the Lin Group! Now their tile suppliers are starting to be rampant in the market again! If we do home improvement, The distribution of market share is probably a big problem!”

After hearing this sentence, Hong Ran nodded, and let’s not talk about anything else. In fact, just looking at the business acumen, Yuan Dezhi is not much worse than himself! The only downside may be lust!

But in the eyes of Old Man Hong, where is this shortcoming? Grandpa Hong’s expectations placed on Yuan Dezhi were actually more than the expectations placed on his own son. Perhaps that’s why. After hearing that Yuan Dezhi might be the culprit in changing Feng Shui’s bureau, Hong Ran said. There was a reason for a very happy feeling in my heart.

After all, on the face of it, Hong Ran and Yuan Dezhi seem to have a very strong relationship. Both are so good in the company that they do not distinguish between you and me, but in fact, in private, the two have already started to guard against each other.

Yuan Dezhi smiled and said:

“Hong Dage came to me specially this time, I’m afraid it’s not just for business matters, right? It’s just the relationship between the two of us, you can just say it! Isn’t the sister-in-law too tight at home to want to come out secretly? ! In a word, Little Brother, I will arrange it for you right away!”

Upon hearing this, Hong Ran suddenly smiled without a smile, and said helplessly:

“Brother, you are still so naughty, you should pay attention to it in the future! After all, you are all people who want to have children!”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Dezhi narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile:

“Is there something wrong with the old man? I said, old man, you are not righteous. The old man is my half foster father! What is the relationship between us, do you need to keep it from me?”

Hong Ran slowly sat beside Yuan Dezhi, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and whispered with his ears:

“Brother, if you have anything unspeakable, tell Big Brother, Big Brother will definitely help! Don’t do anything stupid!”

Although it sounds like a word of concern, the coldness of this sentence almost made the dialect on the side shiver!

What does it mean? The two of them tore apart when they came up? Didn’t it mean that they were not pleasing to each other long ago?

Rao is skilled in dialect medicine, but he can’t figure out what the situation is in front of him!

However, the only certainty in the dialect is that this Yuan Dezhi does understand some Feng Shui’s contemplative techniques! And Daoxing is chasing himself!

It can be said that I was three months before going down the mountain! With such accomplishments, why would he be willing to be a little general manager? There is definitely something tricky in this!

Thinking of this, the dialect immediately winked at Hong Ran, and then nodded!

Hong Ran immediately understood, suppressing the ecstasy he was full of, and turned to Yuan Dezhi and said:

“Yuan Dezhi! There is a problem with the Feng Shui layout of the old man’s training ground! Just tell me the truth, is it your kid’s ghost?”

“In the entire Hongtu Group, you are the only one who understands Feng Shui. Are you still telling me that it’s not you?”

Yuan Dezhi’s face sank, and he said in a deep voice:

“Do you doubt me? Hong Ran, you are going to cross the river and demolish the bridge!”

Hong Ran’s face was gloomy, turned his head to look at the dialect, the dialect nodded, and took a step forward!

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