Chapter 422: Southern Business Crisis

These Audis at the door of the Lin Group looked aggressive, and of course the entire company’s employees had seen it.

Most of these employees couldn’t hold back their curiosity, wanting to see which company it was that still had such courage to make trouble at the door of this Yunhai First Group?

However, the urging of the foremen and department heads brought the reluctant people back to reality. Those who have the courage to block the gate of the Lin Group are certainly not small, at least on the same level as the Lin Group, not theirs. Problems that young white-collar workers can solve.

“All go back to their posts to work! If you take less than three to fifty thousand dollars a month, do you just take the money and not work?”

Hearing the words of the department head, these people reluctantly returned to their seats, but they were still wondering, who came to ask for trouble?

The atmosphere downstairs has reached a freezing point. Lin Moyuan has never been accustomed to the style of these old-school capitalists, so when he saw Jing Chang’s first glance, he felt more disgusted in his heart. Lin Moyuan didn’t want to hide his own emotions at all, because this thing had no meaning! Even if you are begging for mercy in front of Jing Chang, he will only look down on you even more!

The relationship between the two sides has been confirmed, and they are both hostile to death, so there is no need to act in the act. It is a waste of time and experience. It is better to go directly!

Jing Chang’s face is also very ugly. I didn’t expect Lin Shengtian’s son to be even more mad than his daddy!

“Lin Moyuan, you made it clear that you are going to fight us? Isn’t it?”

Lin Moyuan said with an indifferent and somewhat disdainful expression:

“Yes, I just want to fight you! What can you do with me?”

“Don’t think that I don’t know. This time you come, Mr. Chang doesn’t even know! You came with the entire board of directors behind! Now you are fighting against me, and my opponent is Jingchang!”

Jing Chang’s eyes narrowed slightly. In fact, if they were not standing opposite, no one would find this detail. However, Lin Moyuan and Jing Chang almost stood face to face, so they found this detail easily.

【drop! Your words angered Jing Chang! Meet the villain behavior! villain value +999! 】

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Jing Chang, I asked you to be the director before and you gave you a face, but you are not sensible now, so don’t blame me! Either you turn around now, or I naturally have a way to prevent you from coming to stage!”

After all, Jing Chang has been working hard for many years in the business world, and he has become a good one. What this kind of person cares most is a face! Lin Moyuan clearly didn’t take him seriously when he said something like this! Even ordinary people can’t stand it, let alone this distinguished director.

Jing Chang took a step forward, and his tone became very rude:

“Lin Moyuan, you have to think about it before you speak to me! Today you will throw the answer here for me! Stay away from Chang Jing! Can you do it!”

Lin Moyuan sneered, turned around, and dropped a word:

“Whose dog is not on the leash? Run to the door of our group to make a noise? I’m really strange. Isn’t it true that in this world, the dog is not tied to the rope?”

When Jing Chang heard these words, he jumped into a rage! Then just when someone came forward to stop Lin Moyuan, a voice came from his side!

“Jingchang, did you put me in the Lin Group To put in one’s eyes? Take someone to stand in front of our company door in broad daylight. What do you want to do?”

Jing Chang just turned his head to curse, but he didn’t expect to see a face that disgusted him!

It turned out to be Lin Shengtian!

Lin Shengtian had a serious expression. There were two sturdy bodyguards standing next to him. They looked like a middle-aged retired man who had come out for a walk.

Lin Shengtian looks younger than Jing Chang, but actually five or six years older than Jing Chang based on his age.

“Lin Shengtian! This is your son? Haven’t you learned it before respecting the teacher?”

Lin Shengtian looked disdainful, his expression was exactly the same as Lin Moyuan:

“Who are you? Are you worthy of these four words? Give you five minutes. If you don’t give me the fuck, I’ll call an excavator to deal with it!”

After dropping such a sentence, Lin Shengtian walked towards the company building without looking back.

Jing Chang made it clear that he was the enemy. Although Chang Nanhua hadn’t made it clear about Chang Jing and Lin Moyuan’s attitude, the degree to which this old man loved his granddaughter was neutral at best!

In this case, what about the board of directors of Nanhua Group? Who doesn’t know that the entire Nanhua Group has 90% of the decision-making power in the hands of the father?

At this time, it is time for the Lin Group to rise strongly!

Hearing Lin Shengtian’s words, Jing Chang naturally wanted to have an attack. As a result, there was a roar of engines behind the convoy, and then several excavators appeared at the end of the highway!

Lin Shengtian is going to be serious this time!

Jing Chang cursed a lunatic in his heart, turned his head and got into the car!

Afterwards, when the imposing convoy came, once again fled in embarrassment!

Although the employees in the company who saw this scene did not know what happened, they could guess a little bit. The person who came to look for things must have not just passed the chairman, and the whole company suddenly became excited.

In the chairman’s office, Lin Moyuan and Lin Shengtian sat opposite each other, neither father nor son spoke first.

After being silent for a while, Lin Shengtian and Lin Moyuan coincidentally spoke at the same time:

“About the president of the Southern Business Alliance…”

“About Chang Nanhua’s granddaughter Chang Jing…”

Lin Moyuan smiled, waved his hand, and said to Lin Shengtian:

“Let’s talk about it first, what’s the matter with the president?”

Lin Shengtian nodded, and said in a deep voice:

“It’s like this. Chang Nanhua may not have much time, so he handed over the entire Nanshang to me. It’s as simple as that. Because the entire Nanshang is now a speculator. Chang Nanhua fell down. It’s just that the tree fell down and scattered!”

Lin Moyuan nodded. Chang Nanhua’s expression was not very good. In fact, the auction was to stabilize the military spirit of the members of the main enterprises of Southern Merchants. Lin Moyuan himself was a good scheming hand. Naturally, he could not hide this little trick.

It’s just that Lin Moyuan couldn’t figure out what chess the old man wanted to play, so he could only follow along.

Now that Lin Shengtian said this, Lin Moyuan immediately understood.

“In other words, the situation of Nanshang is not optimistic anymore?”

Lin Shengtian nodded, and said in a deep voice:

“Chang Nanhua let Chang Jing come into contact with you. It should be the first move. I didn’t expect this old guy to be so willing to give his granddaughter to you!”

Lin Moyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, unexpectedly this Chang Jing had become a time bomb! All eyes were directed to own!

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