Chapter four hundred and twentieth: South China Group comes to the door?

The words in the dialect were loud and unquestionable, Hong Ran looked serious at the dialect, not as if he was joking, and his face was also very solemn.

It seems that the interior of the Hongtu Group is not so stable. Compared with the cohesion of the Lin Group, there is still a long way to go. In particular, the Lin Group’s secretive actions have become more and more frequent recently. Although the Lin Group also has ambitious eyeliners, the positions are not high and there is no way to provide any limited information.

“Mr. Fang, keep talking!”

Hearing Hong Ran’s words, the dialect nodded and continued:

“The problem with the layout of Feng Shui lies in a very critical position! The position of the position is the basis of the Feng Shui game, but now the Feng Shui game before us is reversed!”

Turn your eyes back? Upon hearing these words, Hong Ran and Old Man Hong immediately looked at each other, looking very confused.

“What is the reverse? What is the specific impact?”

The dialect explained in a deep voice:

“The formation is an important factor in determining how much Spiritual Qi can be gathered in a Feng Shui game. If this formation is not reversed, it is basically a game that converges Spiritual Qi. I am not mistaken, but after it is reversed, Extract Spiritual Qi from the living creatures around you! This is a big taboo in Feng Shui’s study!”

Having said that, the dialect turned and looked in the direction of the bonsai:

“If this bureau continues to play a role, we will become this dead bonsai! On the face of it, the old man is more and more energetic, in fact, the vitality is slowly decreasing! The people in this layout are simply insidious to the extreme. To the point!”

After listening to these words, Old Man Hong’s originally ugly face suddenly became more gloomy!

This shows that it is the hands and feet of the insiders! And it is most likely the Feng Shui master at the time!

It’s normal to have this kind of thinking. After all, those who can work on Feng Shui must be Master Feng Shui who understands Feng Shui. Shui’s direction.

The art of contempt is not so easy to learn. Without the precipitation of more than ten years of experience, going out will only make experts laugh.

“Hong Ran, find me the Feng Shui master of the year! Find me now!”

When Hong Ran heard the old man’s plain but murderous words, he nodded with a serious face, stood up and was about to walk out of the room, but was stopped by the dialect.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Hong, and Mr. Hong! I don’t think things are that simple!”

When Grandpa Hong heard these words, he was immediately puzzled, then waved his hand and said:

“Hong Ran, come back first and listen to what the master says!”

At this moment, Grandpa Hong had already called the dialect a master, enough to see that Grandpa completely believed in the dialect.

The dialect itself also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said humbly:

“This matter is not as simple as it seems. At that time, the Feng Shui Master you found could not have known that this would happen here, right? I don’t know that Grandpa Hong will heal here, right? Even Feng Shui. Teacher, it’s impossible to count to this point, even if Zhuge Kongming is alive, it’s impossible to count it!”

Hong Ran frowned upon hearing this, and asked in a deep voice:

“Then master, what do you mean? Is it a coincidence?”

The dialect walked around the bonsai twice and said:

“I suspect that someone did some tricks afterwards! Changed the direction of Feng Shui’s game, and changed the position! This person’s Feng Shui’s attainments are definitely not under the master who arranged this Feng Shui game!”

Was it touched afterwards? And Feng Shui’s attainments are still so strong?

Upon hearing these words, Hong Ran and Mr. Hong looked at each other.

Who knows Feng Shui in the company? I don’t seem to have heard of this person!

At this moment, Hong Ran said in a deep voice:

“I know there is such a person, but he is no longer in the headquarters. Now he is the manager of the new city, but it is impossible to be him!”

Old man Hong also reacted when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice:

“Yes, I also don’t think it is likely to be him! He has no reason to do this!”

Hearing the conversation between the two, the dialect was a little confused, and asked curiously:

“What are you talking about? Is there a suspicious target?”

Old man Hong looked at the dialect and said in a deep voice:

“There is indeed such a person. I mentioned it to us a little bit before. He has studied Feng Shui before. This person is called Yuan Dezhi and is the manager of the Xincheng District branch now! But it is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing!”

When Mr. Hong said this, his dialect eyes suddenly narrowed!

Out of ten, this is the man!

The dialect is no longer an ignorant teenager who just came out of the mountain. The experience during this period has made the dialect grow a lot, especially the word Xing Chuan, the head of the Xing family!

“The place that is most unlikely to be suspected is, on the contrary, the place that has the greatest doubt!”

Although the dialect is not cold to Xing Chuan’s personality, it can be regarded as the two ends of the first mouse, but Xing Chuan’s experience in life has allowed him to learn a lot of dialects!

This sentence is the most influential in the dialect, and now seeing the firm tone of the old man Hong and Hong Ran, the dialect suddenly began to doubt this Yuan Dezhi!

“Can you tell me more about this person?”

Hong Ran sighed and said:

“Yuan Dezhi grew up with me. When I was very young, my father saw him digging out trash cans on the side of the road and robbed each other for food with a group of beggars. Stand up with teeth and continue to grab the leftovers to eat!”

Elder Hong also sighed, and said in a deep voice:

“After I found out, I brought him back. The spirit of this kid really shocked me. Later, I took him by my side. For more than 30 years, he was loyal and loyal. He will die immediately, he won’t hesitate!”

Hong Ran also nodded, his face a little ugly:

“If such a person becomes a traitor and wants to murder my father, it would be really unreasonable!”

Hearing this, the dialect curled his lips very secretly, Tian Li? Even if it is reasonable, it will definitely not be on your side!

Looking back over the years, how much has Hongtu Group done just for things that hurt the world? It’s not your turn to say this, right?

But these have nothing to do with dialects. All dialects have to do is to see this Yuan Dezhi!

Is it a Feng Shui teacher?

“I want to meet this man!”

Hearing the words in the dialect, Old Man Hong frowned. The dialect made it clear that he was suspicious of Yuan Dezhi!

This is very difficult! Because the Hong family didn’t believe in the bottom of their hearts, Yuan Dezhi would be the one who did it!

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