Four hundred and tenth chapter: fixed plan, the same goal

When Lin Moyuan and Chang Jing came down from the top floor, the summit downstairs was still being held, and the banquet had already been set up, and the dishes were ready to be served.

Dinner table is the best way to get closer to each other. Many people are unwilling to let go of this opportunity, so one after another they picked up their wine glasses and pushed the glasses to change. It’s also good.

Many bosses have a huge amount of wealth in their later years, but they have liver problems. In desperation, they can only passively accept the ending of a young death. What is causing this? Of course it is drinking too much!

Drinking alcohol will definitely hurt your body, unless you only drink one or two glasses at a time, but who can only drink one or two glasses? Not even Chang Nanhua!

People respect you as the president, give you a face, and come to you for a toast. Even if you don’t want to drink, you have to pay back, don’t you?

The wine table culture has developed to this day, and it is still everywhere. Of course, Lin Moyuan scoffs at it.

His identity is placed here, and those previous deeds are also placed here. If anyone offends this master, it is possible to lift the table directly! Who would dare to come up to toast casually?

Therefore, under normal circumstances, no one dared to step forward to stroke Lin Moyuan’s tiger’s whiskers. Although Lin Moyuan was not there just now, no one dared to come forward to talk to the few beautiful women who were charming and beautiful. They all avoided them. Such as snakes and scorpions.

If Lin Moyuan came back and saw that the female companion next to him was bullied, would he still have it?

In fact, Sophie is not Lin Moyuan’s confidante, but Lin Moyuan’s titular Big sis, but there are more than 300 entrepreneurs in the entire lobby, and none of them is stupid enough to be serious.

Lin Moyuan was an only child from birth. Such a Big sis was still adopted. In the eyes of outsiders, this Big sis might be a child bride-in-law. Who knows? Lin Shengtian was notoriously think of it all.

It is precisely because of such a relationship that no one dares to approach these women at all. Even if they are sitting at the banquet, they are all Ji Kun, Yan Kexiang and others, and Su Fei and others.

“You said it’s weird. So many companies have started to talk to each other. Why doesn’t anyone come to us to talk about the past? It feels like being isolated!”

Hearing what Ji Kun said, Qin Chiyue said with a smile:

“They can’t figure out the situation right now, so how dare they come up without a word? Isn’t that a joke?”

Sophie also said with a smile:

“That’s right. Now that the chairman is appointed as the chairman of Nanshang, these people are a little caught off guard. Although they really want to come up with us, they are not sure about the temper of our new chairman, so I think Forget it if you think about it.”

Just after Sophie said these words, Lin Moyuan’s voice came from behind Sophie:

“As expected of Deputy Dong Su! Thinking about problems is still comprehensive!”

Sophie froze for a moment, and then looked back, Lin Moyuan and Chang Jing were standing behind the table.

When looking at Chang Jing, Sophie’s expression was a little strange. In such a short period of time, did Lin Moyuan give this chairman Chang Nanhua’s precious granddaughter a guide? What kind of speed does this have to be?

Lin Moyuan coughed lightly, and then said:

“Let me introduce to you. This is the granddaughter of Mr. Chang, Chang Jing. It is the first time to participate in a grand event of this scale, so I am not used to it! Welcome everyone!”

Sitting at the table, Yan Kexiang gave Ji Kun a wink, as if asking what was going on. Ji Kun clapped and shook his head gently, indicating that he didn’t know, and then Ji Kun looked at Qin Chi again. Yue, Qin Chiyue also shrugged, obviously Ji Kun thought this might be Lin Moyuan’s plan.

But even Qin Chiyue didn’t know, could it be that the three members of the Wang family made a ghost?

Wang Yan also shook his head again and again, and looked at Chang Jing beside Lin Moyuan suspiciously.

No one knew what Lin Moyuan was doing.

Chang Jing sat down close to Mo He. At present, there were only two seats on the table. One side was leaning on Wang Can and the other was leaning on Mo He, so it was inevitable for Chang Jing to sit here.

Mo He subconsciously looked at this old granddaughter, and found that she did have a unique temperament on her body, as well as an indescribable fragrance. Although it was very light, it smelled very good.

Mohe is also considered an expert, and he immediately noticed that this scent is not cosmetics, but body scent!

This body fragrance is very lethal to men, and it is no wonder that Lin Moyuan is interested.

However, Lin Moyuan was only vigilant at the top level at the time, where would he pay attention to the problem of deodorant and not deodorant?

Chang Jing naturally found that Mo He was looking at herself, but she didn’t say anything. She didn’t know what the relationship between the women around Lin Moyuan and Lin Moyuan was, but it didn’t matter anymore. As long as the plan was successfully completed, All other issues do not matter.

Lin Moyuan himself was very helpless, and the package plan was enough to cause him a headache, so he had to say in a deep voice:

“Everyone must be vigilant during this time! Pay attention to safety after the summit! That’s all I want to say!”

Just when everyone was full of doubts and just about to ask questions, Father Chang’s voice rang through the loudspeaker.

There are a total of sixteen loudspeakers in the entire lobby, so I’m not afraid to hear them.

“Everyone! Be quiet! First of all, I want to thank everyone for coming to this business summit. I have two news. I want to tell everyone here!”

“The first news that everyone believes already knows is that Lin Shengtian will inherit the title of my honorary chairman!”

After saying this, although there was still a lot of discussion in the hall, many people were sighing that it is good to have the strength. The old man will take the initiative to give Lin Shengtian the name of the old man. Lin Shengtian is now truly in full swing!

As soon as the second sentence came out, there was an uproar in the entire lobby!

“Second news, my granddaughter Chang Jing is in a relationship with Lin Shengtian’s son, Lin Moyuan! Old man, I also just learned this news! In desperation, I have to bless!”

“What is it? Just Lin Moyuan, this idiot? Can Chang Lao’s granddaughter look at him?”

“Conspiracy! This is definitely a conspiracy between Lin Shengtian and his son! I object!”

“Lin Shengtian takes over the chairman of the South China Chamber of Commerce, does Lin Moyuan want to take over the South China Group? Isn’t this nonsense?”

The opposition of these people is so high, of course, it is not without reason. The strength of the Lin Group is already very strong. If this time it really took over the business alliance and the Nanhua Group, wouldn’t it be developing in the direction of a consortium?

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