Chapter 408: The biggest crisis!

The wind on the top floor of Yunhai Summit Business Hotel is a bit cold. After all, it is already autumn, and the leaves on the street have turned yellow, and may fall with a gust of wind at any time.

Lin Moyuan and the young girl are still facing each other on the roof, but the atmosphere is a bit solemn.

Lin Moyuan searched for a long time in his mind, but remembered something about the girl in front of him.

This girl was called Chang Jing. She met Lin Moyuan when she was a child. She was about seven or eight years old? Or six or seven years old? There is no accurate answer in the memory, and the two people have not said a few words in total. Lin Moyuan is a little puzzled. What is the problem in that link?

How can own identity be seen through by this girl at a glance?

Lin Moyuan hopes that he just thinks too much. After all, he is not a person in this world. Generally, no one will guess about such unthinkable things, because it is simply nonsense!

Whether there is a soul or not, let alone the absurd thing of breaking the plane to seize the house!

After thinking about it, she couldn’t think of a result. The girl just stared at Lin Moyuan’s eyes and didn’t speak. Lin Moyuan simply muttered silently in her heart.

“System! Open the real eye!”

As a result, something even more shocking to Lin Moyuan happened, and the system did not respond at all!

What’s happening here? This has never happened to the system since I crossed over!

Is it because of the girl in front of me? Or does the system also need to be charged. After so long, the battery is dead?

Thinking of this, although Lin Moyuan’s eyes did not change in any way, he was ready to do it at any time!

This time it might really be something he couldn’t understand! Otherwise, it wouldn’t be such a weird situation!

At the moment when Lin Moyuan’s nerves were tense and ready to take action, the girl said again:

“Do you remember what you said to me when we first met when we were young?”

Lin Moyuan suddenly twitched, and said helplessly:

“Your red scarf is so beautiful, just like a peony!”

The girl smiled lightly and said:

“You’re not you, and I’m not me, that’s great!”

Are these girls crazy? What is she saying? Why are you talking about it?

“I said, Chang Jing Miss, are you okay?”

Chang Jing smiled and shook her head, and said:

“The sentence you said to me at the time is indeed exactly the same, but the strange thing is, why can you remember clearly after so many years? Is your memory so good?”

Lin Moyuan had some doubts, and subconsciously said:

“What’s wrong? Is this strange?”

Chang Jing said in a deep voice:

“Can a person’s memory really remember what he said when he was six or seven? Isn’t that suspicious?”

Lin Moyuan suddenly cursed in his heart, damn, this woman is putting herself off! But what is the purpose of her saying this? What are you trying to figure out?

“Don’t you remember it clearly? I am most impressed by this sentence, can’t you?”

Chang Jing smiled and shook her head, and said:

“This shows that we are the same people. It seems that our fate is the same!”

Lin Moyuan couldn’t figure it out more and more, this was the first time he was so speechless since he came to this world!

Where and where are all this? Is this woman really nervous? How else would you say such a headless thing? Is the old granddaughter a poor girl with nervous problems?

But looking at this attractive-looking woman, her eyes were black and white. Where could she be a little bit mentally troubled?

Lin Moyuan sighed and continued:

“Do you have anything else? Miss Chang? If there is nothing, then I will go first!”

Damn, it’s not suitable to stay here for a long time, Xiaoye’s little heart can’t help this kind of shock!

Just as Lin Moyuan just turned around, a melodious and tactful song slowly appeared in Lin Moyuan’s ears!

“The place where love has been…”

“Vaguely retains the fragrance of yesterday…”

“The warmth that was once…”

“Like angel wings…”

“Across my boundless heart…”

Lin Moyuan’s hand suddenly flickered, and a bright dagger was held in his hand, but he was hidden behind him in the next second, then he turned around and said with a smile:

“Where did you hear this song?”

A confident smile appeared at the corner of Chang Jing’s mouth, and then smiled and said:

“Of course I’ve heard it! Is this still necessary?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and shook his head, and then directly placed the cold light short blade rewarded by the system in his hand on Chang Jing’s neck!

“Impossible! There is no such song in this world! Let me guess, you are not from this world!”

Chang Jing still smiled, without any panic, just smiled and said:

“You can’t do it, I know you won’t! Because we all come from one world!”

Lin Moyuan slowly closed his eyes, sighed, put down the knife in his hand, and sighed:


That’s right, this song is a classic song from Lin Moyuan’s world, and Chang Jing in front of him is also a traverser!

However, the system is currently unavailable, and Lin Moyuan has no way of judging whether this Chang Jing is a son of luck or someone else!

If Chang Jing is really a son of luck, Lin Moyuan is still not sure if he can really do it!

After all, they are from the same world!

Chang Jing gently stroked the scratch on her neck by the knife, and said with a smile:

“Why? Are you shocked? I’m the same. I didn’t expect to meet people from the same world here!”

Lin Moyuan said flatly:

“How did you discover my identity?”

Chang Jing smiled and said:

“What you knocked out at the conference table is the song I just sang. I’ll take a gamble!”

Lin Moyuan nodded slowly, so it made sense!

“Then you came to me, is there anything wrong?”

Chang Jing sighed and said:

“I need your help!”


Lin Moyuan raised his brows and said curiously:

“What help? Are you not a traverser? Still need my help? How are you sure I can help you?”

Chang Jing once again said something that shocked Lin Moyuan:

“Do you have… um… a special ability, just like the frame of the game interface?”

Lin Moyuan’s eyes suddenly flashed, then turned around and said in a deep voice:


Hearing this word, Chang Jing said excitedly:

“Yes! That’s it! It seems you really are not! Great!”

Not what? Lin Moyuan frowned and thought about it, but the girl in front of him was basically sure that it was not son of luck!

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