Chapter 40: This is a round

Xiao Fan looked at Lin Moyuan’s eyes, full of resentment.

He didn’t expect that Lin Moyuan would cut off the billions of billions that should have been obtained in this way!

But things can’t just end like this! Until the last moment, Xiao Fan will never give up these billions of dollars!

After all, with this funding, Xiao Fan was able to rise quickly!

Lin Moyuan had already walked downstairs at this time and stood in front of Qin Yexuan, with a gentleman’s smile on his face.

“Miss Qin, how are you thinking about it? If these rough stones are opened, then I will give you half of the share, how about?”

Qin Yexuan was hesitant at first, but when he heard Lin Moyuan’s words, he instantly strengthened his confidence!


Isn’t it just for raising funds to hold this stone gambling session at the expo?

Now that we have such a good opportunity, of course we must firmly grasp it!

“Okay, then it’s settled, Lin Moyuan, I will believe you once!”

Lin Moyuan then let go of the heart of carrying it. He was really afraid that the big Miss would not agree. As long as he gave a person like Xiao Fan a gap, he would achieve his own goal inadvertently!

This is not the result that Lin Moyuan wants to see.

“Then can we just skip to the next link and start cutting?”

Qin Yexuan nodded, and then said:

“Come with me, everyone, let’s go to the backyard and see if there are any exciting gains in these rough stones!”

Everyone got up from their seats and walked towards the backyard.

Xiao Fan in the crowd, his eyes gloomy and unclear, he was obviously trying to find a way.

Those tens of billions, absolutely can’t just forget it, I must get it back!

Afterwards, Xiao Fan had an idea in his mind and suddenly thought of an idea!

According to the memory of his previous life, a group of gangsters will appear at the expo, the purpose is to come for the billions of rough stones!

And this group of people has an internal response among the following businessmen!

As long as the gangsters come in to snatch the rough stone, go up and take down a few pieces directly, it is worth the fare!

With this thought, Xiao Fan’s mouth also pulled up a smile.

Lin Moyuan, who had already arrived at the cutting site, saw Xiao Fan still standing among the crowd, with some doubts and thoughts in his eyes.

Now these rough stones are all owned by him, why is Xiao Fan still here?

Still not giving up? Is there something else hidden?

In Lin Moyuan’s heart, a strong vigilance rose again. Xiao Fan was unprofitable and could not afford to have an early temperament. He had learned from him a long time ago, and it seems that things will change!

However, there was no sign or evidence at the moment, so Lin Moyuan could only hold his doubts in his heart.

Qin Yexuan had been walking in front of Lin Moyuan, and after looking back at Lin Moyuan, he found that his expression was not quite right.

“Lin Moyuan, what are you thinking about? Why is your face so bad?”

Lin Moyuan recovered after hearing the words, and then sighed.

“Miss Qin, I have an ominous hunch, standing with you, this hunch will always appear.”

When Qin Yexuan heard these words, he was furious!

This kid’s mouth is really maddening!

In vain, Miss is also very kind, and wants to care about you!

Qin Yexuan, who was thinking more and more angry, stepped on Lin Moyuan’s leather shoes, causing Lin Moyuan to grin in pain.

“I said, can you stop being so violent? Be careful not to marry in the future!”

When Qin Yexuan heard these words, he was about to step forward, but was directly avoided by Lin Moyuan. This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, like a flirtatious expression.

But everyone changed their minds, the two originally had a marriage contract! It suddenly dawned on me.

Qin Yexuan didn’t know the thoughts of these people, she just adjusted her mentality, and then got the workers responsible for cutting the stone ready.

These wools will be cut by these professional workers, the purpose is to make the whole process transparent, so as to prevent some people from thinking that the wool will be passive.

“Please sit down, everyone, the first thing we have to cut is the stone of Dong Yunfeng, boss Dong!”

“Will his stone make him come home full? Let’s wait and see!”

I have to say that Qin Yexuan is worthy of being the only facade of the Qin family in Yunhai City, and his style of work is also impeccable, and no one of his generation can reach this level.

Lin Moyuan, who stood watching the excitement, felt a little strange in his heart.

It stands to reason that there is such a precious daughter, and the Patriarch of the Qin family should naturally cherish it, but why should he marry this daughter in a hurry to marry yourself, a lazy, dumb person?

Is it just to get the Lin family property as simple as that?

Lin Moyuan was a little puzzled, but the current cutting process had reached the end stage, Lin Moyuan’s attention was directly attracted to the past.

“What’s that? There really is something in this stone!”

“It’s definitely jade! I can’t say that it’s a top-quality product, but it can barely reach the top-quality level!”

“This piece of emerald started at 250,000 yuan! But it was still a loss!”

In this piece of Dong Yunfeng’s wool, a piece of jade with an estimated value of 250,000 yuan was offered. Although it was not satisfactory, there was no money left for nothing.

Sighing, Dong Yunfeng focused his attention on the next stone.

In fact, Dong Yunfeng has no hope now. Although the money is said to be just a drizzle, it does not give Dong Yunfeng the pleasure he wants.

Compared with Dong Yunfeng, Lin Moyuan’s expression was very calm, because he really didn’t lack money, and buying all these woollen materials was a trivial matter to him.

As long as Xiao Fan is not allowed to succeed, even if the entire central square is bought, it is necessary.

Xiao Fan stood in the crowd, his eyes fixed on Lin Moyuan’s face, a bit of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He really wants to get rid of Lin Moyuan! Where Lin Moyuan is there, the advantages of his own rebirth can’t be used at all!

Because whenever Lin Moyuan appears, the plot will definitely change! The development of all things will become unpredictable!

Without these advantages, Xiao Fan is just a college student with some business acumen!

Raising his hand to glance at the time on the watch, Xiao Fan’s mouth pulled up with a sullen smile.

There are still more than twenty minutes! After more than twenty minutes, the band of gangsters will break in!

When the time comes, take the things and withdraw them, and no one will find out!

And this empty backyard is not monitored at all. It can be said that this robbery is basically a deadly evidence!

Twenty minutes passed quickly, and Xiao Fan’s eyes gradually became sharp.

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