Chapter 391: The Qin family who changed its flag

At the moment when the business summit was about to be held, no one had expected that something like this would happen…

The Qin family has changed its flag!

The friction between the Qin family and the Lin group for so many years can be described as countless. However, with such two opposing families, or groups, it is clear that it is almost time for immortality. The Qin family suddenly stood up and said that they wanted to cooperate with the Lin Group!

This can no longer be described as unbelievable, this is simply Fantasy!

But soon someone learned some information, that is, a huge change has taken place in the Qin family!

Qin Rufeng, the old Patriarch of the Qin family, disappeared, and then Qin Chiyue took over as the new Patriarch! When the matter came to this point, it was originally developed according to a reasonable direction, but I did not expect that the first thing Qin Chiyue would do after taking office was to announce the end of the hostility with the Lin family, and late stage will cooperate with the Lin family in business!

The huge repercussions directly brought about by this incident caused all the media to gather at the door of the Qin family villa group immediately after 11 o’clock in the evening, wanting to know the situation!

The Qin family has just cleaned up the endgame. The reporters waited for more than half an hour, but they couldn’t see a single figure. Just when they were about to leave, the master Qin Chiyue walked out with a smile!

Suddenly, all the cameras, microphones, and flashes were all set in the direction of Qin Chiyue!

“Excuse me! Patriarch Qin, do you know where the old Patriarch Qin Rufeng is going?”

“Excuse me, Patriarch Qin, have you been dissatisfied with the old Patriarch a long time ago? Does the disappearance of the old Patriarch have something to do with you?”

“Patriarch Qin! Why did you suddenly announce the cessation of all sanctions and hostilities against the Lin Group? Is it because of any agreement with the Lin Group?”

These questions are very sharp, and if one answer is not good, then the Qin family’s reputation will be greatly affected.

Especially as soon as Qin Rufeng disappeared, Qin Chiyue immediately took over as Qin Rufeng’s Patriarch. If nothing else, this reality is too doubtful!

But it’s okay to be tacit, say it, that’s not the case!

Thinking of this, Qin Chiyue said with a smile:

“The disappearance of the old Patriarch is also a very unexpected thing for us! We don’t know that this will happen! But we will definitely try our best to find it. Of course, this will not be my plan!”

“In addition, it is the reconciliation with the Lin Group! This question has actually been answered very early, and the business summit is about to begin. As one of the family businesses born and raised in Yunhai City, the Qin Family should be the first in Yunhai City. Group cooperation will naturally benefit the entire Yunhai City!”

After speaking this sentence, the reporters below all chuckled at the corners of their lips!

Will the Qin Family’s reconciliation with the Lin Group bring benefits to Yunhai City?

This is a bit of a joke!

Who doesn’t know the enmity between the Qin family and the Lin group? Who can be fooled by such an inexplicable reconciliation?

But Qin Chiyue stood up and explained it this way. What can they do with the media? After all, the mouth grows on the Qin family, as long as the Qin family’s voice is unified, no matter how you look at it, it will be taken care of by others!

So these reporters sighed one after another. It seems that this matter can only be forgotten before there is accurate news or intelligence.

Tomorrow is the business summit, and most of them chose to stay on the business summit.

After all, the business summit scene is so grand, almost all of the top companies in the south will be there, and you may get a lot of information from it!

This is the first business summit held by the Southern Business Alliance since its establishment, and it must have attracted great attention!

Therefore, compared with this incident, the Qin family’s change is somewhat insignificant.

The reporters of the media dispersed one after another, and Qin Chiyue returned to Qin’s villa, thinking about the message Lin Moyuan had just sent.

“There are ghosts in the Qin family! It should be the tentacles of the Northern Business Alliance! Self-examination!”

In fact, it was far more than Qin Yexuan, Qin Chiyue had already discovered some clues when he took control of a small portion of the Qin family’s rights.

Many of Qin Rufeng’s behaviors and styles, sometimes suddenly change, and some decisions are made inexplicably, there is no shadow of Qin Rufeng’s own!

For example, there are obstacles to real estate development, and local residents don’t want to move. Instead, they replaced the former Qin Rufeng. It is estimated that someone would have been sent to culprit! Even if it is threatening, these people will not be allowed to stay and stop real estate development!

But that time Qin Rufeng chose to divide these residents! Let them have internal conflicts, and then this steel-like alliance fell apart!

This is nothing like what Qin Rufeng can do!

In fact, Qin Rufeng doesn’t care what these people want to do. He just wants to achieve his own goal. This is Qin Chiyue’s knowledge of Qin Rufeng for a long time, but the abnormal behaviors again and again are really too people. Doubt it.

So Qin Chiyue had some guesses about this in her heart, that is Qin Rufeng, is there someone behind him controlling it?

What do these people want to do? Why control Qin Rufeng? Why did Qin Rufeng have contact with them?

Who are these people?

At the moment when he received Lin Moyuan’s text message, Qin Chiyue finally understood that there was still someone behind Qin Rufeng!

These people are the people of the business alliance! But it is the Northern Business Alliance!

In Yunhai City a few years ago, the Southern Business Alliance and the Northern Business Alliance had a match. During that time, the wind direction of the entire stock market became confusing!

No one knows who won in the end. In the end, no one intervened in the commercial development of Yunhai City, but according to Qin Chiyue’s guess, it is very likely that the two sides had a tie!

In any case, as long as someone wins, they will definitely establish their own forces in Yunhai City with great fanfare, instead of quietly quitting Yunhai City.

But now it seems that neither of them is reconciled!

The Southern Business Alliance was wooing the Lin Group and succeeded, and the Northern Business Alliance was wooing the Lin Group’s rival, the Qin Family, to become a reasonable and reasonable thing!

It’s just that the Northern Business Alliance should not have thought that Qin Chiyue would act so quickly to take Qin Rufeng down and announce a reconciliation with the Lin Group!

But according to Qin Chiyue’s own conjecture, the people of the Northern Business Alliance should not give up, and they will come to the door immediately!

Regardless of the current situation, even if they come to the door, what can they do?

Qin Chiyue’s mouth slowly lifted up a smile.

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