Chapter 380: Get the spring water out!

Ji Kun saw the intimate action between Lin Moyuan and Mo He just now, Lin Moyuan kissed Mo He on the face, and then Mo He did not resist, and his face turned red!

So Ji Kun immediately determined in his heart that this is one of the proper sister-in-laws!

The boss is the boss in the end, all the opposite sex who comes to him will be attracted by the boss! This is simply the legendary sultry sister god body!

Lin Moyuan saw that Ji Kun did not respond, so he said again:

“Kunzi! Let the rescuers retreat! Turn around and give the rescue team something more. Let our people take over here! Let them ignore these stones! We will deal with them ourselves in a while!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Ji Kun came back to his senses, so he turned and left, looking for rescuers.

Lin Moyuan doesn’t want these precious spring water to be wasted, he wants to swallow his dialect? How can there be such a good thing!

He has to take away all these springs! No drop will be left in the dialect!

Ji Kun expressed his gratitude to the people of these rescue teams, and said that after they were responsible for cleaning up the ruins, these rescuers couldn’t help but improve their evaluation of Lin Moyuan.

It seems that this Young Master is not just useless, at least he knows how to deal with things he has done!

How did they know that Lin Moyuan did this for one reason, and that was that there was a fairy spring in this cave!

The preciousness of this thing is conceivable, not only has the remarkable effect of prolonging life, but it may also cure all diseases!

Wouldn’t it be too wasteful if this thing were buried in the ground like this?

The rescuers gradually withdrew, leaving only Lin Moyuan and Ji Kun, and Mo Feng’s group of people.

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“Everyone, I only have one request. Bring me all the spring water below! This thing is a treasure! I promise each of you will have a copy!”

Is spring water a treasure?

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, the security personnel under Mofeng’s face immediately looked at each other, what treasure could be in the spring? What is this Young Master doing?

Lin Moyuan saw the doubts of everyone, and said in a deep voice again:

“This thing is called Shenxianquan! Rare underground spring water! Now this stone wall belongs to us, so naturally we can’t let this kind of good thing go to waste! Everyone, hurry up and move!”

Fairy Spring?

This name is too familiar! This kind of magical spring water appeared in a small mountain village in Long Country before, and this thing really has the effect of prolonging life! Lin Moyuan didn’t deceive anyone!

“Let’s go! Brothers! You all heard it too! Don’t let Lin Shao down!”

Everyone cheered suddenly, sorted out all the kettles, and walked toward the cave.

Lin Moyuan breathed a sigh of relief, then returned to the car and slumped directly in the driver’s seat.

Mo He had just reacted from Lin Moyuan’s ‘sneak attack’, and seeing Lin Moyuan’s tired look, he whispered:

“Don’t go back to rest? Isn’t it enough for Ji Kun to stare here?”

Lin Moyuan waved his hand when he heard the words, and said:

“These springs are very important. It’s better to stare at yourself. If something happens, my trip to Tan Yingshan will be in vain!”

Mohe frowned suddenly, what the dialect wanted, why did Lin Moyuan care so much? Is it just to prevent dialects from getting spring water?

What Mo He didn’t know was that the relationship between the dialect and Lin Moyuan was now a life-and-death relationship. Once the dialect had a chance, it would be able to overwhelm Lin Moyuan in terms of his luck! Lin Moyuan is going to be a little passive here!

This is definitely not a dispute between children!

Center Garden Building, Xingjia.

“What are you talking about? Lin Moyuan asked people to go underground and began to install underground spring water?”

Hearing the report of the man in front of him, the dialect was suddenly dumbfounded!

Isn’t this over? Haven’t all my previous ideas and preparations been wasted?

But how did Lin Moyuan know that this spring is from a fairy spring?

Is it because someone is pointing from behind? This also doesn’t make sense!

But no matter what, these spring water fell into Lin Moyuan’s hands, even if it was useless! It’s impossible to get it again!

Even if Lin Moyuan couldn’t take it away, he would definitely not let people get close to the spring anymore! Most likely this kid might completely bury the spring water!

“Lin Moyuan! You are such a good method!”

The dialect complexion was very gloomy, and the spring water I took out was just over 600 milliliters! Although these springs are also very precious, the quantity is too small!

Even if it is formulated into a liquid medicine, it is very limited!

At this moment, Xing Chuan walked over with a smile on his face and asked in a deep voice:

“What’s the matter? Brother Fang, don’t you look good on your face?”

When dialect saw this smiling tiger, he wanted to punch him in the face, but Lu Xiyao was still in his hands at this time, and he had to bring Lu Xiyao out first!

A small leak will sink a great ship!

Thinking like this in my heart, the dialect said with a gloomy face:

“Lin Moyuan was able to crawl out of the rock wall alive, do you think I can be happy? This kid has a real life! It seems that a good person does not live long, and he is a scourge for thousands of years!”

Xing Chuan naturally heard the dialect pun, but he didn’t take it seriously.

After all, he took away the little girlfriend in other dialects. If he didn’t let people scold him, he would be too overbearing, right?

Xing Chuan said with a smile:

“Brother Fang, it’s like this. It will be the business summit in a few days. At the business summit, I need you to be like this…”

After a while, the dialect looked at the Patriarch Xing with a gloomy look, and said in a deep voice:

“Patriarch Xing, this method is a bit shameless, right? You know, I am just a doctor after all! I am afraid it will not be of such a great use!”

Xing Chuan said helplessly:

“Brother Fang, I know that you are a doctor. If you are not, it would be useless for us to find you? In any case, whether Lu Xiyao can see the sky again depends on your performance at the business summit!”

The dialect expression was still gloomy, as long as Xing Chuan grasped Lu Xiyao, he had no other way to choose!

“You better remember your words for me!”

After speaking this sentence, the dialect turned around and left. The Xing family who had just arrived in the dialect room and reported, also followed the dialect.

This person was sent by Xing Chuan to monitor dialects, but in fact, this person accepted some of the favors of dialects and has been instigated!

But Xing Chuan was naturally unaware.

If you want to rescue Lu Xiyao from the dialect, you must go to the fifth master of the Xing family. Xing Wu’s right goes directly to the Xing family’s head, and the right to speak is not bad, so Xing Wuye is one of the few opportunities for dialects. NS.

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