Chapter 369: Believe or not?

There are two roads in front of Mo He. One is to believe in Zhuo Qing and take Zhuo Qing to find Lin Mo Yuan to see if things can turn around. The second is to take Zhuo Qing directly!

Mo He hesitated, did he believe in Zhuo Qing?

Zhuo Qing continued to say very calmly:

“You only have one choice now, and that is to take me to chase Lin Moyuan right away! If Lin Moyuan does not encounter any accidents, I will leave it to you!”

Mo He sighed and finally made up his mind!

“That’s it! I believe you once! But don’t give me any tricks!”

Zhuo Qing smiled, then nodded and said:

“I’m not mistaken about you, you really mean something to Lin Moyuan! The relationship between the two of you is a bit strange. Can you tell me how you met Lin Moyuan?”

Mo He snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice:

“You be honest with me! I warn you, don’t inquire about things you shouldn’t inquire about!”

Zhuo Qing was surprised, but still said with a smile:

“Sooner or later you will tell me!”

Mo He, who was the first to walk out of the stairs, did not hear these words, so he did not find Zhuo Qing’s abnormality.

Although Lin Moyuan had already drove away, Mo He still had a way to find him, because Mo He had placed a tracker on Lin Moyuan’s body.

In fact, this tracker was placed a long time ago, but Lin Moyuan has not noticed anything. The working principle of this tracker is very strange. It is just a colorless and odorless spray. It is difficult to wash it off even in a bath. But after half a month, I have to spray again.

This spray is also one of Mohe’s killer features!

Following the instructions of the electronic device in his hand, Mo He drove to an intersection, but Zhuo Qing’s expression was a little wrong.

“Hurry up! We are running out of time!”

Mohe suddenly frowned and asked curiously:

“What’s wrong? Is something wrong?”

Zhuo Qing said solemnly:

“Listen to me! We must stop Lin Moyuan before he reaches Tan Yingshan! I’m not kidding!”

Mo He looked at Zhuo Qing’s face, and he did not mean to be joking. Then he stepped on the accelerator, and the red sports car suddenly turned into an arrow from the string, and drove forward fast!

Lin Moyuan had already arrived at the service area ten kilometers away from Tan Yingshan, but at this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind!

【drop! son of luck is close to where the chance is! warn! 】

Lin Moyuan frowned. When does the villain system have an automatic reminder function?

But Lin Moyuan did not doubt the prompt given by the system, but frowned, believing it!

There are no errors in the system so far! So Lin Moyuan chose to believe the prompt of the system for the first time!

It seems that the dialect has found an opportunity! But I haven’t got it yet! Then this is your best opportunity!

Must be there as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan was about to step on the accelerator, but at this time, a red sports car drew a perfect arc from the side, and then stopped Lin Moyuan’s car!

Lin Moyuan stepped on the brake subconsciously, and then directly took out the baton in the storage box!

In Lin Moyuan’s view, this car is likely to be sent by the Xing family to block Own!

As a result, what Lin Moyuan didn’t expect was that the person walking down in this car turned out to be Mohe, as well as the female master Feng Shui before, Zhuo Qing!

Frowning, Lin Moyuan pushed the car door and walked down, and asked in a deep voice:

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

Mo He has never been a fool, so there must be a reason to stop himself suddenly!

Mo He stepped forward and said in a deep voice:

“Can’t go to Tan Yingshan! Tan Yingshan is a bit dangerous now!”

Lin Moyuan wrinkled and said in a deep voice:

“Dangerous? I know about Tan Yingshan. I don’t know how to drive near the stone wall. I have other things to do!”

Mo He said in a deep voice:

“In short, you can’t go to Tan Yingshan!”

Lin Moyuan frowned when he heard this. What happened to Mohe today? Why stop yourself again and again!

“Can you give me a reason? Or is it the woman’s reason?”

After that, Lin Moyuan looked at Zhuo Qing, and his face became gloomy!

In his opinion, it must be this woman who moved something to Mo He, or threatened Mo He!

Could this woman have anything to do with the Xing family?

Mo He said in a deep voice:

“Zhuo Qing calculated that you will have problems going to Tan Yingshan this time! So I can’t let you take this risk!”

Zhuo Qing also took a step forward and said in a deep voice:

“Lin Shao, I didn’t mean to lie to you, but this time, Tan Yingshan is a dead end for you! I can’t see the luck on your body, it seems to be covered by something, but I can see it clearly Some fate! If you go to Tan Yingshan, your fate will fall!”

Lin Moyuan heard this and said with a smile:

“Can you still see the fate? It’s really no ordinary person, but I can’t just give up like this! I will never let the dialect succeed! Sorry, Tan Yingshan, I must go!”

When Mohe saw Lin Moyuan’s appearance, he knew that Lin Moyuan really didn’t intend to give up, so he took a step forward and said in a deep voice:

“If you want to go, you must pass my barrier first!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and walked forward slowly, gently spreading his arms to hug Mohe. Where did Mohe have such close contact with Lin Moyuan? Suddenly panicked, but Lin Moyuan seized this opportunity and cut his sword directly on Mo He’s artery!

Mohe suddenly fainted in shock and fell into Lin Moyuan’s arms.

Lin Moyuan said to Zhuo Qing in a deep voice:

“I’ve never believed my fate! Send Mohe back to the hotel. If something happens to Mohe, I will come back to find you!”

Zhuo Qing froze for a moment, and said with a serious face:

“Do you know what we are arguing about now? It is your fate that is arguing! That is your fate! Why are you so indifferent to your own fate?”

Lin Moyuan smiled. From the moment he crossed over, he had already been working against the destiny!

His opponents are all Son of Luck! And there is more than one!

All the opponents have always been such people. What’s the difference between being against God?

If you die, you will have it if you believe it, and you will have nothing if you don’t believe it! Lin Moyuan really didn’t believe it, he couldn’t survive this time!

“Thank you for telling me this, but I still want to go, for nothing else, just do this dog/day’s destiny!”

Zhuo Qing was stunned as he watched Lin Moyuan get on the off-road vehicle and walked away coolly.

This is the only one she has ever seen, who can be so fearless after knowing his own fate!

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