Chapter 353: Who is villain?

Wuling villas, Gangdong New District.

The Wuling villa complex is a landmark building in Gangdong City that was completed five years ago. The entire villa complex is leaning on the mountain, extending up from the mountainside, and all of them are buildings of national style, full of classical style, and are good for self-cultivation. place.

This villa group is a large-scale project undertaken by a foreign-funded real estate company that spent more than 13 billion yuan. At that time, it was also vigorous in Gangdong City. It is said that the famous master Feng Shui from Gangdong City was invited. No one knows what the master’s name is. , I only know that this master’s surname is Qian, and everyone calls him Master Qian.

Originally, this group of villas were to be built in the valleys of two mountains, but the master’s meaning was different. Master Qian believed that the yin qi here was too rich and unsuitable for living. To the effect of a blessing, and in this way, the Feng Shui direction of the entire villa does not need to be worried anymore.

Originally, foreign companies didn’t believe this statement at all, but most of the developers are locals in Gangdong City. The reputation of this master Qian is one of the best in the entire Gangdong City, so they can’t help but believe it.

In this way, foreign-funded enterprises can’t help the local developers, so they can only take 500 million more and build all the buildings on the mountain. From the mountainside up, they are all villas, and the higher the price, the more expensive the house price.

However, it is precisely because of the uniqueness of this villa group that attracted a large number of interested people. These people are not bad for money. They are a group of well-known entrepreneurs in Gangdong City. The villa group has a total of more than 150 villas. It was just a dozen days before the pre-sale, and it was robbed!

And after a wealthy businessman bought three villas at the same time, the owner of the foreign company had to restrict subsequent buyers, and one person could only buy one villa!

Even so, quite a few people said that if they can, they hope to have two villas!

The boss of a foreign company was naturally very strange to this phenomenon, so he took a plane to Gangdong City to find out what was going on.

A local developer in Gangdong City gave the answer to own, all because of Master Qian!

Just a Feng Shui teacher can have such great prestige? The boss of this foreign-born foreign enterprise is naturally skeptical about this.

But what happened in the past five years has forced the boss to believe this fact.

For the entire five years, there were no accidents in this group of villas, and the owners of the group of villas have more and more income. There are elderly people in the family, and the elderly are dying, and those who have children, the children are all in good health. Some people who are terminally ill either become misdiagnosed in the end, or just launch a new treatment method!

This is simply a miracle!

It was precisely because of this incident that Master Qian made a lot of money.

And this was the last time Master Qian made so much money, and the last time he made a move. After this time, Master Qian lost the news. Some people said Master Qian left Gangdong City and went abroad to be chic, and some people said Master Qian returned to the mountains and forests. There are different opinions on where Master Qian went, but with the passage of time, the name of Master Qian has gradually been forgotten.

In an unknown mountain forest on the outskirts of Gangdong City, a Grand Cherokee slowly stopped at the end of the dirt road.

I don’t know how many years no one has been in this place. At least it looks like this from Lin Moyuan. There is no road or even a signal. It’s such a place. Is that some money master really here?

“Look at the positioning again, isn’t it right here?”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Mo He lowered his head and looked at the PDA in his hand, nodded, and said:

“From this road, walk along the mountain road for a while and you will see the house. There is nothing unusual about the satellite!”

Lin Moyuan smacked his tongue and said in a deep voice:

“It seems that we have to take the next road, and the car must be out of reach!”

Mo He nodded, just about to say something, then he heard the sound of an engine on the small road behind him!

Hearing this voice, Lin Moyuan frowned immediately!

Something is wrong, I haven’t seen any rutting in this place before! The person who came is definitely not Master Qian, but most of them are like me, who came to Master Qian!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan pulled up Mohe and quickly hid in the grass on the side of the road.

The two had just found a hiding place, and a white Mercedes Benz parked behind the Grand Cherokee.

Two people walked down from the white Mercedes, wearing sportswear, but both wearing sunglasses.

“Patriarch! We found a car, Grand Cherokee, without a license plate, it’s a new car! Maybe someone has already gotten on board!”

Hearing what one of the men in sunglasses said, Lin Moyuan immediately understood their identity!

It turned out to be from the Xing family! These two people were sent by Xing Chuan! But why did Xing Chuan do this?

Isn’t the level of dialect much higher than this Qian Master? Is it not enough to find a Feng Shui teacher?

Even Lin Moyuan couldn’t understand this question for a while. At this moment, Mo He pulled La Lin Moyuan’s sleeve and handed him a questioning look. Lin Moyuan immediately understood what Mo He meant.

Can’t get out now? If they find Master Qian first, it is estimated that there will be an accident!

But Lin Moyuan shook his head. He now needs to figure out Xing Chuan’s purpose. Otherwise, even if he finds someone, it won’t help. Anyway, there will be accidents!

If they have a card to deal with the money master, it will be difficult to handle.

The two of them walked forward along the path and disappeared from Lin Moyuan’s field of vision. Lin Moyuan stood up and quietly touched it with Mo He.

But as soon as he came to a corner, Lin Moyuan saw the dagger drawn out of the hands of these two people!

Mo He also had a solemn expression, and he didn’t expect that these two people actually wanted to kill someone!

Did Master Qian provoke Xing Chuan? But how long has Master Qian stayed in seclusion?

Then the only remaining possibility is dialects!

It must be Xing Chuan who is afraid of these Feng Shui masters’ actions and their connection with Tan Yingshan, and the dialect is now fully investigating Tan Yingshan’s stone walls. These Feng Shui masters are likely to cause some obstacles to the dialect!

“Damn, Xing Chuan, your kid is really ruthless! Can you stop talking as long as you doubt it?”

Who is the villain?

Lin Moyuan thought so, but his eyes sharpened!

Xing Chuan Ruyi Scepter must not be allowed! He actually wants to kill this Master Qian, which means that Master Qian really has two brushes!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan immediately began to act!

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