Chapter 330: Encounter!

Lin Moyuan put the bottle in his hand on the coffee table and opened his spiritual eyes.

Through the spiritual eyes, Lin Moyuan found that the bottle was still golden, which means that at least it was placed on the coffee table and would not change color, so Lin Moyuan simply threw it on the coffee table.

In other words, this bottle also cost a lot of money. It’s better to keep it.

It’s just that Lin Moyuan didn’t quite understand why the bottle changed place, such as thrown in Sophie’s office, it would be different?

Lin Moyuan doesn’t know Feng Shui, so he doesn’t know much about it, but Lin Moyuan knows that dialects will definitely not give up!

At this moment, the sound of the key opening the door came from outside, and it was Tang Yurou who came back.

Tang Yurou planned to go to the hospital to accompany the bed at night. Sophie was alone in the hospital. Tang Yurou was not at ease, but she did not expect that Lin Moyuan also returned home.

“Why do you put this bottle on the coffee table?”

Lin Moyuan heard this and said with a smile:

“Picture auspicious, by the way, how is the company’s situation recently?”

Tang Yurou replied in a deep voice:

“Not so good. The stocks had a downward trend a few days ago, but today it is not bad. At least it has risen a bit. Some partners had to terminate the contract of the group before, but the problems were resolved later.”

Lin Moyuan nodded silently, it seemed that such a small bottle had a lot of effect!

Feng Shui is also Tai Xuan!

Don’t let the dialect stay in Yunhai City for a long time! The dialect must be returned to Gangdong City as soon as possible!

Otherwise, I can’t dangle around the building of the Lin Group with my spiritual eyes open every day!

Lin Moyuan thought secretly for a while, then stood up and walked out of the villa.

He thought of a way, although there are some risks, but no matter what, the problem must be solved first!

I don’t know the dialect. Lin Moyuan is now on his way to the company. He has already reached the Lin Group’s downstairs. This time, the dialect is used in the name of the visitor. Xing Yun used some Xing family methods to arrange a real estate for the dialect. For the Xing family’s identity as a businessman, there is no difficulty in obtaining such an identity certificate.

But the premise is that no one in this company knows dialects.

The only person who knows the dialect is probably Lin Moyuan, and Lin Moyuan is now in Gangdong City, it is impossible to come back, so relying on the identity of the real estate agent, the dialect can act at will.

After registering at the front desk, the dialect immediately walked towards the elevator.

He needs to see what is going on in Sophie’s office first, so that he can find a way to deal with it. If the Lin Group also finds a Feng Shui master, then this Feng Shui master will definitely leave some traces.

The father of the dialect is actually a Feng Shui teacher. He was active in the Guangzhan area before, but since the birth of the dialect, his father disappeared.

The dialect skills are all taught by his Master. As for the relationship between his Master and his father, even the dialect himself is not clear about this, but he knows that the relationship between the Master and his father is pretty good.

Dialect looked at the office in front of him with a dumb expression.

Sophie’s office hasn’t changed much, except that the bottle on the shelf is missing.

It was confirmed now. Someone took away the eyes of this formation, and naturally, the entire Feng Shui bureau changed back.

I don’t understand the dialect. Who took the bottle away?

Obviously, this person doesn’t understand Feng Shui at all! Taking the bottle is just a mistake!

Thinking that the own Feng Shui bureau was dismissed by a layman by mistake, the dialect feels very uncomfortable!

This is too much!

Dialect sighed. The bottle is the most fortune-telling object in this office. The office doesn’t have the bottle and there is no room for manipulation. Dialect turned around and closed the office door and planned to leave.

He didn’t realize that someone had noticed his behavior!

That is Lin Moyuan!

Lin Moyuan had just returned to the company and wanted to come to Sophie’s office, because Lin Moyuan always had a feeling that the dialect would definitely come back!

Teacher Feng Shui, who is a master of dialects, found that the bureau he had arranged was invalid and there was a problem, so he would definitely check it out!

Without finding the reason, Lin Moyuan would not believe that the dialect would give up!

So Lin Moyuan immediately chose to turn back.

Just after taking the elevator and arriving at this floor of Sophie’s office, Lin Moyuan saw the office door actually open!

Lin Moyuan walked slowly to the door of the office, but he didn’t expect to see the dialect here!

This kid really came!

So Lin Moyuan took a moment to observe the dialect behavior in the corner, and even opened his spiritual eyes!

The spiritual eyes showed that the gold on the dialect was dazzling! This shows that the luck of dialects is very powerful!

Lin Moyuan slapped his tongue, and even wanted to use his spiritual eye to see the luck of his own body, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the spiritual eye can’t observe the situation on his body, but this is understandable by Lin Moyuan.

After all, even Taoist priests don’t tell themselves fortune-telling.

Dialect had just walked out of the office, Lin Moyuan smiled, and after a cough, he left the corner.

Dialects of course noticed Lin Moyuan’s actions, and now there are only dialects and Lin Moyuan on this level.

The moment he saw Lin Moyuan’s figure, the dialect knew that he must have been exposed. Although he didn’t know why Lin Moyuan came back from Gangdong City, he knew that the reason was no longer important.

“I’m very curious. Why did the Feng Shui bureau that was supposed to be destroyed by me returned to its original state? Is it yours? Are you also a Feng Shui master?”

Lin Moyuan shrugged his shoulders when he heard the words, and said with a smile:

“You can deal with me, but first you have to understand my ability! If you look closely, you can see that I and I are not Feng Shui masters. I can say that I don’t know anything about Feng Shui. As for why I can break you Of course, there is my way!”

Dialect heard the words and nodded with a smile. It seemed that Lin Moyuan didn’t plan to show him his hole cards, but this was normal.

“Are you going too far to deal with a little girl by creating rumors?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“No way, you got in my way first, don’t you just stay in Gangdong City? And…your cell phone has never rang, right?”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, the dialect suddenly narrowed his eyes!

“What do you mean?”

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“The phone call Lu Xiyao called you has never been accepted. She now thinks that you abandoned her!”

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