Chapter 327: Lin Moyuan’s countermeasures!

Lin Moyuan knew the identity of the dialect, which was actually expected.

As a Feng Shui teacher of dialect, of course, he can’t directly deal with Lin Moyuan, but can only use some very special methods. As long as Lin Moyuan pays attention, he can see it.

People like Master Feng Shui can’t afford to offend them at all, because they can completely destroy you by simply using some small methods!

But Lin Moyuan is already on the line and has to send it!

Because the dialect is destined to be an enemy of oneself!

Preconceivedly speaking, Lin Moyuan is currently the biggest opponent of dialects. Dialects can be said to be one of the most difficult opponents Lin Moyuan has encountered. The previous Ye Feng and Xiao Fan failed to give Lin Moyuan this tricky feeling now!

Although Xiao Fan’s opportunity caused Lin Moyuan a headache, and Ye Feng, whose strength made Lin Moyuan a headache, but the dialect was completely different from them!

Although Lin Moyuan knew that the dialect had shot, but there was no way to defend it!

Master Feng Shui can even use a cup to change his opponent’s luck! This kind of opponent is the most difficult one!

And even if Lin Moyuan grabbed the dialect directly, or even made it directly, there would be no change in the slightest! Because Feng Shui has changed!

Lin Moyuan sat beside Sophie’s bed and sighed deeply, as if he had never been so helpless before!

Sophie naturally discovered Lin Moyuan’s abnormality and asked curiously:

“Who is Master Feng Shui? Is it the kind of person who surveys Feng Shui?”

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“If it were that simple, it would be easier to handle. Master Feng Shui can control a person’s fortune. If you have a car accident, it is probably a ghost of dialect!”

When Sophie heard Lin Moyuan’s words, her expression instantly changed! Didn’t expect Master Feng Shui to be so evil?

“Does the Yurou matter also have something to do with this dialect?”

Lin Moyuan nodded solemnly, and said in a deep voice:

“I have this suspicion now, but it is impossible for Master Feng Shui to leave you with evidence! So we can only doubt!”

Sophie was lying on the hospital bed, her face still very pale, and she asked in a deep voice:

“Then what do we do? Can we just watch passively?”

Lin Moyuan stood up slowly and said in a deep voice:

“No! There must be a way! You don’t have to worry, just take care of your injuries, leave this to me to solve!”

Sophie looked at Lin Moyuan’s very confident face, then nodded, and whispered:

“Then you be careful!”

At this moment, the nurse outside came in to change the dressing, and Lin Moyuan walked out of the ward.

In the corridor outside the ward, Lin Moyuan’s originally very confident expression suddenly faded a bit.

In fact, he has no bottom in his heart, how should he deal with this dialect?

Master Feng Shui’s actions have always been inexplicable, and Lin Moyuan was originally at a disadvantage. As a result, it would be even more difficult to deal with dialects.

Just when Lin Moyuan was melancholy, he suddenly remembered that he still had a reward that was useless! That is the random skill lottery ticket!

This reward made Lin Moyuan a little puzzled, so Lin Moyuan had always put it in his backpack, and had never used it.

But this time the situation was different. The threat of dialect gradually made Lin Moyuan a headache, so naturally, he turned his attention to his own backpack.

There are currently ten treasure chest draw tickets in the backpack, as well as a cold iron dagger, and this random skill draw ticket. For Lin Moyuan, this draw ticket can only be a chance for Lin Moyuan. Whether it can be achieved depends on it. Lucky charm bonus!

If the lucky charm can help Lin Moyuan get some skills that can fight dialects, that would be great.

With this thought in mind, Lin Moyuan directly exchanged ten intermediate lucky charms and blessed them on own.

【drop! Lucky charm is used up! Do you use random skill lottery tickets now? 】

Lin Moyuan replied without hesitation:


As soon as the voice fell, a colorful light appeared in front of Lin Moyuan’s eyes, and then Lin Moyuan’s gaze was fixed on the virtual frame in front of him!

【drop! Congratulations to the host for acquiring demigod skills! Spiritual eye! 】

Spiritual eye?

Lin Moyuan just wanted to ask what kind of skill it was, and then he felt that his right eye seemed to change a little, his eyes felt cold, and then things in front of him gradually became blurred. Two minutes later, the world before his right eye suddenly changed its appearance!

The world seen by the right eye is completely different from that of the left eye. The left eye is still in a normal angle of view. Seeing things is the same as usual, but the world seen by the right eye is dim! And from time to time, there will be some streamers passing by, these streamers are roughly divided into four colors, biased towards gold, white, gray, and extremely black black!

Lin Moyuan frowned and said in a deep voice:

“What’s the situation? System? What do these colors mean?”

The electronic alert tone of the system rang in Lin Moyuan’s mind!

【drop! With the spiritual eye, you can see the fortune situation and development of things. The golden color means that the current things can bring good luck, the white color means that it has no effect on the current luck, and the gray color has a slight adverse effect. Black It will bring bad luck! 】

Lin Moyuan suddenly realized!

It turns out that this spiritual eye can identify things that are bad for luck!

Lin Moyuan was standing in the corridor of the hospital now, looking at the patients coming and going, and suddenly found some details!

First of all, some patients are white, some are gray, and some are black!

But there is no golden color.

According to Lin Moyuan’s judgment, the colors seen by the spiritual eyes are the current physical conditions of these patients!

As for why there is no golden color… The reason is simple, because this is a hospital! The yellow-gold color means that this person is very lucky. If all the luck is so good, where can he get sick?

So naturally it will not appear in the hospital!

【drop! The host can also distinguish Feng Shui according to the current color! As long as the perspective is aimed at the building, the current fortune of the building can be identified! 】

Lin Moyuan came to the window, looked into the distance, and found that the color of each building was different!

It seems that with this spiritual eye, you can find out where the dialect is moving!

A smile gradually appeared on Lin Moyuan’s face, and the nurse who helped Sophie change her dressing came out. Lin Moyuan came to Sophie’s ward again, but he forgot to put away her spiritual eyes and found that Sophie’s body was faint. It’s a gray light!

It seems that it was a dialect that made Sophie’s luck worse!

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