Chapter 324: Coincidentally encountering dialects! alert!

Lin Moyuan hugged Tang Yurou all the way out of the hotel. When she first reached the elevator entrance, Tang Yurou had recovered a bit. Although she was still a little weak, she thought she could walk normally. In addition, the hotel was originally a place where people came and went. Many eyes were mixed, so he signaled to Lin Moyuan, planning to go by himself.

Lin Moyuan sighed, put Tang Yurou down, and said in a deep voice:

“In the future, don’t come out for business talks like this. How many people are in the entire Lin Group? You can’t let you and Sophie come out every time you talk about business, right? What do you think!”

After Tang Yurou lowered her head and remained silent for a while, she said in a deep voice:

“There are so many high-level executives in the company, but only the two of us did not have any precipitation. As soon as we came up, we sat in this seat. Sister Su Fei is the deputy director and I am the deputy general manager. Many people are watching these two seats. , If we do nothing, we will inevitably be called Lin Uncle nepotism!”

Lin Moyuan snorted and replied in a deep voice:

“Crimination? Our Lin Group has always done this! Let alone whether you have the ability or not, at least you should be loyal to the group! Ability can be cultivated by Houtian, but loyalty is not so easy to cultivate!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Tang Yurou couldn’t help but nodded secretly. In fact, these words were correct.

“Sister Sophie is still in the hospital, let’s go see her!”

Lin Moyuan nodded when he heard the words. The elevator outside the hotel is made of tempered glass, so even if you stand inside the elevator, you can see the scene of each floor. Just when Lin Moyuan took Tang Yurou up the elevator and pressed it down After the button on the first floor, the elevator slowly began to descend.

When he came to the next floor, Lin Moyuan saw several people in the corridor, one of them was unexpectedly familiar to him!

That back, like a dialect!

Seeing that the elevator was about to go down, Lin Moyuan immediately used his own True Sight Eye skill!

Immediately afterwards, a transparent frame appeared in front of Lin Moyuan!

Name: Dialect

Age: unknown

Height: unknown

Faction: son of luck

Other: unknown

Luck value: 559

Lin Moyuan was shocked immediately!

Why does dialect appear here?

At this time, I was still living in the Yunhai International Hotel opposite the Lin Group!

This is certainly not a coincidence! Moreover, in Gangdong City, Lu Xiyao and the dialect have been circulated. What is the dialect doing in Yunhai City now? Are you here on vacation?

There must be a problem! Dialect must be calculating something, and his calculation must have something to do with the Lin Group!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan immediately thought of a series of recent events!

First of all, it was Sophie’s car accident!

Could it be the hands and feet of the dialect?

If this is true, Lin Moyuan would definitely not let go of dialects!

Gradually, the elevator slowly stopped on the first floor. Lin Moyuan led Tang Yurou to the lobby of the front desk, and then Lin Moyuan said to the front desk:

“Let me check if there is anyone called dialect, I want his detailed information!”

The beauty at the front desk suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and said in a deep voice:

“Sir, I’m sorry, we have the right to protect the privacy of our guests! If you are a policeman, please show your ID!”

Lin Moyuan’s face suddenly became gloomy, and just as he was about to speak again, a voice suddenly rang in his ear!

“Lin Moyuan? Are you back? Why do you want to check this dialect?”

Lin Moyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, the voice was so familiar! But I can’t remember who it is for a while!

Lin Moyuan suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, only to see Lu Yin in plain clothes!

That’s right, this is the beautiful police officer who appeared in Yunhai City and also made an appearance in Gangdong City! Lu Yin!

But isn’t Lu Yin related to Ye Feng? According to reason, it should be Ye Feng’s heroine!

But why does it all deal with dialects, and Lu Yin still appears? Could it be possible for the heroine to inherit this stuff?

Of course, Lu Yin didn’t know what Lin Moyuan was thinking. The reason why she came here today was because there was a preaching event at the Yunhai International Hotel. She came to attend the event in casual clothes and suddenly heard Lin Moyuan’s voice and thought. Come and take a look.

As a result, I didn’t expect to see Lin Moyuan asking for the personal information of the residents at the front desk, and he immediately became interested.

Lin Moyuan exchanged a few words with Lu Yin, then introduced Tang Yurou, and then Lu Yin asked curiously:

“Why do you want detailed information about this dialect?”

Lin Moyuan thought for a while, if it is for personal information, of course he can get it, because Lin Group itself is one of the shareholders of Yunhai International Hotel! It stands to reason that you have the right to access this personal information.

But the dialect may know it, so he will be alert, which means that this matter must never be known to the dialect!

But if Lu Yin came forward, there would be no problem!

What is Lu Yin’s identity? That’s the police! If you want personal information, the front desk dare not tell anyone!

What if this dialect is a fugitive?

So Lin Moyuan suddenly had a plan!

He stepped forward and whispered in Lu Yin’s ear:

“I’m investigating the dialect, because our deputy director of the Lin Group had a car accident. I suspect it has something to do with this dialect! But I don’t have any direct evidence! I am also very embarrassed now, so it is better for you to help me. The message below, don’t startle, or this kid will definitely run away!”

Lu Yin frowned upon hearing this, and asked in a low voice:

“Is this dialect against you? And, what motive does he have against the vice president of your company?”

Lin Moyuan had already thought about his words, and replied in a serious manner:

“This dialect is a Rivers and Lakes doctor. I debunked this kid’s scam in Gangdong City before, and he wanted to retaliate against me! But I didn’t give him a chance before, and I didn’t expect this kid to follow Yunhai City. ! Deputy Dong is my sister, you know!”

Lu Yin just remembered that there were two deputy directors in the Lin Group, one of which was Lin Moyuan’s Big sis!

So Lu Yin reacted instantly, it seemed that Lin Moyuan was in trouble this time!

Without thinking about it, she directly replied:

“Okay, I’ll take care of this for you. By the way, find someone to help you stare at this dialect!”

Lin Moyuan was overjoyed when he heard this, and said with a smile:

“It has to be you! Officer Lu! Thank you so much!”

Lu Yin smiled and shook his head, then stepped forward and exchanged a few words with the front desk of the hotel.

Only after the front desk of the hotel learned that Lu Yin was a police officer, did he explain the details of the dialect.

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