Chapter 321: Lin Moyuan’s anger!

Gangdong City!

Lin Moyuan and Ji Kun are on the roof of a residential building, observing the people’s livelihood community.

Although the hiding place that Lu Xiyao chose was very secretive, she still couldn’t escape Lin Moyuan’s control.

Lin Moyuan has quietly inquired about the hometown of Lu Xiyao’s mother and daughter. Lu Xiyao has no idea about this. Since coming to this community, Lu Xiyao has hardly been out. He also wears a mask to buy vegetables and goes to the door. Supermarket.

“I said Boss, why are we staring here? If I say, just leak this place to the media, won’t it be over?”

Lin Moyuan held the telescope in his hand, shook his head slowly, and said in a deep voice:

“What I want is not to expose, I want to show dialects, what will happen to people who are related to him! By the way, is there any news about dialects? Where has this kid been recently?”

Ji Kun said in a deep voice:

“Yan Kexiang has already asked about it, but we don’t have any eyes or ears inside the Xing family. We have to ask Wang Yan for details. Only the Wang family knows the news inside the Xing family!”

Lin Moyuan nodded solemnly, don’t know why, he always had an unknown premonition in his heart!

“Go to Wang Yan as soon as possible and ask! After such a big movement has been made, why hasn’t the dialect moved yet? This shouldn’t be!”

At this moment, Lin Moyuan’s cell phone rang as a reminder tone of a text message!

Lin Moyuan frowned and took out the phone from his pocket. After seeing the message, his eyes became gloomy!

Ji Kun also found something wrong, and subconsciously asked:

“What’s wrong? Boss, there is news in the dialect?”

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“Something happened at home! I want to go back! Staring at Lu Xiyao! Call me when the dialect appears!”

Afterwards, Lin Moyuan stuffed the telescope in his hand in front of Ji Kun, turned around and left the roof!

Looking at Lin Moyuan’s leaving back, Ji Kun frowned slightly!

Something happened at home?

What can happen at home?

Could it be that the dialect arrived in Yunhai City?

Ji Kun was a little puzzled, but still shook his head, picked up the binoculars intently, and started to stare.

No matter what the problem is, Lin Moyuan can always solve it!

In the car, Lin Moyuan held the steering wheel solemnly and drove towards the Wang’s private airport.

The information I received before was sent by Li Quan!

Sophie was seriously injured and was hospitalized. Tang Yurou talked about the project on behalf of the company, which may have been targeted by the islanders!

No one notified Lin Moyuan about such a big event! Obviously, this was because he was afraid of interfering with Lin Moyuan’s actions in Gangdong City!

Lin Moyuan looked solemn, holding the steering wheel in one hand and the phone in the other, dialing his father’s phone!


Hearing Lin Shengtian’s voice in the receiver, Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“Sophie has something wrong, why didn’t you tell me? What project is so important?”

Lin Shengtian sighed slowly, knowing that there was nothing to hide from Lin Moyuan!

Lin Shengtian said in a deep voice:

“Mo Yuan, calm down first! Sophie was hospitalized, just an accident! Don’t be too anxious! This project is actually not of high value, but for Yurou, it is a challenge!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said in a deep voice:

“I have no objection to discussing business, but I have to see who I want to talk to! With the islanders, there is nothing to talk to! Sophie? Why is there no one to answer the phone I called her just now? How is her injury?”

Lin Shengtian opened his mouth immediately, but there was no way to fool Lin Moyuan in this matter!

Sophie is still in a coma now! Although we are out of danger, when will we wake up is still unknown!

Lin Moyuan knew Own’s father too much, and almost instantly understood Sophie’s current situation!

“Wait for me to go back!”

After saying these four words, Lin Moyuan immediately hung up the phone!

It only takes two hours to fly from Gangdong City to Yunhai City, so when Lin Moyuan arrived, it was around 8 o’clock in the evening. He was subject to airline control on the way, and it took nearly three hours before he could arrive.

As for why this happened… or because the dialect changed the Feng Shui Bureau of the Lin Group!

Lin Moyuan just felt bad luck on the road, and didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem.

In fact, Sophie was in a car accident and Tang Yurou met Sato Yu, all of these were due to dialects!

The plane Lin Moyuan was on landed slowly at the private airport of the Lin Group, and then Lin Moyuan directly boarded the helicopter!

Because the private airport is in the suburbs, and the Lin Group’s building is in the city center, and now it is the evening peak, Lin Moyuan can only choose to take a helicopter!

As a result, Lin Moyuan had just boarded the helicopter and was about to take off, and the helicopter broke down!

Lin Moyuan frowned suddenly!

What’s the situation recently?

Why is luck so bad?

The helicopter pilot whispered:

“Young Master, it will take about half an hour to troubleshoot! Would you like to wait first?”

Half an hour?

Lin Moyuan lowered his head and glanced at his watch. It was half past seven, and he could still afford to wait for half an hour!

“Hurry up!”

The pilot nodded suddenly, and started to check the helicopter quickly.

Lin Group, Deputy General Manager’s Office.

Tang Yurou glanced at the time. It was half past seven, and she decided to leave work early and go to the hotel opposite to find Yu Sato. There was no way, the things in the model room were too important to be negligent.

And if this cooperation is successful, when Lin Moyuan takes over the company in the future, he can help Lin Moyuan take care of some things.

Tang Yurou tidyed up her clothes, turned and left the office, followed the elevator directly to the first floor, and walked towards the Yunhai International Hotel opposite.

The dialect was not in the hotel at this time. Coincidentally, Sato Yu’s room was upstairs from the dialect. The dialect himself did not expect that there would be such a coincidence.

Dialect was eating in a restaurant at this time, with Xing Yun and two Xing family bodyguards by her side.

Tang Yurou had reached the top floor, and the door of Yu Sato’s room knocked gently on the door of the room.

Not long after, with a click, the door of the room was opened, and Sato Yu, in a bright suit, appeared in front of Tang Yurou.

“Miss Tang, didn’t you expect you to come so early? Come on, please come in!”

Tang Yurou hesitated, but fortunately, this room was a suite. After entering it was a living room, so Tang Yurou nodded and walked in.

The atmosphere in the living room was very strange, and there were even roses on the table. Tang Yurou couldn’t help frowning, feeling something was wrong!

The smell of perfume wafts throughout the room. Where is the rhythm of business talks?

“Mr. Sato, who are you dating?”

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