Chapter 318: The plight of the Lin Group!

When dialect found the news, it was five or six o’clock in the afternoon. In fact, Sophie had been hospitalized in a car accident at this time.

However, the Lin Group’s ability to block news is amazing. Until now, there has been no movement. The dialect can only wait in the hotel helplessly. However, the dialect did not stop its own planning. From the beginning, the dialect did not intend to make the Lin Group better. .

While continuing to study Feng Shui of the Lin Group in dialect, I suddenly saw this news about Lu Xiyao seduce a genius doctor and attempted to deceive feelings in exchange for medical expenses!

The news made the dialect very angry, and then there was the scene of falling into the computer screen with a teacup.

The material of the computer is strong enough, even if the teacup is broken, the computer will not respond.

In fact, the dialect has guessed that it might be Lin Moyuan. Although there is no evidence to directly prove it, Lin Moyuan is motivated!

Dialect is a Feng Shui teacher after all, and the intuition in this area is really not covered!

Xing Yun looked at the dialect with a gloomy expression, and couldn’t help but ask:

“The genius doctor Fang, shall we go back now, or stay here and continue to deal with the Lin Group?”

After pondering the dialect for a while, he said in a deep voice:

“If I go back now, it’s a bit late. When I break the Feng Shui bureau of the Lin Group and damage the fortune of the Lin Group, we will go back! Since Lin Moyuan has done such a thing, don’t blame my dialect subordinates. Be merciful! The next goal is Tang Yurou!”

The First People’s Hospital of Yunhai City.

Sophie was lying on the bed in the intensive care unit, her left arm was as white as lotus root wrapped in a bandage, her face was haggard, and she was hung on a ventilator, giving people a poignant feeling.

Long hair is scattered, and you can’t see the strength before.

There were still two lines of tears on Tang Yurou’s face, apparently he had just cried not long ago.

A secretary stood beside Tang Yurou and asked in a low voice:

“Sister Rou, shall we inform Young Master? This…”

Tang Yurou waved her hand and said in a low voice:

“Did you not hear what Deputy Dong said before he fell into a coma? Don’t let Young Master know about this! Do you understand?”

The secretary nodded, then sighed and said:

“Okay, Sister Rou, but what about this project…”

Tang Yurou frowned. Sophie was originally the person in charge of this project. The ecological residential community project was originally one of the most important projects in the entire Yunhai City. This project is directly related to an investment of more than one billion yuan. If properly controlled, Can get nearly 10 billion in profits!

For the entire Lin Group, it is a project that cannot be ignored.

But Sophie had a car accident, and there is no way to continue talking about this project for the time being!

The real estate company on the opposite side also gave Face. After hearing that the deputy director had a car accident, he indicated that he could postpone the talks of the project for a few days, and asked the Lin Group to find someone to continue the negotiations with them on behalf of Sophie.

However, Sophie’s car accident was very strange. The original diagnosis was a concussion, and there was nothing serious about the person. However, during the rescue, the vehicle suddenly fell, and the Sufis had not been able to get out of it. Fractured left arm and severe concussion!

When the whole person was taken to the hospital, his consciousness was already blurred. After just saying don’t tell Lin Moyuan about this, the whole person lost consciousness again!

Although Lin Shengtian was very angry about this incident, he directly fired Sophie’s original driver, and then calmed down.

After all, it can’t be messed up yet. A project is here. You have to deal with it first before making any plans, right?

But the company’s current manpower is very limited. Originally there were only two deputy directors, one general manager and one deputy general manager, who were qualified to contact this matter. However, Sophie, the deputy director, was seriously injured. The remaining deputy directors were on business trips in the capital. Lin Moyuan’s general manager is in Gangdong City, and the remaining deputy general manager… is Tang Yurou!

So it seems that Tang Yurou is left alone in the entire company!

Tang Yurou was the one Sophie brought out. Although she was young, she was already experienced.

However, this matter is about tens of billions of profits. If this project can be successful, the Lin Group’s reputation will definitely be better!

Moreover, the high-levels of the entire Yunhai City have their eyes on this matter. There are many wealthy people who have taken a fancy to this ecological house for a long time. You must know that the style of this house is very elegant. The previous design and promotion have been It has attracted a lot of attention. If there is a problem at this juncture, isn’t it a face slap?

You Lin’s group had so many bulls/bs in the early stage, but in the end, the project was not discussed. Isn’t this embarrassing?

How many groups in Yunhai City are staring at this project? Lin’s group can’t do it, someone can do it!

What if Tang Yurou’s talk collapses?

This pressure is too great!

Lin Shengtian frowned, pacing back and forth in the office. If it doesn’t work, he can only do it by himself!

But with an investment of only a billion yuan and a profit of tens of billions, if Lin Shengtian made it by himself, it would inevitably make people laugh!

Has the Lin Group reached this point? The dignified chairman, the founder of the Lin Group, and the capital ceiling of the entire Yunhai City, actually want to negotiate business with a real estate company?

It’s more or less the meaning of the late festival is not guaranteed!

But Lin Shengtian can no longer take care of so much. Lin Moyuan’s plot in Gangdong City, Lin Shengtian knows a little bit. If Lin Moyuan can give the Lin Group a place in Gangdong City, the future development of the entire group will be limitless!

So Lin Shengtian had made up his mind and decided to talk to the other party on his own.

At this moment, the office door was knocked, and Lin Shengtian frowned. He didn’t expect Jin Lai to be Tang Yurou!

Tang Yurou looked at Lin Shengtian firmly, and said in a deep voice:

“Chairman, let me go for this negotiation! I am confident!”

Lin Shengtian was stunned, unexpectedly Tang Yurou would come and ask for it!

Lin Shengtian sighed and said in a deep voice:

“Yurou, I know you are capable, but you don’t know the current situation very well, in case you fail…”

Tang Yurou gritted her teeth, took a step forward again, and said in a deep voice:

“I will definitely be able to talk about it! Trust me! Chairman! You must not come forward! I know you plan to go by yourself, but this is the face of the entire Lin Group! I will never let you do this! Believe it! Even if Lin Moyuan is here, he will refuse your idea!”

Tang Yurou’s decision to drop out of school was made by Lin Moyuan, but now it can be seen that Lin Moyuan’s decision was correct! Although the things learned in the school are rich, there is no way to change Tang Yurou’s submissive character!

Tang Yurou now is totally different from before!

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