Chapter 314: Dialects are in action!

Early the next morning, that is, just after the dawn, the dialect got up and began to do some simple morning exercises, and then went down to eat early. When she came up again, Xing Yun was still sleeping.

Dialect sighed helplessly, then, taking advantage of the fact that there were not many people on the street, he went straight to the top floor of this hotel, holding a telescope in his hand, and began to observe the Lin Group Building on the opposite side.

As one of the most powerful business leaders in Yunhai City at present, Feng Shui certainly has nothing to say about the Lin Group. Not to mention, the entire ground is a scene of dragons and tigers leaping to the east, and to the west is the terrain of a hundred birds facing the phoenix. In other words, there is Yueqing Mountain and Yueqing Lake in Yunhai City to the east, and the ecological forest of Yunhai City to the west. This Feng Shui Bureau has done it perfectly.

But there is a flaw, that is, the momentum of the lake in the east is a bit wrong, and the dialect is shocked when he sees this scene!

Originally the rising sun, the Lin Group, which had a prosperous scene, had problems with the roots and seedlings!

To put it simply, the whole situation presents a state of no successor!

It is clear that Lin Moyuan is now in a state of strong rise, but why does this happen?

The dialect didn’t believe in evil again and observed it with a telescope for a while, and it was the first time this happened after a few months of going down the mountain!

This is really weird!

Immediately afterwards, the dialect inspected several locations around the hotel again, and found a similar situation. The dialect master, who was still holding the pinch in his hand, suddenly had no choice.

It seems that Feng Shui’s method of changing his fortune cannot directly affect Lin Moyuan.

After all, if you can’t find Lin Moyuan’s foundation, there is no way to change Lin Moyuan’s fortune. Then you can only start with the people next to Lin Moyuan!

The first thing that dialect thinks of is Lin Moyuan’s cousin, that is, Sophie!

If Sophie has a problem, she can also achieve the goal of warning Lin Moyuan from the side! And there is not only Sophie as a goal, but also Tang Yurou!

In fact, in dialects, Sophie is actually no different from Lin Moyuan’s concubine. After all, people like Lin Moyuan are naturally surrounded by many women. The nominal Big sis like Sophie is actually in the eyes of many people. That was Lin Moyuan’s lover, and Sophie had the ability, and was basically regarded as a good helper Lin Shengtian had brought to Lin Moyuan.

Dialects couldn’t use these methods against Lin Moyuan, and it was normal to use them on Sophie.

He glanced around in dialect, and wanted to determine the location of Sophie’s office, so she could only find a way to enter the Lin Group’s building. Only in this way could we observe Feng Shui in Sophie’s office up close and make corresponding countermeasures.

It’s not the time yet. You can only find a way to get in when the Lin Group Building opens.

Dialect glanced down at the watch in his hand, and after silently calculating the time in his heart, he turned around and returned to the hotel where he was staying.

When she returned to the hotel, Xing Yun had just gotten up.

Seeing the dialect with a telescope in her hand, Xing Yun asked subconsciously:

“What did you do? Why are you still holding a telescope?”

The dialect smiled and said in a deep voice:

“I just went to observe Feng Shui of the Lin Group. I plan to go in later and go to the building. If you want to find a way to deal with them, you need to enter the building and move on.”

Enter the building?

Xing Yun frowned and said in a deep voice:

“Enter the building? This is too dangerous. What if Lin Moyuan knows and is prepared for it?”

The dialect said confidently:

“Relax, this is impossible! Even if Lin Moyuan knows my actions, there is no way to prevent it! Even if he finds Master Feng Shui, it is impossible to crack the Feng Shui game I set!”

Seeing that the dialect is so confident, Xing Yun naturally has nothing to say, so let the dialect try it!

If found, fly back to Gangdong City immediately. The Lin Group’s energy in Gangdong City is far inferior to that of the Xing family, and they dare not act rashly!

Thinking of this, Xing Yun said in a deep voice:

“Well, just as you said, we will wait for you at the gate of the building. If you find something wrong, you will come back immediately!”

Dialect smiled and nodded, and said:

“You are waiting for me in the parking lot, I will…”

A few minutes later, the two bodyguards who came with them also walked into the room. After hearing the dialect arrangement, they nodded and expressed their understanding.

Time flickered, and it was around ten o’clock in the morning. Now the entire Lin Group building has become very lively. It is precisely for this reason that dialects are given the opportunity to sneak in.

For example, the situation of monitoring the whole floor like the Lin Group Building, in fact, there is no way to sneak in without a trace, so the dialect is dressed as a maintenance worker, so that no one will care about him and sneak in. The chance is a little bit more.

As soon as I walked into the door of the building, the dialect came to the front desk, pulled the peaked hat on my head and the brim of the hat very low, and said in a deep voice to the front desk:

“Excuse me, where is Vice Chairman Sophie’s office? I’m here to repair the air conditioner!”

Sophie is now the acting vice chairman of the entire Lin Group. The reason why she is acting is because this seat is reserved for Lin Moyuan. In fact, Lin Shengtian means that it is her own family, so she should be the deputy. Chairman, Lin Moyuan didn’t have any opinions, but Sophie disagreed, so naturally, she only took the title of acting deputy director.

Sophie’s prestige in the company is very high. Since Sophie took office, a series of policies have been introduced that are very biased towards the employees at the bottom. The benefits of employees are much more than before, so the entire company has shown a state of prosperity. .

Miss at the front desk was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

“Deputy Dong Sophie’s office is on the 27th floor. Get out of office 2718 on the left hand side of the elevator!”

He said thank you in dialect and turned and walked towards the elevator.

Of course, there are surveillance cameras in the elevator, but the dialect lowers the hat, and naturally, the camera does not shine on the face.

The employees in the elevator talked to each other and did not notice any strangeness in the dialect. After all, there are thousands of employees in the entire building, how could anyone notice an air-conditioning repairer?

The elevator door slowly opened, and the dialect finally reached the 27th floor.

Sophie chose the office location on the 27th floor because Lin Moyuan’s previous office was here.

I walked slowly to the door of the office and knocked on the door of the office lightly. After waiting for a while in dialect, I found that there was no movement in the office!

Dialect looked around, and found that in the corridor, there was a camera without blind spots, swinging back and forth.

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