Chapter Three Hundred and Five: Rejuvenation!

Seeing this scene, Xing Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously asked:

“What is this?”

The dialect smiled and said:

“This is what I extracted from the essence of some Chinese medicines. Both pills and liquid medicines can be understood as Chinese medicine.”

While talking, the dialect put half of the small balls into the liquid medicine to soak, and then gently shake them, the pill turned into a liquid, and slowly merged with the liquid medicine.

Xing Chuan saw the brown liquid in the cup and asked curiously:

“Can this cure the old man’s cold disease?”

Dialect smiled and nodded, and said:

“Don’t underestimate this liquid. The heat contained in it will neutralize the cold toxin in the old man’s body, but you must arrange as soon as possible to take the old man away and send him to other places for recuperation. I just told you that this building Feng Shui has changed. If the old man stays, it will be in danger!”

Xing Chuan frowned. Now this situation…If you want to send the old man to another place, it will definitely require a lot of manpower and material resources, but you can’t just watch the old man’s illness get more and more serious, right?

This dialect seems to be really capable, should I believe him?

Just when Xing Chuan was hesitant, the dialect had already started his own action. He gently pried the old man’s mouth open, and then poured the liquid medicine he had mixed directly into it!

Just as Xing Chuan wanted to stop it, he saw the old man’s throat roll. Obviously, the medicine had entered his stomach.

“This… Brother Fang, are you sure?”

Seeing Xing Chuan look a little nervous, the dialect smiled and said:

“Trust me just fine, wait for about ten minutes, you can see the effect!”

Xing Chuan sighed and nodded slowly.

Forget it, just trust him once!

Ten minutes later, Xing Chuan, who was sitting on the stool beside the bed, suddenly saw the old man’s hand slightly lifted. Just when Xing Chuan thought it was an illusion, the old man’s hand moved again!

It really works!

Dialect is sitting on the table in the room with his back facing Xing Chuan, eating breakfast.

“Don’t worry, first, the hands and feet are conscious, then the organs are awakened, and finally the brain is completely clear. The cold and disease have taken too long to erode the body, and the body needs a buffer time.”

Hearing this, Xing Chuan nodded repeatedly, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

After another ten minutes or so, the old man had already opened his eyes!

“Where is this? What about the small grip?”

Upon hearing the words, Xing Chuan immediately came to the old man and grabbed the old man’s hand. Although he laughed again, he was already in tears.

“I’m Xiaochuan! Grandpa! I am the owner of the family now, and my dad is in the ancestral house! I have sent someone to pick him up!”

Hearing what Xing Chuan said, the old man suddenly showed a satisfied smile!

“Okay! Okay! Little Grip, he finally understands! I can rest assured!”

Xing Chuan raised his hand and wiped his tears, and said with a smile:

“It’s okay, grandpa, you can live for a long time! By the way, this is the dialect of a genius doctor! It is you who wakes up!”

The dialect walked up slowly from behind and asked with a smile:

“How is it? Old man, do you feel warmer? Is the chest tightness?”

The old man smiled and shook his head. After such a period of time, the whole person turned out to be radiant!

“Young man, this old man owes you this time!”

Dialect smiled and waved his hand, and said:

“Father, it is necessary to treat illnesses and save people, and Patriarch Xing has given me a lot of money, so I have to show my role?”

Mr. Xing suddenly smiled, tapped a dialect with his finger, and said:

“You guy is kind of interesting!”

The news of Father Xing waking up, although the Xing family deliberately blocked it, it still spread. The whole Xing family went up and down, naturally there were many other families’ eye lines.

In Shangri-La Hotel, in the original suite, Lin Moyuan was sitting on the sofa, playing with his mobile phone.

At this moment, an unfamiliar call came in suddenly, and Lin Moyuan immediately connected it without even thinking about it.

“Hello? Lin Shao, the old man is already awake.”

Lin Moyuan raised his brows when he heard these words, and said in a deep voice:

“How did the Xing family react or did they move?”

The person on the other side of the phone speaks quickly:

“Not yet, but I heard that they are going to take the old man to the ancestral house. It seems to say that Feng Shui in the central garden is not good! In addition, this dialect is really a bit capable, and the old man wakes up in 20 minutes. !”

Lin Moyuan felt a little strange, isn’t this kid a genius doctor? Why do you still know Feng Shui?

Are you fooling people, or are you really accomplished?

However, these questions are still left behind. First of all, we must make the Xing family suspicious of the dialect!

Lin Moyuan continued:

“Okay, then just follow my instructions, you need to…”

After a while, Lin Moyuan hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone in his hand, Lin Moyuan picked up a plate of fruits, but he was secretly thinking that the dialect could be Feng Shui?

If it’s false, then forget it, but if it’s true… I’m in trouble!

Feng Shui’s knowledge can be said to be mysterious and mysterious, and there is no trace to follow. If you use Feng Shui to deal with own words, isn’t it a time to stop cooking?

Forget it, let’s take one step at a time! Let’s teach dialects first, and see how terrifying the human heart is!

On the Xing family’s side, preparations for sending the old man to the ancestral house for recuperation have already begun.

The ancestral house is on the outskirts of Gangdong City. It is the place where the first generation of Xing family lived. A small coastal village. Although it is a village, it is different now. All the houses in this village are newly built villas. Generally there are three floors, and the highest is four floors.

Xing Zhuo, the last patriarch of the Xing family, also came to the old man’s side and chatted with him for nearly half an hour until he knocked on the door in dialect and told Xing Zhuo that the old man needed a rest, and Xing Zhuo walked out.

Now the whole Xing family’s attitude towards dialects is like treating state guests. After all, Xing Zhuo cured the old man’s cold.

But at this moment, a shocking news slowly began to spread among Xing’s family.

That afternoon, a transporter who was responsible for moving goods for the Xing family, wearing a hat, whispered to the Xing family who had a good relationship on weekdays when handing over the goods:

“Brother, I heard that there is a problem with the dialect of the genius doctor!”

The Xing family in charge of the warehouse said with a smile:

“Brother, you can’t talk nonsense about this, we all treat dialects as Buddha’s confession here! You are easy to be beaten when you say this!”

The driver of the cargo lifted his hat and said in a deep voice:

“Brother, don’t get me wrong. This dialect has done such things before. It is said that a terminally ill person will be cured immediately after taking his medicine, but ah…”

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